Here are the first two strips in the second week of the “Harvey” series that ran in 1997; I’m going to try to finish it all up on Friday. Did you see the eclipse this morning? Me, either. I’m running behind today, so I’ll leave you with it, but I do hope to have concrete news about the t-shirt project by the end of the week.

Hardly Harvey, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
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76 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”
Oh, dear, Jackie, now I am feeling guilty for not taking off work and coming up to help you. I asked The Boss Of My Life if she would have let me go. She just pinned me with those ice-blue eyes of hers and asked me, “Do I pay you salary or hourly?” “Salary”. “Doesn’t your contract say you won’t take vacations except when I do?” “Well…yeah.” “So the answer is…?” “No?” “You are correct, short person. Go have another drink.” And she went back to The Critique of Pure Reason.
Ghost, that picture shows a remarkable exception to a general rule about costumes like that: in general, the women who wear that kind of costume never have the figure to pull it off.
Lilyblack, you never know, you might enjoy attending a fan-run convention. LosCon has, among other things, an art show, a dealer’s room, an Ice Cream Social, a formal Masquerade and so many parties in the evenings that there’s a specific floor set aside for them so that they won’t bother people who just want to sleep. There’s also a member of the Con’s Committee who goes around on the first two days video-taping members in costume and putting it together as a Virtual Masquerade that’s shown while the judges are doing their work at the regular Masquerade. Not only that, there’s a regular Program, with panels, speeches discussion groups and so-on. Unlike professionally-run conventions (e.g., CreationCon or ComicCon) it’s not a matter of buying a ticket to get in, then pay extra for each event. You buy a membership, with all of the above goodies included.
Yes, I understand that you probably don’t want to spend Thanksgiving Weekend in Los Angeles, but there are similar conventions, some larger, some smaller, all over the country and there’s probably at least one going on not too far from where you live on any given weekend.
Oh dear, I hope Jackie solves most of her problems. She is so resourceful, she will find a way! Lily, I bet you would have gone, and helped a lot. Never mind — you will help someone else when you can.
When I went in the bedroom tonight to turn on the electric blanket (!) there was a huge dust bunny that I swear wasn’t there earlier. Something from A & J? When I was a child, my family called them dust kittens, which I think is cuter; but I had to switch eventually to join the rest of the English-speaking world.
“cars killing people, trucks killing people….”
Duel. (The movie)
I never understood why that semi with trailer was chasing McCloud? And why it never ran out of fuel. Was it a ghost of a truck? And was it truly destroyed after it went over the cliff or is it still prowling those lonesome roads?
Trucker Ron, I bet you travelled some of those roads- ever see a ghost rig following you intently?
Jackie is up at 6:55 and threw on holey OU tee and sweat pants and got a cold breakfast selection out. These guys are boaters and this is like a big marina/camp ground already. They are resourceful and helpful and sweet.
My ice/trash/water volunteer is having heart surgery and I am praying for him, thinking of his constantly. He is a love and I pray he recovers. Every year he loads all the trash bags on a big flat bottom boat and the garbage scow goes to the refuse dump!
I got my insulin shots but no food yet, so need to go. I know I’d enjoy sideburns convention.
Love, Jackie
This may have been brought up before, but I haven’t taken time to read the comments like a used to (not since I retired), but it seems that JJ’s artwork has really improved over the past few years. Giving us more detail, and different views, such as the third panel in today’s cartoon, looking from the outside through the window. Also wondering how many of the younger readers know who Rex Morgan is.
Good morning, Villagers, gorgeous morning, here. Got a nine mile run in because no surgery today. Sideburns, you guys have fun. Charlotte, I try to help around here, with my church and hospital and the nursing home. As Thoreau said, “I have traveled much around Concord.” 😀
OF due 1114-1134. Peace, emb
‘Also wondering how many of the younger readers know who Rex Morgan is.’ How about us not-so-younger readers?
I googled him. He was one of those “Realist soap opera comics” like Apt. 3G and Judge Parker
OK, I’ve seen it in the Strib, just never paid attn. Don’t do most soaps; LuAnn is as close as I get. Time to go edit the church’s Sunday bulletin. May be back in time to catch OF blowing. Peace, emb
I can’t say that I ever saw a “ghost rig” but one night I did see a bob-tailing cab ahead of me break into a dozen pieces and fly up into the sky. I took the next exit and got some much-needed sleep before I continued!
As for Rex Morgan M.D.—I’ve been reading that strip since I was a teenager… many, many moons ago.
Here’s something different:
emb, if you wait til 1114-1134 you missed it. All I saw was steam and the ever present UFO.
Bob Jordan has been a fixture on WGN news in the Chicago area for years. His daughter Karen does the news on the Chicago ABC outlet. Runs in the family.
Quote of the Day: “There is nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse”
lilyblack, was that louis l’amour?
Now it says 1128-1148 CDT.
GAAH ! the 24/7 all news FM station in Houston just became all day Beyoncé. . .. Fifteen comments up about fan run conventions ice cream socials, makes me think of every state Republican convention; Atty General and next governor Greg Abbot always has the ice cream social somewhere in the main hotel. He’s in a wheelchair, so a big space is opened up and people stand in a long line to get a picture, shake hands, whatever, it’s like it’s a sort of a Santa Claus thing
Mark, I don’t know who said it originally. I found it on a FB page but it’s all over the Net
Lily, “Outside of a dog a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it is very dark.” Mark Twain
For the best costuming (which is called “cosplay” in Con-Speak) try Dragon*Con, which happens every Labor Day weekend in Atlanta. Not quite as many people as the San Diego Comic Con-50,000 to 70,000 as opposed to 200,000 or more-and better costumes. Plus, SDCC is a media driven con while D*C is a fan driven one.
Not a bad blow, but frustrating. Wind is blowing from the NNW to the ESE*, so steam partly obscures the jets. Several people ran W on the boardwalk to get a better view. Light lunch, then nap, before heading to a country church for the first lutefisk supper of the season.
*Assume webcam, when viewing OF, is pointing roughly N. That UFO is probably a 1-2mm speck on the front lens or protective glass or whatever. Peace, emb
Haven’t had time look up the horse quote but sounds like Teddy Roosevelt.
Maybe Will Rogers?
Love, Jackie
John, one year the LosCon Chairman made an executive decision at a committee meeting: No Green Tea Ice Cream this year. This decision was rapidly reversed when the entire committee threatened to resign right then if he didn’t change his mind.