I seem to have miscounted. There’s a little more “Harvey” left than I realized. Rather than dump it all on you today, I’ll finish this up with a Saturday post; then we can get on to something else Monday. Or Tuesday. Thanks for all the guidance on the tee-shirt project so far. Depending on costs, which I’ve yet to learn, there will be three designs: the car logo (yes!), a new piece depicting Arlo and Janis in repose, and a cat design. I know the cat people here, as everywhere, are a minority, but Scott the tee-shirt artist and I both think the “Ludwig” shirt might be a sleeper.

Hardly Harvey, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
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91 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”
Without Columbus how would retailers ever been able to sell sheets? Also, did not know that the Marconi wireless was in use 400 years before its invention. Sunday can be an amazing day for education.
TR….get her out of those classes ASAP….glad you came across this idiot’s FB.
Good afternoon, all. Yay, my talk is over, and it meshed perfectly with the dear Vicar’s sermon on Philippians 4:7. So that is it for the month. TR, I have never understood how those “9-11 Truthers” imagine that the airplanes crashed into the buildings at the same time as the imaginary explosives went off. And how after five years plus of democrat party leadership they didn’t find out about it. Do they think the dems would have missed the chance to announce it with great glee?
Dumb, even dumber than the JFK weirdos.
Trucker, as my 40 year old “baby” says, “They swallowed the Kookaid.” Ooops, I meant to type Koolaid. Subconscious fingers?
Still can’t get it right! I am exhausted!
Lily, I keep telling you, my grandmother over in North Louisiana died believing Jesus spoke English (olde), kept non-daylight saving time and that the moon landing was faked! In Hollywood?
She wouldn’t move her clocks time hands.
..and let’s not forget area 51.
some interesting stats…
Jackie…why didn’t she move the clock hands?
…and Jackie,You get some rest young lady…you put on a good festival, now it’s time to kick back…delegate!
Lily…how did you do in your marathon….10 miles…impressive. I have to drive 8 miles to work.
Took gauze wrapping off..those strips are still in place, am using a mixed solution of antibacterial soap to keep my right hand washed…need to put on more gauze before tomorrow’s work day. Just called the teens at the hen house…they are still packing…too many egg blocks. When you have at least 200 cases per day, there is no relief in sight.
Oh, and I will be dropping off some more double yolkers at Dr. Jen’s office. They love those eggs. Said the yolk is the deepest color of yellow they’ve seen….the grocery store pales in comparison. Nothing like a three or four minute egg dropped in boiling water…poached eggs and toast with lost of butter….what cholesterol 🙂 ??
Debbe, marathon is not till next month. But I did one eleven months ago, clocked in 3 miles, 18 min 11 sec and got second in my age range.
Good advice, Debbe, and I hope Jackie takes it, but I think the festival has another day to run. Then there’s the cleanup, I suppose. She’ll never sit down and relax, it’s not her style! You are such a clever person, Debbe, to see the connection of Woodstock — Boatstock. That went right over my head, even as I kind of wondered what she meant.
OF due 1420-1440 CDT. emb
Favorite quote about Woodstock: From Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Spike: “I was actually at Woodstock. That was a weird gig. I fed off a flower person, and I spent the next six hours watchin’ my hand move.”
‘. . . believing Jesus spoke English (olde) . . ..’
Someplace I ran into, “If the King James Bible was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!”
Lily…in MPH, how fast were you running? Never been to a marathon, caught news coverage on the big ones in NY and, unfortunately, the last Boston Marathon. Sorry, I’m old school. I, at one time tried to do some research on how many calories I had to consume to put on weight. Had to have a calculator, got the amount of calories (i have it wrote down on paper somewhere around this computer room. If I remember, it’s something like around 3500 I need to consum.
…heh, irf it’s on the internet…it gotta be true 🙂
GR ; pray all is well…no problems with your mother…you’re just ‘preoccupied’??
Miss Charlotte…thank you. Sometimes I scare myself 🙂
Weird the amount of secondary, misplaced faith is put on the KJV. It is a literary and historical document. Sometimes when I have read a passage in the RSV or the NIV, I look it up in the beautiful leather-clad KJV Bible in our library and am startled by how apt and lovely that translation was. But in others, it is very archaic and hard to understand. Reminds me of a guy in the hospital I used to work at who insisted that “I fondly ask” in Milton’s “On His Blindness” meant “I nicely ask.” I won’t get into “Suffer the little children…”
Jimmy sure did stir up a hornets nest today. The only thing I don’t understand why there weren’t more people riled up over the Columbus, OH comment. There is also a theory that not only did Lief Erickson make it first, but that the Chinese and/or the Japanese made it to the Left coast first. No one dropped that in the pot to stir it up some more. Why do some people takes cartoons so seriously? Wanna take it serious? Go look at the replica Santa Maria, then salute Columbus and his crew(s) for the courage to make an unknown voyage of discovery in such small, leaky, ungainly tubs.