A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Hardly Harvey, cont.

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I seem to have miscounted. There’s a little more “Harvey” left than I realized. Rather than dump it all on you today, I’ll finish this up with a Saturday post; then we can get on to something else Monday. Or Tuesday. Thanks for all the guidance on the tee-shirt project so far. Depending on costs, which I’ve yet to learn, there will be three designs: the car logo (yes!), a new piece depicting Arlo and Janis in repose, and a cat design. I know the cat people here, as everywhere, are a minority, but Scott the tee-shirt artist and I both think the “Ludwig” shirt might be a sleeper.

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91 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”

  1. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    Thanks Jimmy. I guess that I will have to buy all three! Glad to see you do this. It is not just the commercial aspect (although that is nice for you) but a chance for all of us to declare our love of Arlo and Janis. I am sure that it will make a nice conversation starter.

  2. Ellen Avatar

    Yes, please have a Ludwig shirt! I’ll probably want one of all three in fact. But please include Ludwig!

  3. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I will buy all three too of course. Love, Jackie

  4. skudvr Avatar

    Gee……a shirt depicting a cat that’s a “Sleeper” isn’t that redundant Jimmy??

  5. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Threefer Friday. Yes we are in for all. Large for me, likely medium for Loon.

  6. Sylvia in MS Avatar
    Sylvia in MS

    Can’t wait!

  7. Tom in Georgia Avatar
    Tom in Georgia

    I won’t promise to buy all three, but I can hardly wait!

  8. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    OF due 0936-0956, fog is lifting. G’morning. emb


  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “I know the cat people here, as everywhere, are a minority…”

    A little stealth humor, there?

  10. Lilyblack Avatar

    Good morning, Villagers! Great run this morning, I am feeling really good about my marathon coming up next month.
    Debbe, sweetie, when you passed eight hours without stitches you passed the Red Line. No reputable surgeon would suture a cut on the hand this late. Faces up to 24 hours but not hands!
    “…short, tight and with sleeves that are barely there?” sounds ideal to me, but I wear tank tops a lot.

  11. Lilyblack Avatar

    Quote of the Day: “The true believer … is a human soul who stand[s], like a mountaineer on the summit gazing out over a limitless horizon. The true believer is a poet and a pioneer and a pilgrim. The believer stands on the brink of unknown worlds and his human heart opens to eternity while his feet remain firmly on the ground. His life is an open ended experiment, a launch into the unknown, he is a water walker, a miracle monger, a chevalier of the spirit and a valiant warrior in the cosmic battle. He is a romantic on a quest and a lover in search for his heart’s true love.” -Fr. Dwight Longenecker

  12. Bob in Orland Park Avatar
    Bob in Orland Park

    I’m in for at least one of all three.

  13. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Three shirts? Yes, please! Large on all of them. Or maybe I should get the Ludwig one in an extra large, so that it will, indeed, be a “sleeper shirt”. 🙂

  14. Ursen Avatar

    How do I convince my lady love that I need not just one, but 3 new tshirts? Jimmy you just conscuplated my life. Maybe I can justify 2, but I really want 3.

  15. Otto66 Avatar

    The t-shirts sound like a good idea. Be interesting to see the other 2 designs. Could we get a sneak?

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Or you could add another with a sailboat and I will promote it to my boating groups which number about 10,000!

  17. Den in MN Avatar
    Den in MN

    ‘in repose’ indeed! That has some potential 😉

  18. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Having lunch in front of my laptop, I noticed ‘they’ have cleaned the speck off YNP’s webcam’s window. It may not be easy to get at. Prediction above has not changed.


  19. Lilyblack Avatar

    Word of the day: “pudency”

  20. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Den: I think JJ w/b discrete.

  21. Bryan Avatar

    A sleeping Ludwig shirt, I can see that.

  22. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Wrong! They must have two webcams. Messing w/ my mind. OF may start any time now.

