The “Harvey” send-up has run here on the Web at least once, more I think. It was among the cartoons I had selected to include in Beaucoup Arlo & Janis, but as production progressed and push came to shove, the two-week series was shoved aside because of space considerations. Maybe Volume II, but this is the only place you’ll see it at present!

Hardly Harvey, cont.
By Jimmy Johnson
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59 responses to “Hardly Harvey, cont.”
EMB, That is a good idea about the uniforms and I will pursue it.
Steve, that is great news.
Jackie, one of my fellow-choirmen has a red XKE. I kidded him about repairs and he said that since Ford took over Jaguar in the 1980s, they had changed the engine to a less complex design and it runs fine and often. He also has a Vanden Plas, which he says is a good car also
Steve, that is great news about you and your sister in law. I still say if they can use any of my body parts, they are welcome to if another can be helped by them. They sure won’t be any good to me and I’d like to think I lived on to help someone else.
I am being run out of office by garlic fumes. Apparently Mike is in kitchen warding off vampires and I am getting sick in office!
Love, Jackie
Good on your sister-in-law, Steve.
So far, I’ve liked most of the music used on The Blacklist to set certain scenes. On the episode I watched last night, during the black lingerie scene (did I mention the black lingerie scene? 🙂 ), it was “No Sugar in My Coffee” by the band “Caught A Ghost”. What could be more perfect than that?
Well, Jackie, if vampires have been eliminated, I guess all you have to worry about now are werewolves and zombies.
It took longer than expected but the kidney is in and the prognosis is good. 3-5 years of Liver/Kidney failure took it’s toll on the delicate vessels to the Kidney, but now that it is in, it seems to be functioning properly. I have carried a healthy amount of caution, but to get to this point is frankly beyond what I had dreamed.
I would definitely recommend signing a donor card. Even an old beat up body can be used…Not that this description applies to anyone here!
Storms seem to have missed us. The Tulsa radar is down, I hope they weren’t hit?
Love, Jackie
gr6, and blossom-end rot.
Jackie, all the heavy weather appears to be well to the east of Eufaula now.
Didn’t Janis say blossom-end rot was caused by angry squash gods? As much garlic as Mike seems to using, it may keep them away, too.
Mark in TT: ‘The EFF contacted ComputerCOP by e-mail about these issues. Their head of operations, Stephen DelGiorno, responded, “ComputerCOP software doesn’t give sexual predator or identity thieves more access to children’s computers, as our .key logger works with the existing email and Internet access services that computer user has already engaged,” which is a completely useless non-answer that has nothing to do with the problems at hand.’ [From the URL you sent.]
This is the same technique many outfits, both govt. and private, incl. both state and private higher ed., use when they want to pretend to deal with a controversial issue. It is also the same ‘change the subject’ technique that science-deniers, both religious and secular, use to ignore the facts. Many of non-churched scientists and other academics think that church consists only of such science-denying, which is close to true of some religious persuasions. I’m not much worried / the salvation of those profs, but am concerned / the degree to which the deniers really diminish Elohim. [JJ’s speelcheck doesn’t recognize Elohim, first name for God in Genesis 1.] Fun. Peace, emb
Wow, we had a really fine, crashing rainstorm. Must have gotten over an inch. emb. I have noted tha scientific types that scoff really don’t know much about Christianity. I have been cornered by those types, I guess because I wear a crucifix, and had to listen to the most appalling things. Of course, there are the fundamentalists with literal interpretations, and they are even more ignorant. One of them asked me what the fossilized ammonite on my desk was. I told tehm, the fossil of an extinct crustacean. “Can I pick it up?” “Sure” “And you think this…thing was once alive? Couldn’t it be just a funny-shaped rock?” *I point out the shell* “Well, then, how old do you reckon it is?” “About 70 million years, give or take” *Gimlet eye* “But the Earth is only five thousand years old (or whatever). It says so in the Bible. I thought you were a Christian.” “I am a Christian, I have studied Genesis, and it doesn’t say that. Anyway, that is a poem, not a natural history text.” “Hmp, Whiskey pagans!” 😀
I forgot to say that our hot breakfast parts are being done by a restaurant called “Smells Like Bacon.” Her gas station next door is “I Smell Gas” I think. When I got there the JC Potter truck was in the parking lot.
This is a very small and popular restaurant. You share tables often with anyone who will let you sit with them or you wait.
I definitely thought of Lily and eyed the tie died tee shirts that say “Smells Like Bacon” to see if they had one small enough for her. Maybe a child’s?
Owner said with two bass tourneys in town, plus my boating group and a duck hunting group it would be busy that weekend!
She learned to cook from the previous (now deceased) owner, a military cook/career who had no one to take over restaurant at his death, so I understand he gave her the restaurant? She works incredibly hard, as do all her waitresses.
You should see her Breakfast Special which in the 20 years I have been here has gone up to either $4.95 or 5.95, I forget which. It is two LARGE fresh baked biscuits, gravy, two eggs any way, a big side of hash browns or grits, usually about 4-6 bacon or sausages. It started at $3.95 when I moved here.
All cooled at a big flat iron grill that runs length of back of restaurant. Which is visible from anywhere so they run a clean ship! It isn’t a true diner, but diner style. She does not want anyone inviting Guy Fiero and Triple D, Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, but he’d love it probably.
I will not say how kind she was to do this for us and how reasonable too. And the fried chicken for 200 went to another local business who runs a Christian mission and is minister himself. And the VFW ladies are cooking a country dinner for us another night with desserts even.
Anyone who’d like to come is truly invited! I am pretty certain I could get someone to come ferry Lily up here!
Love, Jackie Monies
I accidentally posted this at the end of yesterday, so I think I’ll repost it here. The comment about same thing happening to me refers to getting an AP news map but not a Corvette.
NK in AZ on 02 Oct 2014 at 7:10 pm #
Yup. Same happened to me, cxp. I seldom to never take time for the musical links but often look at the others. BTW, we loved Pickles today, and I thought you should be sure to see it, cxp. Also BTW, I am married to a CXP.
How about an antediluvian curmudgeon trophlidite? OK, JJ’s spellcheck doesn’t do that one and I got the first two spelled right by myself!
Love, Jackie
Jackie, I have worn children’s sizes before, in high school especially. Boys’ not girl’s clothes. Much bettr made jeans and tees
Sorry: Many non-churched scientists, delete the ‘of’.
Lily: You seem to handle them pretty well.
Jackie: Did you mean ‘antediluvian curmudgeon trilobite’?
That will do too! I used to call a lot of people that and now I am one!
Funny thing, besides defining curmudgeon you’d have to define the other two as well.
Love, Jackie
Lily: ‘. . . an extinct crustacean.’ Trilobites are much earlier crustaceans. Ammonites are extinct mollusks, cephalopods in particular. Went extinct with the dinosaurs. Some ‘science types’ [your term; I never say ‘religious types’] think their kinds of eggs differed from those of the extant octopuses, squids, and nautiloids, and that that made the difference. Beats me; that was one of the Big Five extinctions in the fossil record. All, of course, happened within the last 10,000 years or less. Sad.
You are fortunate, Lily, that Christian fundamentalists seldom decapitate anyone for disagreeing with them.
um, emb, grant you the “mollusc,”instead of “crustacean”, that was a blooper, but didn’t the ammonites die away after the K-Pg extinction 65 million years ago?
Heh, my Autocorrect tried to change “ammonite” to “Samsonite.”
Lily: According to Wiki, they ‘died out during the Cretaceous/Paleogene extinction event,’ = 65MYA, give or take.
So true, GR, and through the ages there have been quite a few well educated and scholarly “fundamentalists” (with advanced degrees, no less) who should not be classified as ignorant. And, they are not yet extinct. 😉
For some reason, The word “troglodyte” is bouncing around in my head.
Ghost, Christian fundamentalists surround me. Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, Southern Baptists and Presbyterians here in town but small congregations. I noticed the old funeral home was now a Church of the Latter Day Saints across from the bank last week, which is good. But Oklahomans predominately are strong supporters of more extreme religions.
I told the story of me comparing notes with my florist friend about our upbringing. Mine was pretty strict, along with pretty rebellious. I keep referring everyone to “Shag” and “Footloose” as good reference movies, most of which could have been taken from my life of course.
Anyway, I said my grandmother stopped at foot washing and snake handling, she did not feel those were proper. My friend said, “Well we do both at my church where I am pastor.”
We remained friends of course. Ghost or someone find Jerry Clower or one of the youtubes snake handling. Lordy, I googled that and got a ton of REAL snake handling youtube recording and they were serious, not funny!!!
That does it, I am going to bed and will have snake nightmares.
Love, Jackie
Trucker, that is the word I was trying to spell!
As Pogo said, I is one!
Love, Jackie
We treated a snake handler who handled a rattler in a bad mood. He nearly lost his hand. Wow that was an interesting surgery with The Boss Of My Life and the hand surgeon! They took that guy’s hand apart and put it back together again like a watch! :O