OK, so it’s not Saturday, as promised. It’s Sunday, but here’s the end of Harvey, as promised.

Hardly Harvey, fini
By Jimmy Johnson
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69 responses to “Hardly Harvey, fini”
Jackie, you knew I’d have to look, didn’t you? Oh my. Imaginations over on TDS are not just overactive today, they are hyperactive. By the way, does anyone care how many times I’ve moved in my life? No? I didn’t think so.
That something in the mail is the crux of the plot at this point is a fair assumption, seeing as how three panels of today’s cartoon are devoted to it. But it could be almost anything (and not likely anything mentioned over there), so why not just enjoy the ride and wait a day or two?
Prince Phillip: Enviro-terrorist? Oh, wait. He asked what would be the animal’s “feelings” toward humans. OK, I get it.
His Royal Highness is guilty of anthropomorphism, a style of thought limited to us anthros.
One good thing about TDS, nobody has brought up sex, I guess since Janis isn’t “onscreen.” I have no idea why that seems to set those turkies’ hormones a-bubble. She sure doesn’t look like one to me.
ghost, is this it?
here it is on google maps,+Decatur,+GA+30032/@33.7572139,-84.2655842,49m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x88f5a9fe5d405be1:0x954d020772bbb243
Mine’s not nearly that elaborate, Mark. 🙂
NO! Ghost, are you absolutely sure I did not ever date you despite the very obvious age difference? Walmart Mausoleum and Crowleys! Are you related to Matthew Crowley and heir to the Downton Abbey baronet title too?
This is too incredibly good. That beats Rick Bragg’s family plot in the shade/sunlight of the Dollar General sign by a country mile.
I am still smiling with delight and laughing. Not for your family heritage but this beats your “Black Swan” ballerina’s debut, living in Walmart sporting goods and giving birth to the Walmart baby, Americus, by a long, long way.
And that somehow pulls this back to the Columbus Day plot too.
Love, Jackie
Oooo! Scary clouds in California!
Yeah, I know they’ve had them in Sacramento for years. These are in Bakersfield.
Just looked at radar and it is scary from New Orleans to the Great Lakes. I believe the entire Village is in danger tonight and tomorrow. Please have a plan.
I have driven through Ashdown, AR hundreds of times. They got hit by storms from us that had “moved safely into Arkansas” to quote one of our infamous weather commentators. A Marine who survived two tours in Iraq lost his life there today.
Monroe, LA got hit, just down the road from my mama’s old house. One can hope. It has to be torn down eventually.
We have a plan for disaster. It involves going out into the old cellar (which was the “root cellar” the previous house on this land). The Man In My Life has had it roofed over and the walls reinforced but it is turfed over so it is not immediately recognizable from the air. We have at least six weeks worth of water in the cistern (which is nasty but potable), dried and canned food for longer than that, plus many many weapons and lots of ammo. There are also some features I am sworn to secrecy on. It wouldn’t be fun and I doubt we would last long, but we would take a few with us when we go.
Lily, that will be OK maybe in the Zombie Apocalypse but I was thinking more of tornadoes during the night! Or day either. I am claustrophobic, so I have a tiny closet sized above ground storm shelter as part of the boat house/shop which mama’s dog Blue uses in meantime. With the dog cages stacked it will hold dogs, us and the cats, but you have to be quick to get them all loaded in before tornado touches down and by then the lightening is usually so bad you hate to get out in it with the hail pounding you.
Bicycle helmets and mattress in bathtub or inside closets helps.
Love, Jackie
Heh, if there was a tornado, I expect the dogs would be falling all over themselves to follow us. We have a twice a year drill where we evacuate and bring with us the the thing we love most and the dogs are right there with us. Can’t speak about cats since there are none in residence nor likely to be in the foreseeable future. We have a generator and gasoline (stored in my stored Toyota!) in the detached garage. We have bunk beds, and a few comfortable chairs scavenged from The Boss Of My Life’s previous redecorations. There is a small library, board games and cards. I don’t expect to shoot any zombies but I suspect some looters might get a surprise or two.
Most of my light-duty “prepping” revolves around preparing for the aftermath of a hurricane or tornado, although the same preparation is applicable to a number of other situations as well. If I can’t shelter in place at home for a few days, I have a safe refuge (as long as I can reach it), and I’m prepared to hike a considerable distance to get to it if I have to, while carrying what I need to stay fed, watered, sheltered and safe. (With any warning at all, my Mom will already be there.)
I don’t worry too much about a zombie outbreak, as I figure the deer hunters and other assorted gun-totin’ good ol’ boys and girls around here will come out in force to take care of the wandering undead, toot sweet. I even saw one of them (a GOB, not a zombie) wearing a tee shirt emblazoned with “The Hardest Part About the Zombie Apocalypse is Going to Be Pretending I’m Not Excited About It”.
My daughter/SIL have a full basement below the historic house, used to be for storage and servants, work force for the home. Anyway, they use it in tornadoes . They have a heck of a time dragging the two Boston Terrors and Chien Chien down there, they are highly suspicious of intent!
By the way, my oldest daughter had years and years of French, was a language exchange student all summer in France one year.
She asked her sister about Chien Chien I (we are on II now) why she named her dog “Cabbage Cabbage”?
When I was a teen we used to have a couple areas we said we’d go to shelter, deep in swamps. Fifty years later one has become a highly developed and expensive home subdivision of estates and the other drained, logged and part an expensive hunting club!
When the tsunami hit Japan and the nuclear power plant imploded, my friend flew in on last plane, walked in to find his wife and family, then walked and searched for her missing family 60 miles away. He was safe here but that is not what courageous people do.
Family was gone, never found, but he tried.
Love, Jackie
AKA Dreamland, I believe. Anyway it’s the place that they fly the unmarked airliners to that are full of people that don’t work there.
Forgot to say those Spyderco knives were probably the hottest sought prizes in our cancer fund raffles. They went to highly deserving owners, one a female boat builder and sailor now living in Key West. The other went to a good friend who just retired from the profession of attorney management after a long career. He is now going to expand his enjoyment of life and important things.
Both had flown in, so we were laughing about getting them home to South Carolina and Florida as neither had checked any luggage!
Those were really nice knives, the Salt line, one straight blade, one saw rescue.
Love, Jackie
jackie, i was on oahu at the naval base at wahiawa from 1974-1976. liked sea life park and favorite beach was waimea bay.
on the cemetery thing. when i lived in tennessee it seemed like there were little graveyards everywhere. there was one next to the mcdonalds (appropriate), one in our subdivision and one next to nearly every back road we ever drove.
Pairs well with rabbit, nice punch line.