OK, so it’s not Saturday, as promised. It’s Sunday, but here’s the end of Harvey, as promised.

Hardly Harvey, fini
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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69 responses to “Hardly Harvey, fini”
Good morning, all. Another great rainstorm last night, Neesh and I ran through puddles this morning and I had to hose her off and put her in her cage in the sunroom before I got in my own shower. The mirror is talking again, it is saying, “Look at that girl,she needs a haircut. So I will make an appointment. I got a letter Friday urging me to wear a tee on my marathon promoting a charity I don’t particularly approve of an, of course, I would have to buy the thing. At $19.95. And no XS. No thanks, Save the Whalers.
Sorry, that was a typo: $39.95
Lily? You don’t support efforts to save the cute, cuddly whales? I’m shocked! Shocked, I say!
Disclaimer: I have never harpooned a whale, nor do I have any plans to ever do so. Although, if ever attacked by one, I reserve the right to stand my ground and to defend myself with lethal force, if necessary. (And assuming I happen to have handy a rifle chambered for the .600 Overkill cartridge.)
Oh, wait…did you mean the “Save the Whales” movement or the “Save the Whalers” movement?
Rick Bragg, the Alabama author and Pulitzer winner wrote the funniest column about Dollar General building a store right next to the cemetery his family has their plots in. Then they put up a big yellow sign that is visible from outer space and shines all night directly on top of their plots. His wife said she didn’t think she could stand to spend eternity in the light of that sign. He told her he doubted that would be an issue of it shining in her eyes.
God bless Alabama and Dollar General (although technically I think we owe Mississippi for Dollar Gen)
Love, Jackie Monies
Ghost: I am not a big environmentalist. I have found people who claim to be all for the environment are all for making you stop doing something you enjoy. Like the climate change hoaxers.
Actually, if ever attacked by a whale, I’d be like this guy.
Off current topic – last night I washed up all my laundry, and drug it all to the laundromat around the corner to dry it. As I started to fold dry clothes, I watched traffic through the window. I barely even registered the flashing lights from down the street, reflected in the slightly open window. People are forever speeding through the traffic light down there, and if I even thought about it, that’s what I assumed had happened. A few minutes later, an ambulance drove by, lights on, but riding quiet, and slowing down. A friend of mine lives just a couple houses down from the laundromat. I stepped out to the curb and counted houses. Sure enough, even in the dark, I knew the EMTs were at the house. After all emergency vehicles left, I called to see what happened. My friend started to tell me about her husband, then stopped short and asked how I knew something happened. And I almost didn’t go last night…
P.S. Her husband is okay. Nasty, nasty cold.
Lily, my problem is with the extremists whose message seems to come down to “The Earth would be a beautiful, wonderful place if we could just figure out how to get rid of all the danged humans who live here.”
Jackie, our family burial plot is at the top of a high embankment, overlooking a formally wooded lot which is now occupied by a WalMart. As I tell people, if they ever enlarge the store, I may one day be interred in Sporting Goods.
Ghost, you have my permission to shoot any whalers you might encounter if they are still actively whaling. I have actually only known one whale personally and it was at Sea Life Park in Hawaii, a false killer whale who did tricks for the tourists and Mike managed the restaurant, so I spent a lot of time with the marine mammals watching them.
I did buy a fabulous whale statue as a souvenir from last months’ trip to Delaware, but bought it in antique shop far from any ocean. Great patina, mama and baby, beautiful lost wax casting.
GR6, Walmart might make an exception for you; interment in the lingerie department. Sort of a burial with all the frills. 😉
I’m very, very happy, Mindy, to see you back again. I do hope you’ve been healthy, or at least, more so than I’ve been. Please stay, and let us know at least a little bit of what you’ve been doing.
CDC head last week, on Ebola in America: “We will stop it in its tracks.”
Thank goodness! It’s not going to be able to spread!
Oh, wait…
Prayers for Nina Pham, the 26-year-old nurse in Dallas who contracted Ebola from Patient Zero.
They just can’t seem to get that “communicate accurate and useful information” vs. “let’s don’t cause a panic” thing right, can they?
GR6, history has shown governments don’t deal well with things not in predefined boxes. I know several who have cancelled trips. And there has been surprise that Bush International is not on the screening list given amount of oil travelers passing through its gates.
Hi Mindy!
Happy Leif Erickson Was Robbed Day to everyone in the Village!
Ghost, glad your Mom is doing well, and hope she continues to do so.
I’ve never asked what the Leia cosplayers wear (or not) under those skirts. Not much, I would imagine.
Couldn’t be much, Jean dear. 😉
sand, from now on, instead of saying, “I screwed up badly”, I’ll just say, “There was a protocol failure”.
Getting dark here. I think some bad ju-ju weather is headed this way.
We used to have a saying in my flower shop, “We could REALLY get some work done if these blamed customers would just leave us alone”.
Our mission statement was “We deliver happiness and love.” Even funerals, we knew we were delivering comfort and love.
Our employee directive was “Never deliver anything you would not give to your own mother” and “If you cannot give full value paid, put the money in the gift envelope, along with the card.”
A lot of businesses forget this I think. It is the basic tenet by which I have tried to live my life, giving full value and a little extra in whatever I choose or am given to do.
Love, Jackie Monies
Ghost, you are under tornado watch if not warnings.
At our office, it’s more like, “We love our patients, now can we please get a bunch that are orphans?” Families are a part of medicine that I don’t know anybody enjoys
Regarding environmental extremists:
Prince Philip, in his Foreward to If I Were an Animal; United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986.
I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist…. I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.
…just doesn’t look good
let’s try this again…
This is what has been hitting us and hit again early this morning.
If they are talking tornadoes for your area, be prepared with a plan. We are back under a flood watch and possible rain of up to 4 ” here again tonight, with severe storms.
Are any of us Villagers (I know Ghost is) participating in the commentary over on TDS?
We seem to just discuss life, not speculate on A and J. I just wait for the denouement and figure Jimmy knows the ending and the middle too.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, I glanced at The Dark Side just after today’s cartoon was posted early this morning, saw one comment, and moved on without participating. And, seeing how things would probably go, haven’t been back. On “the bright side”, if Jimmy ever gets stuck in a plot line, I know where he can find some people who’d happily bail him out.
With C. Columbus being such an evil dude and all, one can’t help wondering why the Party of Enlightenment didn’t revoke the Columbus Day federal holiday the last time they controlled the White House and both houses of Congress.
Uh, what’s that someone said? Government employee unions? Never mind.