I’ve been doing the Web site in this format and appearance since January, 2008. That will be nine years next month. My first WordPress post was to plug an original Arlo & Janis cartoon being sold on eBay by “Ken in Framingham,” a friend and reader then and now. Ken is in the retail comics business in Worcester, Massachusetts, and—as I noted way back in 2008—he likes the “saucy” ones. That would include the above, I assume. Of course, before this version of the Web site appeared, there were others. I’ve been throwing up something on the Web since 2004. OK, perhaps a poor choice of words, but the point is we’ve been here on a regular basis, many of us, for over 12 years. And that’s just more-or-less steady posting. I’ve been dabbling on the Web for more than 20 years. Is that not incredible? I am grateful for all of you who’ve been with me online, today and over time. I really can’t believe how quickly it is passing. Whatever changes come in the new year, I hope we’ll all be here come 2027. I plan to be!

Holly Go Lightly
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
56 responses to “Holly Go Lightly”
One of my favorite characters and books. And I once had a holly Christmas tree but I was too small to have said leave it to grow, someone else cut it and brought it to house as a gift to me.
I like the spicy or saucy ones too, Jimmy. Thank you for being here.
How fun flies when you’re having time. 😉
Hmmm, the unknown future. A year ago I never would have thought at 58 that over six months in the alternative certification program, I’d get certified to teach social studies (US, Texas or world history, government, economics, geography, etc) for High school or anything general for middle or junior high and they tell me I can teach business courses because I have a business degree. Now all I have to do is get hired. The unknowns that life springs on you, I wasn’t planning on getting widowed two years ago and now I’m sweating the possibility of having competing lady friends on New Year’s Eve
See John, I told you things would get better. I remember when you couldn’t find the potato peeler in the kitchen.
I think that I have been following Jimmy since at least 2005 and maybe even before. I thought that it was SO cool that not only a cartoonist would share his thoughts, but that my FAVORITE cartoonist would be available on the web. I like to think that we are friends.
I really think having us around has made the strip better. I’m not sure exactly how, but an artist cannot truly work in a vacuum. Here’s to hoping for many more years of interaction.
I too refer to Jimmy as my friend. I feel I know him, as I know many Web friends, like pen pals who are not incarcerated.
While not all that you find on the internet is good, the ability to interact between fans and those who create art of many sorts is truly one of the big benefits of the net. Thanks for having the foresight to start this and to stay with it and for everything!
And I especially enjoy the inside stories of the cartooning creative process.
I am so glad I found A&J. It really helped me when I became a widow. I’ve laughed and cried with everyone. The jokes and stories have been fun. I’ve only been reading since 2014 but it feels like longer. Jimmie I hope you are here for a very long time.
In past trips to N. Ontario, there seemed to be a conspiracy of midges, etc., to attack by the swarm just at inopportune moments – as when first feeling a fish bite. I often wondered, “How flies time when you’re having fun.”.
That was for you, Sand….
Good words from my diabetes doc this morning: he has cut my daily drug dosage in half! In spite of my replacing all the weight lost during the dental implant affair, my A1C went down to 5.4 from the previous 5.5. Those numbers are pretty much normal.
Laura, I was looking for a “like” button for your comment. Glad that the folks here can help. Laughter, and being with empathetic people, can really help heal.
Jimmy, it would be nice to have a “like” button and/or edit button in the next incarnation.
I hope you have a copy of JJ’s book, Laura. It will get you more up to date than this Village can.
This would get an “Arlo” tag from CIDU Bill on “Comics I Don’t Understand”. 🙂
Good morning Villagers….
just dropped in to make you grin: http://cheezburger.com/8990827264
Jackie…left you a link on previous blog
….Smigz, next time drop in 🙂
“Is that a strain of Gilbert and Sullivan coming from emb’s house?”
Probably. I sing some songs a lot, and sometimes think of one that has not come to mind in years, and I cannot remember this or that line, but a few days later it pops up. Amazing what is stored away in this or that corner of our skulls. E.g., ” . . . kind of youth . . .” was missing from Bunthorne’s soliloquy [Patience, Act. I], but it came back Sunday.
Also some of the non-G&S stuff I’ve posted here, not including Offenbach’s ‘Barcarolle’ / his “Tales of Hoffmann.”
Busy and enjoyable day by the OR at SHB today, but I cannot tell you anything about it.
Back to check in. We dragged my winter clothes out to put away and open. Oh my! Lots of new, I bought at end of last year’s sales events. And boots, mittens and caps and scarves, leg warmers and ear warmers.
I shall be toasty warm for Christmas in Illinois.
Here is one I’ve not mastered. Peace,
I’d like to see some X-rated comix of my fave cartoon characters, Arlo and Janis….or NC -17 at the very least
Jackie, I had shut down shortly after last post. Glad others were available, and the village didn’t close.
Smigz, nice mental walk around the neighborhood. Was it snowing softly, sounds all muffled, and smell of wood-smoke in the air? That’s how I read it. Thanks.
I think that program is also on the DVR from earlier this month. Looking forward to it. I first new Myrna in matronly roles, postwar. An experienced actress could learn these acting techniques in her career, I only new I liked her. Then I found The Thin Man series, after reading Hammett’s book; and though it was different, I truly enjoyed how these two bantered like an earlier love and I had done. I was hooked on classic movies from here. I saw her do other pairings with Powell where his technique was less solid than hers. Prizefighter… showed me that Myrna was a natural that did not need to be taught, or relied on her co-star. She could drive the plot herself and make others look good doing it. Others at the time probably knew this already. But because of my out-of-order discovery, it took me a while. Her natural talent now is ranked higher than Lauren Bacall in my estimation, for different reasons. Lauren knew how to emote, and move at nineteen; but Myrna was doing dialog right years previously.
Jimmy, nice Audrey Hepburn reference. Still not sure I like Capote, but loved that movie. Probably due to a mental connection with a first kiss.
Wow, billy. Almost missed yours.
There are many unsanctioned pages on darker areas of web that cater all interests.
Suggest you fire up your onion router and get going. You will be busy for years. Bye.
It’s great to be a part of this village. I can almost remember the first Arlo and Janis when I was reading the Opelika/Auburn News. I feel like Jimmy is a part of my family. God bless our family.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
cexp-I was reading A&J way back, but for a couple of years I wasn’t getting a newspaper. The Commercial Appeal dropped our area from their route. It wasn’t until I got a tablet that I that I was able to read A&J again. Gocomics lead me to Jimmie’s site.
emb, is that Vincent Price in the role of Despard?
That’s how it was, Morphy. The only sound was the squeak of my boots in the cold snow.
Debbe, on your cheezburger link are some queries at the upper right. Sometimes I answer them except to lie blatantly about personal information.
On today’s link, a few pages deep, it is asked how much 13,000 pennies is. There are only 2 choices, both of which are incorrect [unless such has since been fixed]. The writer claims that 13,000 pennies make up $1,300. I must hie over to yon financial institution, buy bags of pennies, and trade them for currency from that writer….
cx-p, circulation pennies? I can get that high if I stick in a few rarities. Not with anything the mint currently puts out. A penny costs more than a penny to make; but it’s in the process not the material. So melting for bullion Cu doesn’t work either.