A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Horizontal Pop

By Jimmy Johnson

This cartoon from July, 2002, was drawn during a period when I was using felt-tip pens. As I’ve stated before, I finally concluded that I don’t like to draw with felt-tips. My result, it seems to me, is always an uninteresting and bland line. It is possible to achieve a certain “sketchiness” with a felt-tip pen that can be aesthetically pleasing, but having never been a “sketchy” kind of cartoonist, this doesn’t seem to benefit me much. My pen work has never been great, and it concerns me more and more that my lines, now drawn with a pen nib and India ink, look cruder than ever alongside so much work that is being turned out on digital tablets these days. I’ll just have to live with it, because I cannot see myself ever going completely digital with my drawing.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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160 responses to “Horizontal Pop”

  1. Debbe Avatar

    Mark, ya catching up on comics….I’ve added those two to my list….what’s funny is the commercial they just showed about ‘coolsculpting’…it’s fda approved and it ‘melts’ the fat cells away. I want to know what happens when those fat cells start melting at room temp 🙂

  2. Debbe Avatar

    no, no, no…it freezes fat cells, then what happens when they start melting…


    Ghost and I staked the Zombie potatoes which are vigorously growing apace. We corralled them in colorful enameled tomato cages from Wally World to keep the greenery from sprawling all over bed and rotting.

    Ghost is working on his farmer’s tan.

    They are Zombie Potatoes because when we went to clean out the two beds closest to house we discovered they were full of potatoes planted in spring, dispite most of foliage being gone. We dug and dug and kept finding more potatoes to point we were laughing.

    I said I would plant a fall crop but we’d have to find potato sets. So when we found a large sack of sprouted potato sets that I had bought for the now departed garden help to plant back in March we filled bed with them!

    So, Zombie Potatoes.

  4. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    GM Debbe & Mizz Charlotte

  5. Ken from Framingham Avatar
    Ken from Framingham

    Late to comment, but I echo all who said Jimmy’s pen and brush ink work is great! The nibs ink line expresses the personality of the art!


    My Gawd, I had no idea there really were Zombie Potatoes.

  7. Nunnu Avatar

    I’ve been reading your strip for so many years……….Arlo and Janis have become my family!

  8. Ray Avatar

    Re: this week’s newspaper strips

    I’ve always wondered at folks who think it would be EASIER to abandon a ruined earth and go terraform Mars and live there, than to just terraform the ruined earth. It stinks more of sensationalism than practicality.

  9. TruckerRon Avatar

    Ray: You’re right. It also stinks of a hatred of “the common herd of humanity” in that only the “elites” would be chosen to move on.

  10. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    On the other hand, establishing populations elsewhere could have the same effect of placing animals in zoos. It keeps a viable population available to repopulate in case it is needed.

    Or to simplify it even more, not putting all our eggs in one basket and waiting for somebody to drop the basket.


    Hey Mark, we found the Lone Wolf banh mi restaurant. It is on 11th street right across from Chapman stadium by Tulsa University.

    Sandwiches were good, we had different pork ones and different aioli. We ended up doing takeout because they were slow at lunch.

  12. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    good, thanks for letting me know you found it.

  13. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    Unless I missed one of your earlier posts, I think this is the first time that you have visited.


    Please come back as your time permits.

    I think that you will like it here.

  14. The Man Formerly Known as sandcastler™ Avatar
    The Man Formerly Known as sandcastler™

    The daily offering shows us that the artist extraordinare spends quality time with the Oxford English dictionary.


    You mean you have dudgeons too Sand?

    I haven’t heard or seen that word in years and years.

  16. TruckerRon Avatar

    Why are they always “high dudgeons”?


    Here’s the definition of high dudgeon.


  18. TruckerRon Avatar

    So would a serene person be in low dudgeon?

  19. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Looked at the above reference and learned that “dudgeon” is a kind of wood often used for handles of daggers.
    Like to pick up little snippets here and there; thanks.