Today’s classic A&J is from January, 2007. I don’t believe I’ve taken the time to thank all of you who purchased an A&J tee shirt over the holidays and since. Thank you! It was a very interesting experiment, and I hope everyone was satisfied. Wear them in good health! The shirts *ahem* still are available through this site exclusively, and there will be more designs this year. That’s the plan, anyway. I’ll never catch up to my younger peers, but as merchandising and public appearances become more mainstream in the profession of cartooning, I will try not to be left in the dust. Thanks for your support in this effort!

Icky Mouse
By Jimmy Johnson
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102 responses to “Icky Mouse”
sandcastler™ typing. New phone not fully set up. We are still feet down,heads up. Exact coordinates can’t ydisclosed. Can confirm we are on planet Earth.
What Algore never told us is that the real reason he invented the InterWebNet was to facilitate the distribution of cat videos and pictures.
Holy crow! What happened to poor Dave Schwartz on TWC?! Since they replaced the robo-voice with Cantore and so rarely report the actual weather, I haven’t watched it i forever. I love Dave. He and Dr. Forbes are the only two I enjoy.
In local news, a bus jumped the curb and killed an Indy school principal yesterday. She shoved students out of the way and died a hero. Cold comfort to everyone.
1600 and still above freezing out, 35 F, but windy and over cast. 20s Th. but above 32 F-Sun. That will make three Jan. thaws, counting the coming 3-day as one, and a day I posted some time back. Still sev. ” on the ground, but streets are clear or slushy.
Peace, emb
Lady Mindy, Dave Schwartz went on camera with TWC in 1991, was fired as part of a 2004 shakeup, and returned in 2014. I want to say I heard he was seriously ill during his time away from TWC, but I don’t remember enough about it to actually comment. Like you, I seldom watch TWC now, but also like you (and apparently a lot of other folks) I think highly of him and am glad to know he is back.
Dave is the Bob Ross of the weather world. Never overly dramatic, soothing, and in control. When they had him doing overnights, I would get off work and listen to him as I had dinner and readied for bed.
I seem to recall cancer with Dave Swartz but may be wrong. I will never forget Dr. Forbes first on air broadcast which was so awful I thought that poor little geek is not going to be back tomorrow but he became the only one I liked beyond tolersnce.
Now I no longer watch at all.
Mark you are a good son. Had my mother been a smoker I could not have done that. My late husband made me quit before we’d married. I am grateful.
I know now I was smoking out of weakness but I continued to be around same addicted smokers and have never touched another, so I am not as weak as that. I am about to take position I did when I owned my flower shop. If you smoke you do it off the clock and outside. It didn’t stop them but I never allowed in shop and off the clock dramatically cut their income. They didn’t see why I hated the loss of productivity but the loss in paychecks hit bome.
Another TWC on-air forecaster I liked from the past was Jennifer Lopez…attractive without trying to be sexy; competent without trying to be flashy; and seemingly a very nice person. I noticed recently she was back, although if as relief or a regular, I don’t watch enough to know.
See, Jackie, I actually value competency in a woman much greater than sexiness. Although I have to add that I often find competency to be sexy. 😉
Debbe 😉 You should pay PETA as much attention as I do, which is none. There have always been (and probably always will be) self-appointed elites who think their feces are not malodorous and that they are entitled to tell the rest of us how we should behave and live our lives. Many of them seem to be members of the idle rich class. Like extreme environmentalists, many of them seem to feel that the world would be a paradise if there just weren’t any people in it…other than themselves and their ilk, of course.
Don’t get me wrong…I love animals (well, most of them; I find Komodo dragons and a few like ones a bit iffy), and I would happily reply in kind should I come across someone abusing a helpless pet or animal. But as an organization, PETA runs it into the ground and breaks it off.
Ghost, competency IS sexy. As are intelligence, humor and many other qualities.
Ghost, a quote that goes along with your comments on PETA.
There are hidden contradictions within the minds of people who “love nature” while deploring the “artificialities” with which “Man has spoiled ‘Nature.” The obvious contradiction lies in their choice of words, which imply that Man and his artifacts are not part of “Nature”–but beavers and their damns are. But the contradictions go deeper than this prima-facie absurdity. In declaring his love for a beaver damn (erected by beavers for beaver’s purposes) and his hatred for dams erected by men (for the purpose of men) the “Naturist” reveals his hatred for his own race–i.e., his own self-hatred. In the case of “Naturists” such self—hatred is understandable; they are such a sorry lot. But hatred is too strong an emotion to feel toward them; pity and contempt are the most they rate. As for me, willy-nilly I am a man, not a beaver, and H. Sapiens is the only race I have or can have. Fortunately for me, I like being part of a race made up of men and women– it strikes me as a fine arrangement and perfectly “natural.” Believe it or not, there were “Naturists” who opposed the first flight to old Earth’s Moon as being “unnatural” and a “despoiling of nature.”
Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love
Some 9 years ago, had reason to seek much info online re Komodo dragons. Not the sort of critter I’d like to meet in the wild, but interesting and they don’t take up much room. Restricted to a few small islands in Indonesia and part of a moderate-sized island, if I remember. Believe Indonesia protects them as a tourist attraction. Though very much a zoologist and [practical] environmentalist, I don’t believe I’ve ever given a cent to PETA.
Peace, emb
Naturist most often means nudist. Naturalist is or was a perfectly legit term for a person interested broadly in the wild, with some training and experience therein, and often w/ expertise in a particular aspect of nature: butterflies, rocks, fossils, birds of prey, etc. Many such people still exist. Professionally, many also specialize in the scientific study of a narrow chunk of nature, sometimes even in parts of it much affected by people [e.g., railroads as dispersal routes for invasive weeds, evolution in and of species that primarily depend on environments modified by humans, including our many parasites and other symbionts]. Stupid speelczech.
Anyway, we’d like it if more people would realize that many of us, even though passionate about nature, are often much better informed about the real world than we are given credit for, and that we are often reasonably rational in our study of nature. Possibly more rational than legislators who have proposed vetting our studies before we are allowed to make them public [as has been proposed of late, and of course is regularly done to scientists in private employ and even some state and fed agencies. Of course, there is also a long history of such vetting by religious authorities.
Peace, emb
From, I saw that the comedian known as “Gallagher” is supposed to have said “Don’t you wish there were a knob on the tv to turn up the intelligence? There’s one marked ‘brightness’ but it doesn’t work.”
Thought of that with regard to some persons referred to in some of the earlier comments.
Update: cockatiel laid egg #3 correctly on the floor of the cage next to the first pair we placed there. #4 & #5 were laid while she hid under the newspapers flooring the egg cage! All we saw was a lump there, but an inquiring gentle push [to smooth the papers] was rejected with an attempted nip.
Update on HS friend mentioned last weekend with regard to the pending snowstorm in her area S of Baltimore: she completely hand shoveled her drive when the show hit 4″ and then found that a nice neighbor with a new blower was willing to help. That guy – bless him – did her whole drive no fewer than 5 more times during the storm!! She stayed inside and baked goodies for him. Area also had a water main break, but the water flowed down the gentle slope of the road thereby dissolving the snow in the street to a width of 10 to 12 feet; neighbors were so pleased they got out and shoveled/blew all the snow they could into that “river” so it’d be washed away! The rest was tamped down by another nearby resident with something like a snowcat…or whatever the proper name is. Result was that they all could easily drive the half mile to the nearest expected-to-be-plowed road.
I hoped her baking was really, really, good; the winter is not yet over….
About the author of my quote:
Too bad he passed in 1988. I think he would have enjoyed the Village.
Don’t know where to start but emb is totally correct that a naturist is politically correct term for a nudist as I have membership in a state group, a national group and an international group, thereby giving me membership in almost any group or resorts or clubs I encounter. I decided I’d be open about this but my children can hardly be more embarrassed by me so who cares?
They could care about beavers however, so it made sense.
Yes, Jennifer Lopez was good and I always felt sorry for her sharing the same name as JLo. In the begrinning it was more confusing but it soon wasn’t because J. Lopez of Weather was much more professional and lady, not flamboyant like JLo.
I wonder how cold it is inside this castle during winter?
The Village is my favorite place and tonight I thought about why.
I have been decrying weak, dependent women so afraid of being alone that they’d tie themselves to abusive drunks, crack and meth heads, allow men to beat them, abuse them, take their money, cars, belongings. And do this man after man after man, like a three legged race.
I made comment that I like women, as much as I like men, we are roughly the same number, half each. Said I needed some better examples of strong women and gentle men, intelligent, caring to inspire me. Then it hit me the Village is full of both men and women like that. That’s why I live here.
Except you don’t have to ever see me practicing naturism but perhaps naturalism is acceptable? I am both.
Well, OK, but this is where I have to say I’ve never heard the term “full frontal naturalism”.
Debbe 😉 Well, maybe not the *whole* night…
How about full frontal naturism? You’ve got those scientists naked again.
I just cut the the chase and say I’m a nudist which avoids any confusion or doubt.
OK, I have Symply been convinced by the village! Martin Barre(lead guitarist) of Jethro Tull is touring and we have been offered an April 30th date, it is soon but listen to some of this and tll me if you think it is a good idea(this was recorded in Spain). I think I am going to Fargone book them….thoughts?
cxp, respectfully: “Don’t you wish there were a knob on the tv to turn up the intelligence? There’s one marked ‘brightness’ but it doesn’t work.”
Thought of that with regard to some persons referred to in some of the earlier comments.
I believe Gallagher is the man’s actual name and so doesn’t require quotations. I think he took higher education, and likely holds a degree. He seems intelligent in his comedy, having a quick wit. But I suppose that may be hard to know from a pre-written one-man show with no ad-lib dialog involved. I thoroughly enjoyed his act, the second time I made sure to sit in the splash-zone. He and George Carlin are the only comedians I paid to see more than once; though I would gladly have seen Newhart again. But you must admit the character he played, and the accent he affected, do not imply Rhodes Scholar.
Your veiled statement is twice hazardous. Without specific attribution of person or comment, you run one risk of too many people thinking they may have offended by their ignorance. But worse, your intended target is allowed to remain blissfully ignorant, self-assured that you meant someone else.
@anonymous, 😉
I’ve always been happy Symply naked. For a month I was living by the Red Sea in what is now part of Egypt(Newayba) with a group of folks and no clothes, made laundry day a breeze. Of course the climate was quite good for that there…it was much like I imagine Torremelinos Spain in Mitchener’s The Drifters was like…..
Does this make me weird, at 17 I thought it was pretty Fargone kewl
sf: Love just about everything Tull. I don’t have the chops to talk guitar work, but the list of guitarists that routinely trade licks with a frantic flutist must be pretty short.