Since this was my first experiment with story telling within Arlo and Janis, the folks at United Media were asking logical questions like, “What’s going to happen?” and, “Where are you going with this?” I didn’t know! I was making it up as I went along, which I would continue to do for every future A&J storyline.

I’m just making this up!
By Jimmy Johnson
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33 responses to “I’m just making this up!”
And you do it very well!
The few times I’ve ventured into writing fiction the characters have taken over the plot and corrected me on their voice. I don’t like losing control that way, but it has happened.
Arlo’s body seems to have shrunk to about the same size as those of his buddies, but not his face – and, especially, not his schnozz!
Arlo should have told his friend that he’d voted for him all three times, even if he didn’t. It’s not going to matter in the long run, and who can tell, anyway.
c e-p
At birth your head is 1/3 its final size.
The rest of you is 1/6 final size.
OB: yep, something like that. My reference was the size of the noses of the other guys. On second thought, Arlo’s face size is within limits in panels 3 & 4.
Now I remember seeing this series before! Walt Kelly would type stories for comic books—you remember, the ones told almost all in words, on a single page—and never know how it was going to end. That’s improv. Gee, this is fun to see again!
And Arlo’s kept that hairstyle all his life.
Yain’t! Funny!
The world’s greatest living rock drummer lives in Japan and will dominate the field for many decades to come:
Some kid! Thanks for that! I once had a conversation with Louis Bellson at a percussion day at a university. “He always proudly maintained that Duke Ellington had called him the world’s greatest drummer” ( ).
biannual/biennial yep, it can be confusing. 🙂 In fact, I just heard that second one yesterday- had to think about it. But good news! Robert has been cleared to fly again!!! You should see the grin on his face. He’s so happy. A photo was taken in front of a plane= to prove the plane is still flyable. 🙂
But no matter how often you clean a grill, don’t use a wire brush. It is becoming common for people to swallow pieces of the wire that broke off and got cooked into food. If you think a fishbone is bad, think of what a piece of that stiff wire will do.
Llee: If we had a “like” button, I’d have clicked it for that 🙂
Mark in Town isn’t just making this up!
Grill Cleaning Accident
Did a girl swallow a wire that had come loose from a barbeque grill cleaning brush?
CLAIM: A girl required surgery after swallowing a wire that had come loose from a barbeque grill cleaning brush and was cooked into a hamburger.
Llee – wonderful!!! laugh it up!
Yep, Llee, pilots never have a problem with the meaning of “biennial” because of “Biennial Flight Review”. Oddly, I immediately thought of your brother when I saw the word in the cartoon.
Great news. 😀
In much less happy news, yesterday morning I went out to feed Jackie’s two remaining outdoor dogs and found one of them very lethargic and unable to walk more than a few steps. I rushed it to the veterinarian’s office, where an exam and x-ray quickly revealed the presence of a large, fast-growing and untreatable tumor of the abdomen. I consulted with Jackie by phone and our decision was the same as the vet’s recommendation.
As the dog fell asleep for the last time, the last thing of which it was conscious was of me sitting at its side, scratching it behind the ears and telling it everything would be OK. As I did so, my sadness was lessened by the thought of how it had not died in a Dumpster as a puppy, but rather was rescued by Jackie and had enjoyed fifteen wonderful years living at her house.
RIP, Charlie. You were a good boy.
Yes he was. Very friendly and an escape artist too. My sympathies to Jackie.
I know how you feel, Ghost, as I went through it last year. The last thing Gully Foyle was aware of was lying on my lap getting petted by both me and the vet as he dozed off for the last time. We’d had fifteen good years together, and I still miss him even though I have a new cat, Leo. I’ve had several cats across the decades and miss all of them, but the pain’s faded to a distant memory.
Sounds like Arlo’s watching an adults-only show, doesn’t it?
Never did get onto in Paynesville, but am at my younger son’s in Mpls, where it’s fine. STW was great, as it usually is. Was going to drive today from Mpls to Owatonna to see the historic Louis Sullivan bank there, but it’s going to downpour both days, so will cancel a reservation. Have to get back home this week, so will do the bank another time. Dutifully read all your intervening posts + a week’s emails, and got through Gocomics A/D. [This keyboard’s hyphen no longer works.] Have been eating well; too well. Peace,
I remember those old 8 mm stag movies Arlo. I had an uncle with a projector and he’d get drunk and show them to everyone, even small children.
Think they put them in pond when he passed away.