Not long ago, the altar of almost every under-thirty household was a wall of shelving filled with 33 1/3 LP albums. Moving, and there was a lot of that, always required sturdy boxes filled with heavy vinyl disks and their covers. Yes, the records sounded great except for the scratches, but all you could do with them was listen. Can you imagine? Oh, you could read the liner notes. The mp3 file is very much with us yet, but it’s not the cutting edge it was when this comic was drawn in 2006. Streaming is big now, and a link, I suppose, is the only physical connection to one’s music collection. I don’t know if it’s better, but it sure makes moving easier.

In Record Time
By Jimmy Johnson
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44 responses to “In Record Time”
I think every kid had shelves with cinder blocks when they moved out of their parents house.
It it has been a rough 24 hours as I was praying to the porcelain altar / throne and needless to say it has not been Pleasant! I can probably count on my hand how many times I’ve been sick like that. Fortunately it’s only for a short period of time. Praying that my wife doesn’t get it!
After the next Carrington Event only those of us with CDs (or LPs) will have music.
Steve Ghost says if he throws up I am to call 911. He said last time he did was 1962.
He did not elaborate but he was a teen then she sixteen.
The murder mystery accounts will continue. All have generated books, television and movies.
Since many Villagers seem to like reading mystery books I thought these might intrigue some.
All genuine stories. I never killed anyone.
Don, I had a set of those shelves when i was in the Navy. Had everything from records to books to tv on them.
Jimmy, I still have CD’s to listen to in my car, where there is no streaming. But I do enjoy the convenience of streaming services. I like Spotify because you can set it to play only what you want to hear. I like Pandora because it pulls in other music based on your preferences and I have found quite a few performers I would otherwise never have heard. And neither has disc jockeys babbling away or audio ads to interrupt the music.
Still have my cider blocks in play. Still holding up Albums (unplayed in many years, but priceless none the less).
I miss the LP covers. Some were works of art.
I have referenced this comic many times and love seeing it again.
But Janis! I keep reading that the LP is making a comeback!
Boy that brings back memories.
Let’s see if this works. I’m trying to show you something Jimmy just posted on Facebook.
Maybe. But it doesn’t look good. Mark, maybe you can help. It’s a photo on Jimmy’s FB page with the caption “It’s Iron Bowl week” and all you Luddie fans will love it.
Hey! I think it did.
Looks good to me. Luddie turned into Aubie.
Sunday’s Sally Forth had a nice tribute to vinyl records:
(Don’t try to figure out the point of the strip if you hadn’t been reading the previous story arc, just enjoy the memories.)
Isn’t this the default position for listening to vinyl records? MP3’s are great for portability, but I do miss the multi-sensory experience of vinyl.
I used to tell my students that only two things were better in the past than they are now: school lunches and record albums.
My high school’s cafeteria actually had a full-time baker. They made meatloaf, baked fish, lasagna, and on and on.
We were too young and too spoiled to realize how good it was.
The crud that they serve now is an insult to the human body.
Rick the same can be said for hospital food. I used to eat meals in hospitals I delivered flowers to because food was tasty and fresh.
I have been in two of Tulsas best lately. Food was ot good and cafeterias are worse.
Mark…you’ll appreciate this one. the boze ears on too 🙂
Thank you Debbe. That is one of my favorite songs and I like the orchestral accompaniment.
Jackie, the hospital I work for in Tennessee has good food in the cafeteria. At least it was the last time I was there. Don’t know about what gets served to the patients, though. They had an excellent salad bar and their sandwiches were better than Subway.
I told Jimmy on the FB page that I have seen cats take that exact pose he gave Luddie in today’s strip when they stretch. And it does look like a bow, so Jimmy picked a good one to end the strip today. Good night, everybody. So long until tomorrow
But Rick the USDA certifies that the meals are nutritionally adequate.
JJ before 33 1/3 were 78s – those were very delicate. The William Tell Overture
took 6 double sided discs. (As I Recall ) So vinyl was a BIG improvement.
I was not rich enough to have cinder blocks, I had Orange crates.
Remember when stuff came in wooden crates & kegs?
Purchases were wrapped in paper and tied with string. You were expected
to bring your own shopping bag.
I generally get to see the other end when mine stretch.
Who thought #Pervalanche would ever be a thing?
Say good night, Gracie.