Today, one last parting shot at a harsh winter and a spring that at times has appeared overwhelmed by the task at hand. However, the work of springtime finally is in high gear around here, evidenced by the hit-and-miss nature of Web updates this week. Sometimes, the corporeal world will not wait.

Insulated from Reality
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
156 responses to “Insulated from Reality”
Good point, Jimmy. More and more, it seems many are splitting their lives between the corporeal world and the virtual world, “The Village” being an example of the latter. However, I fear that many are spending too much of their lives in the virtual, to the detriment of the quality of their lives in the corporeal.
Follow up from yesterday: Shower once a week? Notwithstanding the fact that in this neck of the woods one would not have any friends from mid-April through late-October, I could not do without my daily shower. My morning brush-teeth, shave-face, shampoo-hair, shower-body, dry-body, blow dry-hair, get-dressed routine is when I put my body on automatic pilot, freeing my mind to finish waking up and to plan my day. The physical benefits of limited bathing seem minimal, and the emotional toll, for me, would be significant.
Considering the virtual world. I find myself doing some of this and have to remember to take the grand daughter to the park as much as possible.
I can confirm it is better for your skin not to soap it down every day. I do shower daily, but just after my run and I just lather, erm, “vital places>
Ghost, I have seen a very bust nurse in a wet scrub top (better not say with what) and you couldn”t see a thing. Sturdy pieces of kit, scrub suits 😛
Lily, I suspect that may be more the result of what is under the scrub top than the thickness of the scrub top material. And by “what is under the scrub top”, I of course mean the undergarment.
And I again feel I deserve props from you for not pursuing the topic of “vital places”. 😉
This sort of made me think, because I have lupus and other diseases that affect your skin.
When I still try to go outside stubbornly and garden, do other things, I would often shower multiple times a day. It seemed to relieve the itching and lower the body temp. I have been known to turn hoses onto myself for same reasons.
Nope, Ghost you do not want to see me in a wet t-shirt nowadays. Nothing hot at all except my body core temp!
But I had already noticed it was the water, not the soaps, which I am certain make the skin worse. No one told me this, but I am like Lily, limited soaping, more water running.
Our ancestors, especially females, practiced this with basins and those lovely pitchers in their bedrooms. My daughter has been amused that the beautiful china lidded containers she thought were ornamental turned out to be “feet basins” to soak ancestral feet in.
Off to grocery store for cat litter! Real world.
Love, Jackie Monies
The above ‘toon would have been very appropriate here yesterday – 60F with 60mph winds. Yuck! Thankfully today is a sane 48F with 8mph winds. I think I’ll go for a long walk. Oh, wait, still at work. Just a short walk, then.
Nodak – Great video but it’s probably not reaching the ones that really need it – those with their eyes and thumbs continually stuck to their phones.
I just read the daily and I’m still laughing. Bloody fantastic!
On topic of showering: I was mostly raised by a grandmother from the late 1890’s. rural, poor, stanch Christian with no indoor plumbing until I reached voting age, not much electrification or running water for a long time.
She had a favorite country saying, “Wash as far as possible downward, wash as far as possible upward and then wash possible.”
Pardon me if I have offended anyone with this one but my Granny was a character!
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, that pretty much covers what I have been saying. My momma told to *never* use soap on my face or neck, just the special face wash like Olay. I have been complimented, however, on how nice and soft my hands are, though I scrub them with a stiff brush amd antibacterial soap several times a day. I asked my boss and she rolled her eyes and told me that if I was dumb enough not to notice that facial skin and hand skin were not alike, I had better open my eyes. The skin of the hands gets firmer with scrubbing because it is constant irritation. The reason medical folk don’t get calluses is we scrub the top layer off every time we scrub in for surgery.
Ghost: as if I would answer you. 😛
Sorry, I thought the daily was awful. One of the worst A&Js I have ever seen
Awful because Arlo is becoming maudlin about aging, or because Janis is resisting? Surely not because she is choosing to “love the geezer inside.”
Funny to me that JJ could change the sense of Arlo’s statement by inserting a visual comma to the phrase. Janis is certainly about to love the geezer, inside. Punctuation does fun things.
Yes, commas save lives.
“Let’s eat grandma”
“Let’s eat, grandma”
Or, if there is someone out there in B.F., Alaska who hasn’t seen it: Panda: eats, shoots and leaves.
Debbe 😉 Just because…
Back in Journalism 101 my instructor used what is probably a hoary example of either poor punctuation or succinctness in a headline: Nuts Screws and Bolts.
Never forgot that one!
Love, Jackie Monies
GR6 and Debbe, I like this version of an old folksong:
Good morning Villagers….
Mark…I had that album…thanks for the memory 🙂
GR 😉 good one, I loved the Supremes…especially the song “Reflections’….
Lily and Indy Mindy..thanks, and I enjoyed your story Mindy on the car….
No time….later……
Ya’ll have a blessed day…..
Punctuation – – Private Property ? No. Fishing Allowed. / The top retro was a keeper when I first saw it and I loved today’s (Friday) when someone buys a print from, Mr JJ gets a cut, right ? and I wonder if most people choose colrized or au naturel ?
@JJ and John in Richmond Texas,
The colorist Symply seems to have changed Janis’ Fargone hair color again! I am getting to the point where if I am not sitting on the bike, I like sitting in the yard too….did I mention I can ride again!?!
Good morning, Villagers
David, yep, the last panel. Ick..
SF, if Janis changes her hair color as often as some girls I know do, it’s just realistic
Lily, if you thought yesterday’s A&J cartoon was an “ick”, you probably don’t want to look at today’s at all.
Too late, but it wasn’t as bad. Though still icky
I don’t see what you can find icky about either strip, Lily, but then I like the idea that A&J are still in love, know it and show it.