I’m running late today, but I am here! The above A&J from five years ago is a good example of something I mention here rather often. Regardless of what one thinks of the joke itself, it’s a good example of the essential comic strip, one where the words and the art are equally important. Take one away, and the other doesn’t work. No less than Charles Schulz said, it is what makes a comic strip a comic strip.
Is there any other kind?
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts
Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...
I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...
Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...
What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...
Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...
Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
461 responses to “Is there any other kind?”
Oklahoma outside of Tulsa is the heart of Redneck America. And that is fine, I come from a looooong line of gun toting rednecks on both sides of family it seems. They are my friends too, for I find you don’t have to share same “everything” to like people.
But I do love this group, I don’t think I could put together a more interesting conversational support group even if I ran an ad. When I moved here I wanted to start things like a gourmet cooking group, a gardening group, wines, things I was used to taking part in. Well, that went no where and I gave it up.
Respecting each other’s opinions and beliefs allows us to be exposed to thoughts, writings, theology, music, art, just so many things we might never find on our own. I love hearing what all of you think, that is what diversity means in it’s fullest definition.
Diversity shouldn’t be a catch phrase, like “Have a nice day.”
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, the latest “Small Craft Advisor” magazine has an article about a guy who did the Texas 200 in a Puddle Duck (PD Racer)…small & slow! My daughter & I plan to build one for her soon…
The only ‘diversity’ that I dislike is that which is imposed by a group of people who go about counting how many of each race, sex, interest group, what have you, is in attendance and then gets upset if the numbers don’t match their expectations.
Rusty, those are my friends! Build one for your daughter and bring her to Sail Oklahoma or just come and bring her without it this year and she can sail some of ours. I am “Mama Duck” to a whole flock of these boats! And boaters.
This year is going to be a fantastic event, unbelievable people are coming from all over the world. Truly, not hyperbole. We are celebrating life and friends.
I haven’t seen SCA this month. Was it Josh Colvin, my editor, who wrote the column? Andy Linn has one in the SCA Blog online, the “Embrace the Suck” article, funny as always. That is Mike’s sailing partner.
Love, Jackie Monies
Trucker, I agree, forced diversity is fake. Remember when I said I was in such a hired group back in the 1960’s pre-equal rights? We said if they could have hired a Hispanic-black, female lesbian with one leg they might have only hired one of us? That was our running joke, because they did a “Life Boat” hire and got one of each “minority” we fitted into.
Love, Jackie Monies
Good morning, Villagers. It’s a beautiful morning, here. For some reason epople who want Botox injections are lining up and our “afternoon o’ botulism” is all full and we are having to schedule them for next week. Some of them rescheuled ones get irate, go figure.
Noticed something else: “. . . several churches, such as those eMb mentioned.” I had written, “All [gays I had mentioned] are churched, at least in part. Alphabetically: ELCA, UMC, U-U” and later I mentioned RC. Neither the RC [of course] nor my church, the UMC, accepts the practice. It comes up every 4 yr. at UMC General Conf., but never gets quite enough votes. The anti-gay margin is decreasing, however, which suggests eventually UMC will accept the practice. I think the denomination will then split, perhaps not while I’m around. Many UMC congregations are ‘Reconciling’, but not a majority. Many of those that are not so on record have just avoided taking a stand. ELCA now accepts actively gay pastors, and has lost one local congregation [which has in turn lost members, and maybe gained some; pastor is virulently anti-gay] to the newly formed [if I have it right] American Lutheran Church. I suspect that when we become a fascist theocracy, rejecting gays will be required for any organization to qualify as a governmentally recognized church. I may not live to see that.
One may wonder why I’ve not switched churches. One reason [among several] is that there is no Congregational church in town. I do not qualify for any Lutheran or Presbyterian church because I am not totally depraved, only partially. A second reason is, like many of you, my congregation has become home. Peace, emb
Don’t worry, Lily. Once they get their Botox injections, you won’t be able to tell from their facial expressions if they are irate or not.
Debbe 😉 Yes, hon, I saw the “cat with a beard” pic, but I decided to keep my beard, anyway. 🙂
Quote of the day: “Cleveland only imports one seasoning, salt, and they use it on the roads in the winter.”
My newly graduated cousin in dentistry is apparently specializing in botox injections in north Louisiana. Go figure the vanity!
Now if any of us have been botoxed I apologize. When I was in my 30’s I planned to have plastic surgery and breasts lifted. I had more disposable $$$ in those days! Went to our plastic surgeon (yes, we already had one) who was a friend and he told me I was wasting my money, that neither face nor boobs needed it.
Looked at both last night and I guess it is too late!
Love, Jackie Monies
Just did my bi-weekly “catch up” on the veritable flurry of activity that is 9 Chickweed Lane and still trying to figure out why an obviously poor marksman is running around France just after D-Day, by himself, toting a sniper rifle and wearing an American Army uniform, and trying to shoot what should appear to him to be French civilians. Oh, well, I’m sure the proprietor of 9CL will have a logical explanation…if he ever gets to it.
I know a physician who once told me the secret of cosmetic facial surgery was to have a face lift at 45, which would make you look 30, so that you wouldn’t look 45 again until you were 60. He’d had his at 45, but now he’s 80 and believe me, he doesn’t look 65.
There is an Anglican church in Ft. Worth that doesn’t believe in ordination of women or gay marriage or a lot of other things. Sometimes I am tempted to go visit it and talk to them but I can’t talk anybody into going with me. Besides, I am too busy at my own church. We have choir practice at seven on Wednesday and evensong on Thursday
Wow, 289 comments (290 now). Has anyone kept track of the record for comments between JJ appearances?
Anglicans, ~ United Methodists, run the theological gamut. So far, both have not as readily split into var. synods, sects, and such as some denominations. One problem for both, is the incr. # of churches in Africa, which tend to be virulently homophobic. Didn’t one African nation recently make gay practice a capital crime? Well, the Bible says “stone ’em.”
P.S. Most of the female UMC pastors I’ve met, and two ELCA as well, have been neat.
The female priests and deacons in my Episcopal Anglican Church I have met have been very nice and helpful.
Something between 500 and 600 comments a few years ago when Jimmy took off from the blog for a week or ten days. Probably would be more if he did that now.
I am just chiming in to note Arlo has hit the nail on the head and “become the statue” in one quick observation.
Today was definitely Monday. Quite strange but a really good day. Finally, FINALLY, getting some good news on closing out the mess that is mom’s estate. My sister said she came to visit her last week. They both saw and spoke with her. Maybe it is a sign.
Oh, and I need to thank my Pepsi guy for helping me win a Coke contest. 😀
I’ve said it before, but apparently it needs to be repeated: Secure your own mask before assisting others (from preflight instructions).
I think the mystery marksman who can’t hit anything in the American uniform is Martine’s ex-lover who was then wearing a German uniform and posing as a German officer while making love to her in the farmhouse where she was sending coded messages in jokes to Bill. Then the ex-German double agent showed up back in the camp where Bill’s girl friend is the American singer who is getting information from prisoner’s is and tried to put the moves on her and was threatened by Bill’s old boss if he did. He was at that time wearing an American uniform and acting as a double agent, Martine is a double agent, Bill is a spy or in intelligence of some sort, as is his boss the Colonel/General what ever back in the camp, as is the sweet American singer who becomes the Granny in the end to all the Chickweed Lane family.
Now that’s sorted out, I need to go look and see if Martine still has on any clothes?
Love, Jackie Monies
Sophist? Arlo the Sophist? Ghost, I am becoming intrigued by your choice of words! You ALWAYS use them correctly.
Love, Jackie Monies
Sounds like the “Saint Elsewhere” series finale to me.
Military cartooning is not CWL’s forte’. He should get the heck out of that wheat field and back to civilian life. Watterson was an awesome military artist with Calvin’s secret life, Snoopy and the Red Baron, Beetle Bailey, Steve Canyon, Terry and the Pirates……
I could go on but there were so many.
Love, Jackie Monies
I really have nothing to add to the conversation today (do I ever?) but I thought I might grab the coveted 300th post.