A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

It isn’t the heat… well, yes it is.

By Jimmy Johnson

Given recent efforts, I thought we’d revisit an old beach series from 15 years ago, 2002. Arlo and Janis are at the beach without Gene, who is just now old enough to prefer being anywhere his parents aren’t, even if they’re at the shore. Speaking of humidity, this is what it has felt like around here recently, until the atmosphere just can’t hold anymore and it begins to rain. No, it isn’t the heat alone, or the humidity, for that matter. The combination, however, is killer!

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100 responses to “It isn’t the heat… well, yes it is.”


    Well hello. I hate humidity.

  2. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I thought that the beach offers a breeze that makes the humidity slightly more bearable.

    I was planting flowers on Sunday and I disturbed a bunch of ants. I didn’t think anything of it until they started biting me under my gloves. Since I didn’t shave on Sunday or Monday, the stubble gave me some relief when I rubbed my wrists on it. I am starting to feel better, but the welts on my legs have seemed to have grown.

  3. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Not a fan of humidity but it wouldn’t be Florida without it. We got almost 3″ of much-needed rain last night. Not enough to get the lake levels back to where they should be but it’s a start.


    Sounds like fire ants.

    Ghost has his first harem Okie girl in the kitchen helping him install handicapped toilet in kitchen bath. Since I am getting second knee done as soon as she will operate we will leave it all in until both knees are recovered.

    She is about twenty years younger and wearing very tiny short shorts and a very tight tee shirt. I tried to explain to her that if her employer at the restaurant allowed her to dress like that they would also have to allow any other employees to as well and that could lead to the sort of exposure that generates photos of the “women of Walmart” on the Internet.

    She rightfully says it would increase her tips. It would but they allow no shorts or low cut tops.

    Ghost likes it. Our favorite Vietnamese waitress is Hot Legs who dresses like that.

  5. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    I grew up with Georgia humidity, and it never bothered me. Then I spent two years in South Dakota and that dry atmosphere. (the best part was that my hair didn’t frizz) Since I moved back home, and I’ve been back a very long time, I have had sinus headaches and trouble breathing in our humid air. Some days it feels like I’m trying to breathe in wet cotton. Not fun.

  6. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Jackie, I’m glad you’re doing well! I had more swelling than I would have liked, but it’s going down, and the doctor-ordered physical therapy went well. Now I need to sign up with the local gym to keep working on it. The physical therapy office has a deal with the gym that patients can get a membership at a nice discount, which is good. I just have to get off my tush and go over there. 🙁

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    I grew up in Memphis where the humidity and temperature both are in the 90s throughout the summer. I moved to Utah 38 years ago and on my first visit back home realized I had fallen in love with the mountains and the much, much drier air. It feels about 20 F cooler than the thermometer reports. Being very light skinned, though, I really have to stay out of the sun here or put on the sunscreen.

  8. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Sounds like fire ants but they didn’t look like them. Really tiny ants, but boy did they sting.

  9. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Steve from Royal Oak, MI. Use the topical Benadryl on the bites to stop the sting/itch. Or get another of the sting relief products.


    Have made it to 101 degrees on knee. Jesus is pleased as am I and the Ghost.

    Just got OK to go back to my wellness center to begin walking on their track. So tonight Ghost and I go with my walker, shorts and New Balance for my beginning of daily walking routine.

    Will eat at Rib Crib for Barbque as his reward. It is great for ribs, I usually have salad with brisket.

    Tomorrow is staples out day so I need to pick out something short in a dress or sundress or shorts for that big event. We are going to Los Cabos Mexican restaurant for lunch. I love them, they have lots of seafood, fish, shrimp, salads.

  11. Ghost Avatar

    Ghost has been retired for a while. How else would he have been able to spend so much quality time with Jackie lately?

    My all-female staff was a real thing (Jackie has seen photos of some of them) and is still extant, although with some personnel changes. Also, they have a female boss now, and they tell me they don’t have nearly as much fun working for her as they did for me. I visit them as often as I can, and they seem to always be glad to see me, as I get some hugs from them that HR would probably felt were problematic when they were working for me. Even though, as Jackie has mentioned, harems seem to form around me wherever I am*, I do miss that bunch.

    *Terrie the Tasmanian Housekeeper was here this morning for the fourth time. Each time, she has worn less clothing than the time before (see Jackie’s description above for today’s outfit), and she is due to return on Friday. Bare midriff top and shorter, lower-riding shorts, perhaps? 😉

  12. Ghost Avatar

    Hi, Jean dear! Get that tush to the gym. You may not have fun now, but you will appreciate it later.

  13. Morphy Avatar

    Debbe, read yours on the tail of yesterday’s page. It has been so good that you became available when your dad’s needs increased. I’m glad you’ve been with him. Best wishes on the progress.

    got an extra giggle on ‘furever’, thanks.

  14. Ghost Avatar

    Although I was closeted with Terrie the Scantily-Clad Housekeeper at the time (working on the toilet in Jackie’s kitchen bathroom…get your minds out of the gutter), I am given to understand that this morning “Dickens the Adventure Dog” snapped at “Jesus the Physical Therapist”. With apologies to you USMC-types out there, I have re-dubbed her puppy “Dickens the Devil Dog”.

  15. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    maybe Dickens the Bipolar Dog. Most times he is very friendly, but something will set him off and then he’s biting, snarling and snapping. I think it’s partly the fact he’s so small so he feels he has to overact his toughness.

  16. Morphy Avatar

    Was there a ‘get thee behind me, Dickens’ scene?

  17. emb Avatar

    Have likely mentioned similar ‘harem’ problems, ever since I was in college. Partly, at least, it’s the radio announcer bass voice. Have always behaved impeccably, but Elaine had to get used to this bevy. Many became close friends of both of us, and considered her as lucky as I considered me.

    Dove chocolates, as many of you know, come in AL foil w/ a message inside: E.g., ‘Innovate’ or ‘Buy something frivolous’ (today’s treat). I usually have a 16 oz. coffee w/ H&H and a chocolate when I get to Peak Perf. to work out. Coupla wks back, there I was, age 87, sitting w/ my coffee, watching lovely female MPTs/DPTs, and Dove says, ‘Make the first move.’ OK, then what?



    Out for my very first outing, even before my revisit to my surgeon.

    Hair salon for styling. Dressed in cream lace shorts, sheer crepe black sleeveless tunic blouse and black glitter flats and a stylish metal walker.

    No Women of Wal-Mart for me.

    Cannot wait to go back out on dates with Ghost. He is a good looking man who as he says cleans up well.

    Cannot wait to take dance lessons but right now one leg is shorter than other.


    Mindy glad to hear about Thunder and the mouse. So sorry about Black Light.

    My hair stylist has silver purple hair and always looks great. Try it if you havent.

    How’s dating going?

  20. Ghost Avatar

    What does one call a bear that is nice, then mean, then nice again.

    A bi-polar bear.

  21. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Good one Ghost!

  22. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Amazon has a good thing with the Prime and two day delivery, at least when it works. The problem is that they are not sending things by carriers who show responsibility for their deliveries. Many of the items show FedEx or UPS as the carrier, but in reality they are only taking the item to the nearest postal sorting facility and the Post Office takes it from there. About 3 weeks ago some books I ordered were scheduled to arrive on a certain date. Checked my mailbox, nothing. Tracking showed delivered. Seems carrier put the key to the lockbox with the books in somebody else’s box, since I found the books in an unlocked lockbox. Last week I ordered a computer part, tracking shows delivered but nothing in box. Emailed USPS and after 3 days have heard nothing. Spoke to regular carrier, whose attitude was “I didn’t deliver it, so I know nothing, go to the post office. Or wait a week and contact your seller. If it’s Amazon, they’ll just send another.” And Postal workers wonder why the Postal Service is steadily losing customers.

  23. Morphy Avatar

    Ghost, I plan to twist that and share with a friend, who likes to find new ways to express the range of thoughts and the emotions they can yield.

    It will take experimenting, but something along the lines of a bi-polar bear being ‘well traveled’ could lead to ‘my moods may be erratic, but at least they are well traveled.’

  24. Smigz Avatar

    Debbe, I’m sorry to hear about Hampton’s passing, and I am sure no kitty could have felt more loved. Your Dad is in my prayers. Thank goodness you recognized what was happening and took action quickly.