“Vacation Week” is almost here! That’s what the week of the Fourth was called where I grew up. All the textile mills and all the ancillary facilities of West Point Manufacturing Co., later WestPoint Pepperell, would close for that period. That was when everyone in the organization got their one week of paid vacation. A lot of families lit out for Panama City, where, it was said, they would have to sweep the lint off the beach after the mill workers had returned home. We never went to PC. My family usually would visit one of my father’s brothers, or we would stay home and help Daddy with some ambitious home-improvement project. Needless to say, I preferred visiting my uncles and cousins. One uncle lived in Mobile, which meant trips to the nearby beaches there, and the other lived in Huntsville, where NASA was blowing and going. As much as I was enthralled by manned space flight at that time, I think I preferred the beach. Sorry, Uncle Ray.

Just Hersay
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
65 responses to “Just Hersay”
emb: Check out the falcon cam – the fallen fledgling has been seen, alive and well!
Arlo,, do you really want to know the answer to that question?
Reposted from yesterday’s:
Back on January 10, 2018, our local astronomy club met at BYU where we heard a special speaker, Dr Jani Radebaugh, talk about the Dragonfly her team hoped NASA would choose to send to Titan. They were picked!
In Michigan it is much the same. Most will head up to lower Northern Michigan and go to cabins near the many many lakes. They widened I-75 and when we went to Oscoda MI last Friday, I remarked that the traffic seemed a lot lighter that it used to be. Of course they used to have a drawbridge through Zilwaukee that would often stop traffic.
About 40 years ago they started building a replacement and it started to collapse during construction, causing a delay from 3 years to 9. Whenever we go over it, my wife and I make the Sign of the Cross. By the time that they finished the bridge, the number of boats that needed to have the drawbridge had greatly reduced.
I thought “Zilwaukee” was a typo when I first saw your post! I’d never heard of it. Thanks for the information.
We call it the bridge that made Zilwaukee famous.
Ruth Anne & Trucker. Thanks. Saw an adult perched in the Bluff area this morning, so was hopeful. Not likely to live long enough to see that NASA rover in action, but my hopeful theology suggests I might be able to watch it/fly with it anyway, perhaps in company I now miss much. Also, want to go back w/ her and watch the Bosporus waterfall that enlarged the Black Sea, probably giving rise to various “worldwide” flood myths. She’s probably already done that.
Ruth Anne: What do you click to learn such info? Peace,
Favorite t-shirt seen in the boutique today: All My Favorite Things Started As Bad Ideas
I have not seen that one yet! But I loved the wording! Did I buy Bad Idea?
Think we should if I didn’t.
(I am home with a wrapped arm fron knuckles to shoulder) Egyptian mummies have more motility.
One of the t-shirts in the order we put on the racks yesterday afternoon.
Re 6-28-19 real-time cartoon: Janis sets world indoor record for subject change.
“Rotten Fascia Board” will be the name of my next punk rock band.
Speaking of rock bands, I had on a Classic Rock Love Songs playlist as background in the boutique this morning, until a certain song came up. On what planet is “Back in Black” by AC/DC a “love song”?
Many years ago, I lived in an upstairs apartment and had many reasons not to like my downstairs neighbor. At bedtime, I’d take off one shoe and drop it on the floor with a loud *thunk* and then take off the other one and set it down as quietly as possible…
Tried to reply to emb (twice) but comment doesn’t appear, so I’m checking to see if this works.
Ruth Anne: Thanks for your effort, but “to see if [what] works”? URL? Just visited the GSB cliff view, & there was a parent bird, picking at bird lice. Good sign.
P.S. Please don’t include the “more than” or “less than” symbols when you email a URL here. This site eliminates the whole shebang if you do.
emb – Trying to get a post to show up. Check the comments section below the camera view on any of the explore cams for additional info and screen shots. Maybe adding the dot org is causing my posting problem. There’s a video on the falcon cam of the youngster returning to the nest box yesterday.
Hooray – it posted! Don’t know why it left off “in Winter Park” though.
Entertaining and funny comments here today! Never know what you folks are going to say. Love it.
On the retro, did anybody else notice Arlo’s change of expression between panel 1 and panel 3? Nice subtle artwork there, Jimmy.
We lived across the sound from Pensacola Beach. The Blue Angels used to do a show at the beach on July 4 quite often.
Hey Jimmy,
The mills are gone but Daniel’s Drive In (Little Brown Jug, established 1950) is closed for Vacation Week!
A summer day at the boutique: Today’s female customers under the age of 25 are, on average, 61% naked. (Yes, I did the math.)
Frequently heard in our woman’s boutique: “Oh, that’s cute!”
Being that we are a woman’s boutique, that’s a good thing.
We carry a lot of tee shirts and Ghost is the censor so they tend to be in good taste. Meaning as tee shirts go, they are conservative.
Our next big holiday here is Whole Hawg Day weekend and the rodeo which happen to be on same weekend. We will be getting piggy.
OK, let’s take a poll. I am male, and remove my shoes carefully & place them together next to my recliner in our TV room. It’s my preference to plod about in socks whenever I am home. No “clunks” here!
I take my shoes off quietly and put them under the bed. That way I won’t trip on them if I have to make a midnight foray to the bathroom. The only time I have thrown shoes when taking them off is if I’m trying to kill a bug I don’t want to get close to.
I take off my Rockport wingtips/Rockport walking shoes/Skechers sport shoes/5.11 tactical boots (8-inch )/ 5.11 tactical boots (6-inch )/Under Armour tactical boot (6-inch)/Redhead hunting boots/Western boots/or whatever, and I then try to find space on the closet floor for them. 😀
Only thing left by the bedside is my bedroom slippers. I never cared for walking around barefoot or even in just socks.
Wearing Dan Post 13-inch Milwaukee Western boots in dark cherry today, if you are wondering…or even if you aren’t.
Who knew a Western boot would be named for Milwaukee?
I know what you mean about not walking around barefoot. After stubbing toes on the legs of beds a couple of times I stopped going barefoot. These days I wear some Crocs indoors because they protect my feet well from both bumps and stepping on things that might cut me. That’s an important consideration now that I am a diabetic, according to my VA podiatrist.
I usually kick my shoes off in front of my chest of drawers. If I wear different shoes, there may be two or three pairs by the chest. Eventually, I’ll move the unused shoes/boots to the closet shelves. I don’t recall having ever thrown any of the shoes. Socks stay on my feet until I sit on the edge of the bed. The socks then stay beside the bed for a day or two (or a few) until I pick up the stack and toss them into the laundry. My wife has accused me of growing a sock battalion since I was a second lieutenant in the Army many long years ago. Fortunately, the habit doesn’t make her too crazy!