This is what’s fun about writing for cartoon characters. We all know Janis is a practical person. She is a no-nonsense woman who sometimes must keep her husband Arlo and their household on a correct path. She would never really do something like play strip poker on the Internet! That’s what makes the joke. However, she is a multi-faceted human being, and it occasionally is hinted that she has an inner life distinctly removed from the daily life she is required to lead. She might!
I’m sure by now it has been noted that this week’s Arlo & Janis comic strips in newspapers and at GoComics are repeats of recent work. This has happened several times this year, and I apologize. I wish I could tell you I’m spending my downtime in the Islands, but there is an ongoing family crisis that has required a lot to time and energy. Even the new strips that have run in the past few months aren’t always up to my standard but are the best I can do at the time. (Come to think of it, that’s always true.) As for the repeats, though, I personally select the strips that you see, choosing favorites of mine that I hope you will enjoy seeing again. Just like we do here! I expect to get through this soon. I have the best job in the world, and it pains me when I feel as if I’m not doing it justice. Anyway, again, thank you for reading Arlo & Janis!
29 responses to “Know When to Fold ‘Em”
hang in there, jimmy. we’re here for you.
Thank you!
Re 7-9-19 retro cartoon: Giving a whole new (and more pleasant) meaning to the phrase “losing your shirt”.
You have SO many good strips that I have forgotten about, they seem like new. If you were to go deep into the archive (one can tell by the haircuts, usually) it might be more noticeable.
Of course we have your back. Prayers for you and your family.
The haircuts are one reason I choose more current material. However, if I should have to run reruns in the future, maybe I’ll just own it and show material from 10-15 years ago. Some of it isn’t half bad!
Just say you are running some Classic Arlo and Janis strips. And you’ll be telling the truth. Good luck to you and your family and don’t sweat the reruns. Family first!
Family first. The Village will find a way to get by while you deal with your issues. Thankfully, you have a deep archive that always seems fresh and relevant.
Thank you. I have noticed that readers at GoComics comment on and “like” the reruns more than most of the fresh material!
like so many others have said, we hope all goes well for you and your family.
Thank you.
Jimmy with my memory you could pull a Garfield or Maxine and just write new dialogue for old strips. Heck they wiuld be twice funny!
Honestly I seldom notice a rerun. I enjoy them over and over just as much.
Stay strong. Your ability to laugh has gotten me through many a crisis, disaster and grief. And still does.
Your family needs you first. We’ll be happy with whatever you can spare for the rest of us….??
Sending Prayers for all
Sometimes life gets in the way. Thoughts are with you Jimmy.
There is no sign of a 2001-era web camera on top of the monitor — they were far from universal in that bygone era,and not at all tiny. So I suspect Janis was playing strip poker by the honor system. Being an entirely honorable person, she is fulfilling her obligations legitimately. Being an entirely honorable person, she is not providing her fellow players an inappropriate level of descriptive detail. I am charmed.
Actually, I don’t see a mention of strip poker in the comic. Just poker. The strip reference came from Jimmy today. Although when I think of it, comic strip characters playing poker are playing “strip” poker.
Oops. I never noticed that Janis was starting to remove her blouse in the last panel. Failed that perception check.
Humm. Strip poker on the InterWebNet*…why didn’t think of that? Well, that’s why Jimmy is a famous cartoonist, and I’m not, I suppose. And as he says about Janis, “She might.” That is part of her charm for me.
*If I had the time, I’d do some research and see if that is indeed a thing.
I just googled “online strip poker” and got a LOT of hits. It is indeed a thing.
I hope the problems are resolved as well as they can possibly be, if not even better.
I am not going to tell you what came up when I qsked Amazon for “Realistic artificial “(stuffed animals) before I completed the request 20+ suggestions popped up.
Based on only words “realistic artificial” I noted what most shopped for recommendation was in shock. So, never having seen one anywhere in 75 years, much less shopped for one I clicked! Oooohboy!!!
Spent an hour browzing in wonder and curiosity. Warned Ghost if Amazon sends even odder suggestions!
Take care of your family JJ! We’ll all be here when you get back.
Wishing you the best.
Jimmy, I shall add you and your family to my nightly prayer list. Jackie is on that list also!
Love the Village… and our fearless leader!
Long ago, before we had kids, my wife and I often played a simple game of War (whoever drew the lower card lost the battle and a clothing item). Ah, the good times!
Thoughts and prayers to you and your family JJ. Stay strong, we’ll still be here for you.
Sign that I’m still “of sound mind”: I noticed the tum button right away. Sound body? Most newbies are surprised I’m pushing 90. Gratitude? Need to remind myself now & then. Family problems? Better than most, I think. Some that I hear of boggle the mind. Others: HIPPA.
Jimmy: Will remember you silently at “concerns” time Sunday, but won’t split. Nightly, yes, even though it’s always the same well known prayer.
Sign that I’m still “of sound mind”: I noticed the tum button right away. Sound body? Most newbies are surprised I’m pushing 90. Gratitude? Need to remind myself now & then. Family problems? Better than most, I think. Some that I hear of boggle the mind. Others: HIPPA.
Jimmy: Will remember you silently at “concerns” time Sunday, but won’t split. Nightly, yes, even though it’s always the same well known prayer.
Sign that I’m still “of sound mind”: I noticed the tum button right away. Sound body? Most newbies are surprised I’m pushing 90. Gratitude? Need to remind myself now & then. Family problems? Better than most, I think. Some that I hear of boggle the mind. Others: HIPPA.
Jimmy: Will remember you silently at “concerns” time Sunday, but won’t split. Nightly, yes, even though it’s always the same well known prayer.
Twice? Had merely brushed the post oblong.