Still mining the near past, from October, 2014. Not long ago, the remote control was to cartoonists what the smart phone is now, a well one could always return to during a dry spell. One of these days, I’ll learn. I told you I’d have something definitive about the Kickstarter thing, and I do! Sort of. It will begin Monday morning! Unless something totally out of my control prevents it, and I don’t think it will. Tell you what: I will keep you updated with special weekend posts. I’m doing all I can on my end.

Knowledge Is On/Off
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
152 responses to “Knowledge Is On/Off”
Good morning Villagers…
…and a GM back at you, Old Bear
Steve, I like to throw that sultry word around, also like to say “those hens sound like there’s a fox in the hen house….wait a minute, I am that fox in the hen house” ๐
Good advice on the A/C, and that’s what we did, let it de-ice and put in new filters. Seems to be running fine, we keep it at about 78, but come evening with the sun glaring at us directly from the west, it works a little overtime.
Happy Caturday ya’ll
GR ๐ you ok? Pray your mother is fine……….Amen
never been to this video site, but have this recorded on TV….she’s my girl
I should print this, if I had one, and mail it to the Boss ๐
Got daughter back from karate lesson (she’s getting scary!) and checked in… Where are you guys?
Just got back home from errands, hair, toes… now I am trying to cure my headache before chores.
Beautiful day here in SE Ohio. Several rainy days earlier this week but, thankfully, no major storms or flooding. Our poor neighbors across the river in WV have had more than enough! They have been devastated. Those mountain valleys were rivers of flood water! There was a video on the news of a house, drifting down the rapid current, on fire!
Prayers for all…
Home, but getting ready to do week’s grocery run.
Garbage day is Friday but with the 4th on Monday, all of the pick-up days got pushed out a day. When I went out today to add something to the pile and I felt a wonderful cool breeze as I walked out. With the AC problems and the 90 degree+ days, I can’t begin to tell you how great that feels.
Debbe, we ended up having to get an entire new HVAC system as the the blower on the furnace was shot and the system was 25 years old. Probably could have kept the AC condenser, but figured that it would be easier and cheaper in the long run to do it all at once. Turning 60 this December, it makes me realize that if we stay at this home, I probably (and hopefully!) will not have to replace it.
OK, someone mentioned the naziis. I’m going to say something which may make everyone angry although that is anything but my intention. Let’s start by acknowledging that their are bad cops. I’m not talking about crooked cops, that’s another discussion. I’m talking about those whose temprament, maturity level, parental teaching, life experiences, etc make them a bad choice for carrying a lethal weapon and having legal authority over people that may be a challenge to deal with and/or the officer may have some basic distrust and/or dislike for. Have you ever known anyone like that? I know plenty right know and a lot of them carry guns and make racially prejudiced statements. The bottom line is that it’s not that easy to find a good law enforcement officer. I worked with plenty of bad ones myself along with some that were outstanding. Now, I have never been black, BUT it appears to me that that particular segment of the population is constantly told by the media that cops, all cops, are bad and whether they are black or white they cannot be trusted. It’s easy for me to look at some of the videos that I’ve seen and suggest ways that I may have handled the situation, but of course I wasn’t there when it was actually happening. I can only say that I never had to draw my weapon on anyone and I never got shot or ran away from a situation. Why did I mention the german WWII army in the first sentence? Because some of them and I have no idea but certainly some of them must of been basically good guys. Given the situation though our guys naturally felt that anyone of the other side that they saw had to be killed. Well, given the indoctrination, some of the folks out there are looking at law enforcement officers as naziis and treating them all as such. I could not disagree more strongly, but I can try to understand it and hope that somehow the word gets out there to Everyone that there’s a different way. I hope that I did not offend anyone as that was certainly not my intention.
Jerry, this site does NEED a Like button!
second line-“there are”. Of course some people are crazy to use a technical word.
Jerry in Fl, agreed. Here is something I was sent on Facebook that I think needs wide distribution:
Yes, there are segments of society who are taught to distrust all authority, whether police, military, government or even teachers. And police see most people at their worst. With the current level of anti-authority rhetoric some people are getting scared. Fear plus hate often equals violence. Folks need to step back, calm down, and think.
“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jerry, Trucker, Mark, and Ruth Anne — very level-headed and well thought-out comments. You are right about these situations, and you have lots more real life experience than I do. I must add that the shooters and bombers who began this violence have got to be mentally ill. They aren’t thinking rationally. I wonder a lot about the killings in Dallas … the Boston Marathon bombers … apparently they can’t think through the consequences. Let alone the lack of empathy with their victims and their families, and their own families, don’t they realise that they themselves will end up dead, or in prison until they die there. They will be dead forever! They can never come back to their life on earth. How do they figure this?
Jackie is safely in Holland, Michigan in lovely hotel. Posting photos and reports later.
Jerry that was indeed a thoughtful post and I totally agree.
Mark, I’m sure that the technology exists to broadcast directly to my brain. I don’t know if that has ever been used in a movie. I’m sure that it is warmer in Holland than when I was there in May. I didn’t even go out to see the windmill. I did buy a pair of wooden shows. They’re stuck on my refrigerator door.
Beautiful and sunny outside balcony window. God bless Marriott.
IMO, today’s Sunday Luann is so true it’s hilarious. No, this was not typical of Elaine. Peace,
We had Flat Cat which I bought multiples of as they got lost and wore out. Real looking cats made of rabbit fur which they quit making completely. We got down to a two or three inch square which I swore I’d put in a locket so she could wear down the aisle.
Where is everyone? We are waiting for table in very popular brunch spot and on waiting list for tickets to touring Broadway show The Million Dollar Quartet.
Cool, so you might get a chance to see the show that was going to be in Birmingham? About the time Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins were jamming together?
What happened to the weekend update Jimmy. By the way, I bought your ex wife’s latest book. It’s excellent.
My son’s Father-in-Law is a retired Royal Oak police officer who now works weekends at headquarters taking non 911 calls. He has really enjoyed it as a way to work but without the stress of being on the beat. The last 3 days have been wonderful with food coming in, phone calls and pictures drawn by kids. It really restores your faith in thee community.
There are multiple groups around the country doing the Million Dollar Quartet. I saw one of them and enjoyed it.