I hope this cartoon from 2002 will not appear glib, but I’m certain I’ve never drawn anything appropriate to the events in Paris. Humorists are hard pressed when widely felt tragedy occurs, when neither business as usual nor silence is comfortable. I have spent time in France, including two months as a guest of the House of Authors at the International Institute of the Comic Strip in Angoulême. Those titles, by the way, are my crude English translations, to save us all some extra trouble. I have never met anyone from Charlie Hebdo, but I have met many French cartoonists, and they were all very gracious. I am thinking of my friends there, many of whom I am sure do have direct connections to the victims. It is hard to imagine the shock and the grief being experienced by the large and vibrant community of French cartooning. My association with them is tenuous, to be sure, but I personally am saddened with them. And I do admit trying not to think about it too much.

La vie et la mort
By Jimmy Johnson
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70 responses to “La vie et la mort”
As per Jackie’s request…
And yes, it is lovely.
And so is this version…
Jackie, here’s the original you tried to post, I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP8qXnnn4tc
David in Austin, wishing so very much that the transplant will happen! The whole Village will be thinking of you today.
With love from Charlotte
David, best wishes and speedy recovery.
GR6, thanks for the followup link on Kirbygate.
BTW, I renewed my license and signed up to be a donor. Hopefully they will wait until I am done using them… All kidding aside, I recommend it for all.
I pray this will be YOUR kidney, David!
I second Steve’s thought. “ORGAN DONOR” has been stamped on the back of my DL for as long as my state has allowed that. And despite what some may think, I actually am doing all I can to keep them healthy enough for someone else to use when I don’t them any longer. 🙂
Good luck David! Hope you can get it done, this time and get off the dialysis. I am also listed with my DL as a potential donor and have been for years. As O+ my organs should work for somebody out there.
Thanx for that quote, Trapper Jean; I’ve added it to my list of signature quotes for Usenet. Best of luck, David, and I hope to be reading RSN that your new kidney is doing it’s job.
Last, I do hope that all of the 9/11 crew got their virgins: nuns with shotguns.
sideburns, “May the Lord reach out and touch your heart.”
Dave – Fingers crossed for you!
I heard 3 billion but there is no going back with current thinking.
in the 50’s there was a movement for Zero Population Growth have not heard of them
for a long while.
Dave blessings upon you and the donor.
Translation; “You seem to be late. The virigins are already in editorial conference with Charlie.”
Count me as another potential donor, someday. Keeping our pieces and parts in good shape for future recipients is a good idea but there are parts that can be used even if the “big names” (heart, kidneys, etc.) are not suitable. My dad had cancer and major cardio-vascular issues but his corneas were still usable. Skin can be used for burns or other wound care.
That is good to know, Ruth Anne. I asked just as Mike was dying and still on life support if any of his organs and tissue could be used and they told me no, that they would not be accepted because of the kind of cancer Mike had which had spread throughout his body. It made me sad to not donate any part of him, as we had talked about it and he had said the same thing the nurse told me, so I am sure he also asked.
Love, Jackie
OF due 1733-1753 CST.
Still no news on the possible kidney. In a way, that is good news. They haven’t determined that I CAN’T take the kidney. That may mean that I passed the “virtual crossmatch”, which is a computer simulation of the mixing of blood antigens. The transplant coordinator told me earlier today that I am the first candidate, or top of the list, for this kidney. If I pass the actual cross match then the kidney is mine.
David, as my Kiwi friend often says, I am crossing all twenty fingers and toes for you. I pray you get your kidney. When we lost Erma Bombeck I cried my heart out because she never got hers.
I would have given her one as well, I loved her so much.
We NEED more donors to make more organs available to those in need!
By the way, my gardener/yard lady has taken over as my housekeeper too and she is unbelievably neat freak like I used to be and how I love to live. This is going to be great I think having her as a companion for me. She cooked dinner for me and made me eat with her, put leftovers in fridge for me. Turns out she is not bad as a cook either.
Have spent most of day sorting and reorganizing clothes, putting stuff to give away. This is apparently burning calories? Because me eating a chicken breast, carrots and fresh mashed potatoes for dinner, did not stop my blood sugars from crashing like a plummeting rock, even worse tonight than last night. I promptly drank a full glass of OJ and they are slowly going up.
Keep praying for David, please.
Love, Jackie
Just received call from transplant coordinator. Lab test back. Some of the antibodies are high but surgeon says not high enough at this point to rule me out. So that is good for us. Must wait on donor blood to do final cross match. The delay now is the family and doctors of the donor have decided to wait until tomorrow. Patient’s heart is still beating but brain is damaged so patient not able to survive without life support. I am not able to bring myself to hope for another’s death. Please pray for the patient’s family. We will wait to see what comes tomorrow.
This is why when we knew Mike could not survive off life support I wanted so badly to donate his organs. I realize that we could not but you want so badly to have the loss of those who you love mean some good comes to those who wait.
Love, Jackie
The eye doctor now tells me that I am beginning to get cataracts so I probably don’t have anything useable left. Also I suspect that once you’ve had cancer they probably rule you out.
Well I am sitting here waiting to check blood sugars one more time while listening to ZZ Top and John Fogerty play in Tulsa together, an event I had no idea had occurred but pretty amazing.
Earlier I was listening to Vince Gill on sax and a host of famous musicians playing with Duane Eddy to a totally awesome jam session, twanging away.
My tastes in music go wildly in all directions.
Love, Jackie
Sorry Jackie. After reading your earlier comments more carefully I see that you addressed the cancer issue.
I wouldn’t be able to drive if it wasn’t for my cornea transplant, getting the second scheduled. Wife died this morning, hardest part was never got to really say a final goodbye, All wee hours of Tuesday she was flashing her little bedside flashlight at the TV cabinet freaking about the millions of baby spiders coming down from the ceiling, then saw snakes around the door, enough Atavin and Morphine made it go away, she was mostly out of it, there were some agitated loud times, I was able to adjust her a little, but her breathing was mostly quiet and steady. we all realize now how she forced herself through the holidays