I thought I owed you a special Saturday post, and a return to routine won’t hurt me, either. It’s good to hear the hum of conversation around here, but I feel like you just depend on me to unlock the front door! Well, that’s ok. I don’t mind at all. The strip above first appeared way back in 1992. They’re still sitting on that same sofa.
Ladies’ Man
By Jimmy Johnson
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135 responses to “Ladies’ Man”
GR6, you might like these Ray Bans, http://www.ray-ban.com/usa/sunglasses/clubmaster/clv?pid=IP01_G-BRD-Sunglasses-Style-Exact_Style-Name-Clubmaster_ray-ban-clubmaster
They are the ones I am currently wearing. 😉
Loved today’s real-time strip. Although… I will have to admit that I recognized myself in Arlo. And I wonder – is that tendency a good thing or a bad thing? I will say that I do not release my inner clown unless I feel comfortable with my companions, but… Too much self-examination for so early in the morning!
Gal, maybe sand’s or Ghost’s Ray Bans would help Arlo’s cool factor? Hmmm…nope! My husband does this when we’re away on vacation sometimes, but not around the house. Wonder if that means something?
Good morning Villagers….
Gal, I too had a good laugh at today’s strip. But you know what, the best laughter is when one can laugh at one’s self at our expense. Like when I run into something, or hit my head while crawling under something….I’ll holler: “Who put that there?….And why?”
Still getting encouraging news on my car, but unfortunately my husband’s car has also encountered some major problems. Now we both are carless. But, my BIL is still here, and Andrew will be picking us up. He drives what we call “the dead truck”. The GMC belongs to The Boss, it has close to 300,000 miles on it and still runs. The reason we call it “the dead truck” is it also is used to haul the dead hens to the compost. My husband and BIL wish we would call it something else 🙂
RE: Aging….today in our small community, a couple will be getting married at noon at our church. She’s 92 and he is 89…I would have never guessed LaRue was 92…she doesn’t look a day over 72. I truly wish them well.
Called my baby sister to wish her older daughter happy 16th birthday. I teased her and said “sweet sixteen and probably has been kissed”….my sister replied that her daughter will never tell. Here’s what so wild…it is also “Skittles’ 16th and my husband’s sister’s birthdays. I’ve several people and relatives who share the same birth dates.
Denise, I have my mom’s pressure cooker….same one I used to make mashed ‘taters when growing up. Being the oldest, I usually got the supper started in the evenings. Do you have a pressure cooker too? I don’t use it hardly. I love my slow cooker. Throw the meat in before I leave, and my husband will throw in the veggies later. He found in the frozen food section at the store a tasteful package of frozen veggies just for veggie soup…it even includes okra.
GR 😉 when talking with my sister this morning, I told her about Verizon. She started working for Verizon when she got out of high school. She took the early buy out when Frontier bought the landlines out here in Indiana. She got a nice severance pay which included continued health insurance coverage till she hits medicare age. I tease her when it comes to paying my cell phone bill……
later…it’s going to be a lazy Sunday…got work clothes in washer, husband will throw them in the dryer for me. He’s a good man…
Debbe 😉 My my, girl; beginning to suspect you may have a little “cougar” blood in you. A throwback to when you used to drive all the boys crazy? 😉
Back in the day, I wore Ray-Ban Wayfarers, like Nicholson wore in the movie where he played the retired astronaut.
Debbe, they have fast pressure cookers now, sort of a combination of the best features of a slow cooker and a pressure cooker, My ex bought one and has been telling me how great it is, can cook dinner in under an hour. Of course, it does not sit on the stove eye and cook, but plugs in to an outlet and has a “brain” of its own to control the cooking. Glad to hear you are doing better and that your family drama is calming down.
Have a pleasant Sunday, everyone. And for those having a family dinner, enjoy. I sure miss the ones we had with my grandmother.
I love my slow cooker too but I have been playing with a new toy, a Traeger LTE smoker. My old electric smoker is pretty much kaput except to use as a box for cold smoking. I have cheese (mozzarella and 4 year old cheddar) smoking in it right now. The Traeger has a pork butt with my own rub on it smoking for pulled pork. I also have a couple of slabs of pork with my own Cajun seasoning, layered with fresh pineapple and wrapped in bacon on the Traeger.
When I lived in Ft. Lauderdale I would see older men in their knee socks and sandals walking the poodle and I said that I would never be that old. Guess what. I still feel the same way, although on a rare occasion I will check the mailbox while wearing socks and flipflops if I feel too lazy to remove the socks. I will never own knee socks though.
Lady Mindy, not being a fashionista, I had to google “tulip-skirt dress” but was intrigued to learn that a tulip-skirt appears to be a version of what we called a “wrap-around skirt” back in the day…the garment that made kite flying my second favorite windy-day pastime. Yes, they can also be rather treacherous for seating. I well recall one day when I was having lunch and glanced up just as a cute young redheaded lady wearing a wrap-around skirt exited a nearby booth table. Without getting too graphic, I will simply say that she made it obvious that she was sans culotte under her sheer pantyhose and that the carpet matched the drapes.
Nonetheless, I’m sure you looked quite fetching in your strapless tulip-skirt dress and strappy sandals. 🙂
We got rid of our old sofa after the kids had moved on. When they found out we had a new one all we heard was complaints and how comfortable the old one was. I think they were right.
And, as his unchewed hamburger became firmly lodged in his windpipe, a ghost he became and has been ever since.
Actually, I was (perhaps ironically) eating a taco for lunch.
Dearest Ghost, you seem to have total recall of the times when you have viewed attractive women, especially if they revealed more than was seemly. Every little detail is never forgotten. That’s good! Your brain is working on all twelve cylinders. People remember best what interests them most, don’t you think?
Sounds like one of my favorite tacos from years ago. See previous comment about reading the menu.
Never mind. That was supposed to be a link to Is There Anybody Out There? To my embarrassment it isn’t.
Charlotte, my paternal grandmother had an exceptional memory. I was fortunate enough to inherit a bit of that from her, I suppose. But yes, some things are easier to remember than others. 🙂
And I will say that if one has a good memory and a good imagination, it’s quite easy to entertain one’s self.
Howdy Villagers. I am back in Bayou City. Last report on Loon, she was having dinner in Connecticut with coworkers.
sand, I’m assuming you intentionally left Loon rather than forgetting to bring her back. 🙂 But welcome back.
Dearest Ghost, I agree about the good memory and the good imagination. And also, maybe because I grew up as an only child, I nearly never feel lonesome or bored; I can entertain myself. (I read an awful lot, too. That makes me think of what my daughter Marge told me when she visited this morning — she has been reading for some days as much as she possibly could, to finish her library book before it became overdue! Thinking, “well, it’s hardly worth it” I asked what the fine would be — she replied, “fifty cents a day.” Gee, it’s gone up a lot while I wasn’t paying attention.)
Charlotte, when I was about ten and discovered the public library tucked away in the basement of the County Court House located in the small city in which I was living at the time, I believe the fine for a late book return was a nickel. Not that I ever had to pay a fine, though.
Many years later, I returned to the city to attend an aunt’s grave-side service and, running a bit early, I parked for a while on the public square, about a dozen feet from the outside stone steps leading down to where the library was located and sat, reminiscing. Good memories of good times.
Good morning Villagers…..
And what a relaxing Sunday it was…watched some good movies. First was one called “Bite the Bullet” with Gene Hackman and James Coburn (which I recorded), then “Old Gringo” with Gregory Peck and Jane Fonda. then a favorite of mine which I’ve seen several times…”Starman”…
Husband made a 4 bean chili…which I dolloped with shredded cheese and sour cream…yummmm.
Scared to go into work today…..Ian and Andrew worked my packer….those two idgets ran my packer at one time on 100!!! I usually run it on 44.7. I’m afraid of belts breaking and wrappiing. Needless to say, they also did not clean up. They had fun teasing me about all of their antics at the hen house yesterday. It’s so good to see them both together, they call one another “bro”.
GR 😉 I remember wrap around skirts, and I also remember wearing them well. 🙂
Mark…thank you for your kind words. I too remember Sunday dinners, after church, at my paternal grandparents…we were blessed in that they lived next door to us girls when we were growing up.
ya’ll have a blessed day
I remember Sunday crossword puzzles, I also remember paying .50 cents for the Sunday newspaper…now I think they cost something like $3….and they are filled with mostly coupons and ad inserts.
Jerry…is this what you were trying to link to?