Happy St. Patrick’s Day! In case you’re wondering, there really is such a thing as a “clurichaun.” I mean, there’s such a thing as a mythical Irish fairy called a “clurichaun.” I tell you: the things you have to know to be a cartoonist! Mostly, you have to know how to get to the Google search page. If it seems I’m chronically nostalgic for all things pre-digital, let me tell you how cartoonists used to do things. They actually kept catalogs and files of clippings at hand, just so they’d know how to draw, say, a lawn mower. Now? Pffft! Google “lawn mower” and instantly see images of just about every type of lawn mower ever invented or imagined. Also back then, every good cartoonist’s shelves groaned with dictionaries and thesauruses and encyclopedias! Now, it’s dust and old Beanie Babies.

Leprechauns Gone Wild
By Jimmy Johnson
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180 responses to “Leprechauns Gone Wild”
From the Department of Stolen Thunder: Oops.
Read Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon by Spider Robinson to find a story involving a clurichan.
Debbe 😉 I inherited my mom’s put-cuff-around-arm-and-push-button blood pressure monitor when she went into nursing care. It promptly went Tango Uniform a short while later. I got one of these and have been very pleased with it. (It’s much less expensive at Amazon and other on-line sellers.)
Charlotte & eMb: You both have my email address. Send me a note authorizing me to send your address on to the other, and I will do so posthaste.
Taking the day to finish and file my return with the Infernal Revenue Service. Giada is looking perky today. But then, she always does. I’m fairly sure her show provides a hair stylist, a makeup stylist, and a cleavage stylist for her.
OK, OK; I’ll get back to my taxes. Anytime now.
Darn, and all I have are a good fairy costume, a bunny costume and an Elvira costume with feathers! No leprechauns good or bad, not even an Irish Colleen costume.
Will a leopard skin print nightgown work? You can tell I just woke up.
By the way, Trula was off two days from chicken duty and pulled out twenty eggs this morning from four chickens! Do they lay more than one a day? Like backlog?
“You are not your body and hair-style, but your capacity for choosing well. If your choices are beautiful, so too will you be.” Epictetus
I do not do anything today. However I can’t explain it here because it covers politics AND religion! lol.
At least in the Detroit area, it is one of the most dangerous nights to be driving due to the number of people celebrating with alcohol. Another reason not to do anything. It being a Friday night, I am guessing that it might be a good night to stay home and watch a movie.
new day…..had to repost this one….
Jackie, what are you feeding your hens????? What’s their sleeping pattern, lighting?? All are factors….that’s a log of yolk, hon…..from 4 hens in two days….so, eggs, it’s whats for dinner!
Thanks for the line GR 😉 , looks like the ones the visiting hom health nurse uses….I WANT ONE!!!!
Dad still has not slept, Ian is up pulling duty…going to U-tube to look up the 4-7-8-sleep technique I just saw a video of it on a news site.
Found it…..the comments are hysterical, esp. the one about “it works, I passed out and posted this ” 🙂
…posted this the next day…
.gotta read some more comments, I need a good laugh again…Dad is
still up and down,pacing back and forth thru the house using his walker….. don’t think that 4-7-8- technique will work on him….twice now he’ll start to nod off and do a little snoring, and then something jerks him back out of his sleep
Ian just now looked at me and said “something has to give”
My mom would think she’d been asleep for hours and it would be minutes. We’d be traveling and she’d wake up, ask where we were, we’d reply six times to same question before we got out of town!
Happy St Patrick’s Day. Although in some ways I prefer St Brendan, who according to legend actually sailed all the way to Canada in a leather boat during one missionary trip. No I won’t drink alky for the day, religious and medical reasons. I will wear green.
Yes Mark the Callahan series is great, especially the last book. Intelligent cockroaches indeed.
Debbe, would hot chocolate help your dad sleep? He likes choc. milk, and some folks say warm milk helps them get to sleep…..
Ghost and Jimmy, great minds…
I wish I were there to salute Mr. Chavez in person.
If you’re giving your dad hot chocolate, Debbe, be sure to put some nutmeg in it, as that’s an old folk remedy for sleeplessness.
Ghost Sweetie, I can still kick, just not quite as high as before. 😉
And concerning St Patrick; he was not Irish, he was Welsh. There is also this:
Hi, Jean dear. So high can you kick now? 😉
I love me some corned beef and cabbage, historically correct of not. I’ll probably pick up a small slab of it from the deli at my neighborhood market and boil some cabbage and a potato to go with it tonight.
Thanks to all for their nutmeg and hot chocolate remedies….did the hot chocolate, Nestles (makes the very best) but no nutmeg here…except me, and my name is not Meg 🙂
He’s still going, but is starting to want to get up less….beef and noodles for supper, he loves cottage cheese and fruit…I pray it’s an early night for him.
God bless all of you here…..
Jean..good to hear of your rehab success….Jackie also will have the strength and will in her to do the same…won’t ya, Jackie?
GR 😉 thanks for the link to the 105 year old Veteran…what a soldier…good to read the community is getting involved in restoring their home.
…going to check my brackets……
I recognize that Clurichaun! ????????
I recognize that Clurichaun! ????????
Welcome Lynn from Memphis 🙂
Sideburns, I’m going to try the nutmeg! I have always had a hard time falling asleep (and staying asleep, too). On the plus side, the twice-yearly time change has no effect upon me.
Debbe, you may wish to consider asking your Dad to do some exercises while sitting or even lying down. Things like “marching” and arm circles while sitting, leg lifts in bed, or even just stretching while lying down. I used to have to sneak in exercise for my Mom sometimes. She could be unco-operative, so I would put things she wanted slightly out of reach so she had to stretch, ask her to hold light weights like cans of soup for me…I wonder if she ever realized what I was doing?