A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Literary Achievement

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I’m still mining Sundays from 10 years ago. I thought you might be interested to know that the big Web-page makeover that I’ve talked about recently (and have talked about off and on in the past) might really happen this time. If it doesn’t, I just wasted money on a retainer I paid to some fine young people who’re going to help me put it all together technically. Of course, I learned I’m still going to have to provide the content. Sheesh! It isn’t scheduled to roll out until spring, possibly even late spring, and I have no idea what it will look like, because I’ve yet to come up with a concept and the artwork to support it—that “content” bugaboo I mentioned. However, I will keep you posted as events warrant.

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442 responses to “Literary Achievement”

  1. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Debbe. he was no one hit wonder. They are all good. I am listening to “Margarita” right now, they are not all inspirational in the same way!

    Listen to “White Sandy Beach” which is probably my favorite. Or his songs to the sea and the water. Izzy was an activist for salvation of the islands and his people.

    My oldest daughter is named Malia for a wonderful six foot plus 300# Hawaiian lady called Auntie Mary, my husband’s pantry girl and the mother to all she met. Malia is about 5 feet tall, blonde Haole like Barbie without a touch of the brown skin I thought she’d have!

    “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” is playing right now.

    Love, Jackie

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Ghost, I need to stop visiting and go do some work on throwing away the clothes that are already too large for me. You are my inspiration that makes me eat a balanced diet and do some exercise. That and a house/yard/helper that can cook and does for me!

    I do wish I had bought that Weight Watcher’s franchise in Mississippi and Alabama when Jeanne Neiditch offered it to me back in Honolulu! I know someone there is doing a good job and I have thought many times about that mistake! I bet your sister was a wonderful leader and inspiration to all she met because you are, so she is smiling at you. Just like Mike is in the office with me saying, “Hell of a time to do this, Jackie.”

    Helper and I decided maybe it was too soon to toss all those too small clothes with the price tags on them. So, she is packing and labeling them for me for future possible use. I am keeping nothing that is now too big.

    It took me a long time to get here and it is going to take less to turn around and make the return trip, but no, not over night and no crash diets.

    Love, Jackie

  3. Debbe Avatar

    Jackie…the should of, would of, could of’s that we could of, should of, would of’s that we didn’t do…if I dwell upon those….and there are times that I do…I become like this…..


  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Debbe. it is better to try and live without regret I find. Some were bad choices but in the end I hope the good outweighs those! I try to find joy in the moment.

    Mike was good like that, when I’d mention something past he’d say he had opened the sea cock of his mind and it was gone, like the bilge water.

    Now I try to remember the really good stuff and laugh. Been there, done that with depression, which is no fun, long time ago. That is why I have an audience of thousands waiting to laugh with me but cheer me on if I succeed. Nothing like publicly being willing to expose yourself.

    Love, Jackie (who loves the cat jokes and photos you post)

  5. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Geez. youtube and computers do not like my fingers! “In This Life” is song.

  7. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist
  8. Bob in Orland Park Avatar
    Bob in Orland Park

    SNOW in Chicago area. Thank goodness for the snowblower but it’s still snowing and high winds are predicted. Gonna hunker down and watch the game.

  9. sandcastler™ Avatar

    73° and sunny on Bayou City.

  10. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Sand, I left that portion of paradise too!

  11. Debbe Avatar

    don’t forget the sunscreen if you go outside, Sandcastler 🙂

    Loon, apply as directed………………..

  12. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Leaving for first Florida trip in about a month and sitting here asking myself if I have sunblock clothes that fit yet? Also will have to drag down to warehouse for some boxes of summer clothes.

    However there have been launch dates when everyone was so cold they looked like Eskimos in the sleet and snow and ended up sun burnt by Key Largo.

    Need to find some of my “official” clothing for either Watertribe, Small Craft Advisor or Duckworks and hope it fits again. If not, I may have to hand letter a piece of cardboard and stick it in the hat band saying “Press”. There are actually no press credentials, of course. These guys do not stand on ceremonies!

    There looks like an interesting event in Mobile that Gary Sinese and The Lt. Dan band will be playing, something to do with planes? And Wounded Warriors I suspect? In March I could put it on the end/return trip. The bike they are raffling sounds interesting too.

    Love, Jackie

  13. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Debbe: No, I don’t have anyone with me today. Jerry’s daughter is frantically cleaning house in preparation of a deluge of relatives. She works full time and has a family, so housework is usually one of those things that gets put on the back burner!

    I consulted with her, and my project of the day is getting a head start on clearing out some of his things. I have several piles of clothing sorted. It is bittersweet… I am remembering… when he wore that… I got him that… we laughed at a certain time… all part of the grieving process.

    I listened again, Deb, to the Izzy link you posted. Also bittersweet…

    But – as I have stated to various friends and relatives during the past couple of days – God is good, ALL the time!

  14. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    And… even though I am not physically surrounded by friends and family, I am in spirit.

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Walking beside you Galliglo. Just put one foot in front of the other and get out of bed in the morning.

    Still listening to Izzy, Reminds me of so many good times. The hula dancers used to change costumes in the kitchen beverage area and Mike helped! No time nor room for a dressing room when the wine steward is there! Hand me that Tahitian skirt!

    Or the whale rider whose entire bikini came off in a dive/leap.

    It’s bitter sweet and hard to do. Love, Jackie

  16. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist
  17. Debbe Avatar

    Gal and Jackie…right now I am trying to rationalize why a 21 year old mother of a three month old baby girl was killed in a head on collision on Thursday. The tragedy….my NIL Andrew dated her last January, they split up, later to find out she was pregnant. First she claimed the child was his, then denied it. Here’s what is “it’s a small world”…she started dating Andrew’s prsent girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend (kyler’s mom)…and she stated that Andrew was the father. She would have been 22 tomorrow, the day of her burial. Andrew is bi-polar and unmedicated. Brooklynn Rose is her father. A lot of anger is uprising and I am very concerned about what Kyler and Brooklynn Rose and Rachael (Andrew’s girlfriend) are being exposed too. I have seen the manic side of him…and it’s not good.

    Pray for all of them, please….and I know God is good, He knew us in our Mother’s womb.

  18. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Oh, Debbe… there IS so much crap in the world! And I don’t know why. I just know we have to have faith, and do the best we can – for ourselves and those around us.

  19. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    And right now, I’m gonna work a nice, soothing, on-line jigsaw puzzle. Perhaps that will calm me. It usually does.

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Me, I have been watching “The Challenge” by Warren Richie, an hour and a half professional reality presentation on the Watertribe where I will be in a month. They will do a brief memorial to Mike at the captain’s meeting and his friends will take ashes along, either to the end or where they get pitch poled!

    Inspiration and peace are where you find it but I seek it among those who put everything on the line just because they perhaps can do it. The world is full of evil, full of careless and uncaring people, people who think they are immortal. There is no sense to this at all and they seem to take a lot of people with them.

    Those who can slip the bonds of earth in the skies, the oceans, on mountains bring me peace and I admire them. One of my friends made the comment he had no idea I had people in my family that would be candidates for the Jerry Springer show. Of course, we all have them and they seem to take a lot of people with them.

    The trick is to avoid them if possible and don’t let them take you along when they destroy themselves.

    Prayer and love, Jackie

  21. Debbe Avatar

    Thank you Gloria and Jackie…you give me solace. I’ve put it in a box and gave that box to Him.

    God bless you both.

    Love, Debbe

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Gal, grief is unavoidable and indeed necessary, but grief is not your friend. In my experience, it can make you do things you will not even begin to understand later. It would be wise to consult with someone who cares about you and whom you trust about any important decisions you make in the next few months. My prayers for you continue.

    Debbe: Sometimes life throws such curves that you have to recognize that there may not be a good solution to a situation, and you have to pray for the least bad one.

    “The hula dancers used to change costumes in the kitchen beverage area and Mike helped!” Thanks, Jackie, for that image, which will take some time to get out of my mind. Not that I mind it being in my mind, though. 😉

  23. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Kahala Hilton hula dancers for the show out on lanai area.They were good and well endowed.
    Mike’s best friend was the maitre D named Charlie for the four star dining room where all the celebrities ate. It took awhile before I found out the crew he partied with every night in wee hours after closing were all female, including Charlie (Charlene).

    General manager was most sexist and hired only beautiful females who wore Japanese kimonos, like geishas, Mike was the ONLY male. He got to wear a tux.

    May or may not have been first place I frequented where the geishas did the cigar and brandy routine. Scratch that thought, that is NOT true. Memory fails sometimes.

    So, Ghost, I have been expecting you to tell me how I am making rash decisions. My closest male friends gave me conservative advice, I ignored it after much consideration and now I have an applauding group to help me do this, enabling me as it were.

    I have thought about that advice of yours every step of the way.

    Love, Jackie

  24. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Debbe, Loon is the one of fair hair and skin. And yes, I am highly skilled at applying sunscreen. Must make certain you get those areas where clothing may slip down. 😉
    Unlikely Loon will be sunning today. She is back in the office working.

    Help! I am having difficulty getting a Pintrest pin to work in here. Know I did it one timewith success.