Is Arlo a pedantic smartass or a smartass pedantic? There’s a current cartoon coming up later this week in newspapers that is very much in this vein. This cartoon from 2003 ran online not very long ago, but I’m away from my desk this morning and suffering connectivity issues on top of all, so I just grabbed something off the shelf. I do like this one. It’s very Arlo & Janis.

Most Cutest
By Jimmy Johnson
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296 responses to “Most Cutest”
And I knew Kurt Russell was a Disney child star, he aged well. I do think he is one of sexiest senior citizens around. I am sure some here will say Goldie is.
This one is for all the young chick’s trying to tell us older women what to wear. What are they going to look like when they are my age? Will they be doing an hour on cross trainers and recumbent bikes and 30 minutes in the pool doing stretches and leg lifts?
I will wear skinny European leggings and purple tee and jewelry they’d die to own and finish in a black sheer and lace tankini . Body ain’t perfect but it’s all mine.
Hal said “almost”.
Here’s Kurt’s first film:
Millionaire Widow Lady had excellent style and taste, clothing-wise (and the means to support it), but she could dress just a little bit trashy when the mood struck her, and still carry it off. Few, if any, twenty-year-olds could do that. Except maybe for the trashy part.
Debbe 😉 Here’s Shania, still looking good in about a pound less makeup and a pound more clothing.
GM Debbe
When you say Stan the Man to people of a certain age you mean:
Had a friend that bought MW by the gallon. I just buy Qts.
And Mayo as a treat.
At his funeral brunch all the Mayo was replaced by MW
Almost did 2 links
Mustard on Spam
New Spam Museum down (up for most of you) in Austin, MN
Trashy Women for Ghost. Theme song for Southern women with Texas Big Hair who drive red sports cars and sing along.
Trashy women make me as happy as a Hawaiian tourist visiting the SPAM® Museum.
Aloha, ya’ll
In a state where a Spam sale used to cause runs on the grocery I have never eaten Spam. Lived in Hawaii and never ate it there. They fried it in Louisiana and I never ate it there.
Dare I ask, is fried Spam rolled in batter or crumbs before frying?
Not normally, But I will have to consider that Idea
Now I think you must stay away from it.
A 3/8 cube will probably exceed your daily quota
of salt and fat.
(Only a slight exaggeration)
Here you go Jackie
GM Debbe
“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”
Charles D. Warner in the Hartford Courant (c.1890)
Always wondered where that came from.
I may have remembered it being deep fried in Hawaii but I promise I never tasted it. I weighed 107 pounds the day I found out that I was pregnant with my oldest daughter in Hawaii. I was not eating Spam which would have been more calories and salt and fat than a days food!
By the way, my new personal trainer is named Cody and is female. She says I am tiny, one of smallest frames she has seen, and she believes how little I weighed. We agreed the way I stayed that way until I moved to Oklahoma was not good. So I may just give it another year of some serious effort on exercise and food to see where I go before I think of stabalizing.
No spam, no mam.
Good morning Villagers…
No spam, and it has to be mayo.
Thank you, Jean, for the background on Stan. And the article, she’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind.
Old Bear, the weather is not going to change for a week….low 90’s…gasp, I’ll be packing hard boiled eggs.
…..and I’m NOT going to wear that white suit either this weekend…..
Mark, thanks for the chicken link, also if you have DISH, what channel is Epix on, we looked on the channel guide and couldn’t find it.
….speaking of Kurt, he was on an episode of Gunsmoke yesterday afternoon…yes, I confess, I am a TV land watcher when I get home. Gunsmoke and Andy….funny thing is I didn’t like either when I was younger.
Debbe I know you are up by now. Do you ever get the feeling Ghost has never had close friendship with a chicken or an egg that wasn’t on his plate or destined to be? I want some of the new crop of chick’s at feed store and we can use my galvanized stock tank for now and I think a large dog house inside the dog pen dogs don’t use.
But it is so hot, almost 100 already, I am afraid heat would kill them. I want to turn them loose in yard free range. Do you have experience at that? I miss my hippy friend who had free range chickens and kept bees, brewed beer. Wine and kept a still as I remember it, roasted coffee, made and played a use. He knew all kinds of cool stuff.
You need something to do besides working. And I don’t mean house work or anything like that. How about a dance class?
Jackie, sounds like a good friend to have….no energy left for a dance class, and besides I have expensive habits to support 🙂 Tried to email you earlier, and it came back. I was going to email you my address here at home.
GR 😉 I don’t know why, but this came to my mind in the wee hours this a.m.
and yes, Jackie, I too am worried about the heat and my Miss Prissies….need to make sure Jonathon, the farm manager, checks and gets all my big fans running
Melcher’s BlogSpot is still yesterday’s. Here’s today’s TIP
comic. Peace, emb
It’s titled ‘Iracema,, presumably the woman’s name.