We’re still outdoors on a Sunday in 2015. I must admit, there is a lot of myself in the above A&J. My father taught me that a job worth doing is worth doing right. It is advice that has served me well. It is mind-boggling the number of jobs not worth doing and the incalculable hours I’ve saved by not doing them.

My Love Is Blue
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
65 responses to “My Love Is Blue”
May surprise some of you, but the Village’s commie, pinko, do-gooder, p-flagger thinks the 31 May “Bloom County” is right-on. Peace,
Looks like a Great Spirit peregrine has nailed a duck. It’s not in the nest box offering tidbits to the twins. Maybe they’ve fed earlier this morning. These parents have slightly different cheek patches, but refuse to pose side by side so I can tell the tercel from the falcon by size. Peace,
From the Tulsa World, an aerial view to the north of the US-69 highway and Arkansas River bridge on Thursday, May 30.
This is the route we had to take to Tulsa the day before to get to Jackie’s medical appointments, when the northbound lanes were still open. On our return that afternoon, in heavy rain, we bypassed the bridge and Muskogee by staying on the Muskogee Turnpike. Even then there were long stretches where water was almost lapping the edge of that highway.
I’ve already seen that movie and didn’t much enjoy it either then or now. It was called “Waterworld”.
Ghost, It’s a good thing that the ladies in the bank have those bulletproof windows in front of them. You people have certainly wandered off in the weeds. My eyesight is so bad that I don’t drive anymore except on sidewalks and curbs, but I found you anyway. I use a magnifying glass to read the computer screen. Please excuse any errors that sneak through. I”m not complaining. My wife and I try to remind each other daily how lucky we are. My hometown was basicaly destroyed by Hurricane Michael last year. I missed the tornados and flooding in Arkansas and Missouri by just a few days although we did see some flooding. I scanned some of the recent comments as well as I could and I noted that some of you are having a bad time. I am so sorry. All that I can offer is to live for today. Tomorrrow will never happen so I’ve stopped worrying about it. I will never see the redwoods, the Smithsonian, et al. I’ve seen and done more than most and I’m satisfied. The world has gone crazy but will most likely survive without me. Good luck and best wishes to all,
Jerry, You have missed one possibility. If Elohim thinks a hereafter is a good idea, you may see them later, and also, if you and your wife like, the end-Cretaceous impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Elaine might be glad to give you a guided tour.
Having a cup of Yorkshire Gold tea, just stopped by the Decorah North bald eagle nest. I think the leaves we first saw had been trampled. The growth is more lush now, and seems to be cannabis, fertilized by our national bird, no less!
https://explore.org/livecams/birds/decorah-eagles-north-nest Peace,
Quote from a site on cannabis botany. Seeds from pods are likely to be dispersed by dickey birds, which are common visitors to bald eagle nests.
“Seeds to be used as a fixed (fatty) oil source (nonnarcotic), food, or propagation material are harvested only after the seeds have matured. Many seeds usually fall to the ground before harvest, as the achenes held in the flower pods are loose, and the pods have a tendency to dehisce (discharge seeds) upon ripening.”
Peace [and don’t drive when high],
If lung cancer is your goal I suggest that you stick to tobacco. As for me, I’ll drink my green tea, not smoke it. There are enough drivers in altered state without adding more.
Jerry, I think some drivers are in altered states without any mind-altering substance use being involved.
I went out to my car a few minutes ago to put something in it, and saw my first lightning bugs of the year flitting around. Coming after a sunny Saturday, that made my evening!
Was it lightning bugs or love bugs? Ironically we love lightning bugs and hate love bugs. Haven’t seen a lightning bug in years.
c-x-p et al.: Sunday’s Frank & Ernest is a physics lesson, of sorts.
The Decorah North eagle site has switched from Live to Highlights, I expect because of the obvious Cannabis.
Botany trumps Birding! Peace,
They’ve been having camera problems, I think.
Jerry, unless the love bugs carry lanterns, it was lightning bugs. And good to hear from you. You’ve been silent a long time.
To the relief of many I’m sure. Mosquito spraying has had many effects. No mosquitos, bees, love bugs lightning bugs,wasps, butterflys, etc. at least locally and completely in some cases and greatly reduced numbers in others. It’s not surprising that young people are so unhappy these days .Look at the world we’re leaving them.
A truly well-said compliment, and one I’d not known before….
Camera problems? Temporary fix seems to be to aim the webcam discreetly.
9CL: As opposed to “ogling your glutes”? How many readers will miss the gag?
Went back for another look. Indiscreet webcam? Indecision in the command chain? Peace,
News article said many websites were having trouble due to internet congestion along the East Coast. YouTube, Google, and others.
There was a comment on the eagle cam from Raptor Research Project indicating that they were waiting on parts to address an equipment problem and expected it to be fixed by late Sunday. Last time I looked it seemed to be back to normal.
Did anyone get to fulfill their weekend plans? The weather certainly didn’t allow for our first public star party to happen. The Forest Service called it off a few hours before it was scheduled, and a good thing, too. About the time we would have been setting up Saturday evening we could see lightning flashes from up the canyon we use.
We had a birthday party with my 90-year old mother-in-law at the local Olive Garden. Even though it is an Italian family, they don’t seem to mind eating there. Since they don’t take reservations and we had a party of 18, we had to sweat getting seated, but they were able to accommodate us. I made sure that the waitress got a generous tip.
My MIL is still pretty alert, but cell phones and TV remotes are a little tricky. Also she is real good about changing the subject in mid-sentence…
My mother was old-country Italian and lived with us when she hit her late 80’s. Not only could she change subject like your MIL she could also change languages. When I saw the blank look on the wife’s face I’d know what happened. My bi-lingual skills had returned and most times I didn’t even notice.
After not having a day off since May 19th, our one-day weekend was mostly sent resting and recuperating.
Re 6-3-19 real-time cartoon: You go, grrl!
Good to see Janis hasn’t trashed all her two-piece swimsuits.
^^^ That, of course, would be me. Didn’t notice my info had been cleared.
Favorite t-shirt seen in the boutique today:
wow, this day
is going so well!
LOL hold on
one sec…
Someone on the 6/3 strip mentioned UV transparent swimwear.
Many decades ago my brother wore black & white check swim shorts-
when he took them off he had a checkered tan.
Old Bear, that’s funny! When I was going through a Navy school in Pensacola, Florida a friend and I went to Santa Rosa beach to swim. We were both wearing the Navy-issue swim trunks, which were sort of an off-white or light beige. After we had been in the water a while he called me over to where he was and told me he had been getting funny looks from women. When he stood up, I saw why. His trunks had turned transparent in the water! I had to go and get his towel so he could wrap it around and get out of the water.
Oh, and mine didn’t do that. Must have been made by a different company or of different material.