It isn’t easy depicting Arlo and Janis in the act of kissing. They don’t really have lips, or even mouths sometimes. Arlo’s nose gets in the way. And kissing is really kind of a silly act when you step back and observe it objectively, something admittedly difficult to do. Anyway, I think it turned out as well as could be in this old strip from 2004. We’ll talk about that boat next week.

No second opinion!
By Jimmy Johnson
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147 responses to “No second opinion!”
Maybe Janis shouldn’t have married someone with such a big nose.
I like that Janis immediately suggests that it isn’t necessary for Arlo to survey other women for the quality of his kisses. 😀
David, by her expression, you are probably right, but when I was just reading it, I was thinking. “Gee, that Janis must have really gotten around to be an expert in kissing.”
I am with the second opinion. Arlo’s look is “Who am I being compared to?”
Kissing is one of those things that if you’re told you are good at it, you immediately want to get a second opinion. And a third…and a fourth…
But perhaps that’s just me.
JJ is master of the technique of suggestive omission, if that’s the right term. Leave lines out where you don’t need them [e.g., 2 Apr. ’04, panel 1] and the viewer will fill in the details. It may be that some, say somewhere on the autism spectrum, will find that difficult.
It can’t really compete with yesterday (St. Paddy’s Day), but today is National Sloppy Joe Day. Other than at Wally World, where apparently every day is Sloppy Joe (and Jane) Day. (Present company excepted, of course.)
Mom got released from the hospital today. She got home about 1/2 hour ago.
My sloppy Joe post disappeared. I do not care for the sandwich but my late husband loved them.
There is a fast food chain called Maid Rite which serves a version of them. They were founded in 1926 and actually were first to offer car hop service, later copied by others. I ate in one of their more popular locations, featured in Food Networks “Feasting on Asphalt”.
They were terrible.
That is wonderful, Mark!
Getting to read comments a little early today. I took the afternoon off work today, and STILL worked 42 hours! It has been a busy, stressful week.
But… made it thru a one-day audit OK (auditing a couple of grants that we had), got notification that we got a $90,000 grant, made it through a Board of Trustees meeting… I DESERVED some time off!
Yes you did!
Probably some of us are checking in on the college basketball tournaments, whether seriously or just as a matter of curiosity [me] to see how accurate the ratings were. The NCAA tourney has been a festival of upsets, including a #15 seed taking out a #2 seed today.
In the NIT, little Wagner College (Staten Island or Richmond County in NYCity), ranked a bottom #8 in its quadrant of 8 teams, took out the quadrant’s #1 seed a day or two ago.
In the Division III tournament, things are going more-or-less as expected.
I have not seen a basketball game since high school when I had to be a scorekeeper.
I know Mark didn’t play. Did you Ghost or anyone else in group?
One of the things I love about A&J cartoons is that a lot of them can be taken multiple ways.
For example today’s newspaper comic (18 Mar ’16) (Arlo at computer laughing –> ludwig & broken TV) . In the comment section, here are a bunch of people trying to explain it . . . and several of them have valid (working & funny) explanations. Who (besides JJ) knows what the “real” explanation is, but then again, if it works (makes sense to you) and is funny, who really cares……
(lock the joke down to only one possible explanation and it would be less funny to less people.)
Jackie, I’m 6’8″, remember? Of course I played basketball…to watch real, team, basketball you should pick up a couple of the women’s NCAA. Right now the Baylor Lady Bears are playing high quality and are almost 30 points up on their opponent, Idaho. I’m watching the women’s game on TV and OU vs Cal State Bakersfield on my phone.
CEP, if they aren’t very careful, OU will be the second #2 seed falling to a 15 seed. A VERY close game with about 3:30 minutes to go. At the moment only a 4 point OU lead.
Jackie, I only played in PE class. Couldn’t get it in the basket most of the time. Thunderstorms are arriving now.
Thanks Galliglo. Now I have to learn how to clean and wrap mom’s toes to help them heal. Biggest hurdle in healing her is getting her to cooperate with the program.
I tried playing BB in a church league during my HS years and was lousy even at that level. As one of my more sarcastic cohorts told me, “You jump too low and run too long in the same place!” He was correct, but his comment was not meant to be humorous; he was not friendly. I could claim to be an accurate shot from both inside and outside, but that was not enough, even with reasonable height [6’4″].
In college, I kept the official score on quite a few occasions, alongside the rep from the other team. Such made it a lot easier to identify who just did what and to whom.
Additionally, I tried intramural BB on a faculty team while about 32-34 years old against guys who were 18-21 years of age and who were in shape. The games were on Monday nights and my knees didn’t work well again until the Thursday night or Friday morning thereafter…still think those games led to the need for replacements a few years ago.
David: We heartily agree with your comments about women’s basketball!
Sucked at basketball, decent at baseball, the game about which some wag once said was slow and simple enough for any idiot to follow, and for just about any idiot to play.
Perhaps Maid-Rite Corp would be better served by a motto other than “Home of the Loose Meat Sandwich”. For some reason, the image “loose meat” brings to my mind is scattered road kill. Of course, I suppose it could also make one think of “free range”, but I doubt their sandwiches are made of free range beef.
Found everyone. Was wondering why no one was posting, JJ did a posting midstream.
Sloppy Joes are about the only food from my years of confinement in a religious education system that I will still eat. Actually, I make a mean SJ,, if I say so.
‘They were terrible.’ Had a Maid Rite in Bemidji, for decades. One of our two dozen BSC/BSU houseguests waited table there in the ’60s. Maybe 15 yr. ago, Maid Rite moved from its downtown location [Was there a fire?], about a mile N. on the main drag through town, lasted 2-4 yr., got replaced. Don’t remember if its replacement is still there. Ate there twice, maybe 30 yr. apart. They were terrible. Peace
Wrote an interesting post about a legendary women’s basketball coach named Linda Harper at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Linda died two years ago but we rode the school bus together until I got a car at 14. She rowed a Jon boat across flooded river and climbed a muddy river hill in gum boots to get to school.
Sports and basketball took her from that run down shack on the wrong side of the river. It brought her both fame and infamy as the first scandal in women’s basketball recruiting, yet she is a legend as one of the best women’s coaches ever.
Our paths never crossed after high school, yet I followed her career and cheered her success. I am no basketball fan but I am a huge fan of people who overcome all odds. Tried to copy her obituary here and lost post.
No one will write such an obit for me. I am sure she earned the praise. Poverty wasn’t all Linda overcame.