A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Paw and Kitty

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Welcome to what I’m calling “Thursday,” for lack of anything better. I’ve told you this before, but it has been a while. I think one of the best comic strips ever was “Polly and Her Pals,” by Cliff Sterrett. It began in 1912, and ran throughout the golden age of newspaper comics. Admittedly, it wasn’t always the funniest or most subtle of strips, but it should be noted that subtly was not a hallmark of the era. It was, however, one of the most graphically arresting, inventive and funnily drawn comic strips ever. The strip began life as a “pretty-girl” strip, featuring young Polly Perkins. Pretty-girl strips were a recognized and common genre of comic strips from the birth of comics through the 1960s. If you’ve ever seen early examples of Sterrett’s strips you would agree that some of Polly’s diaphanous fashions were graphically arresting indeed. However, her father Paw and his cat Kitty eventually took over the strip, as comic sidekicks are wont to do. I mention all this, and show you the above example, because I like to think of Arlo’s relationship with Ludwig as homage to the relationship of Paw and Kitty. Long after the advent of Ludwig, my Karmic reward was my cat “Boot,” who actually follows me all around the house and yard, as silent and as faithful as Kitty.

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123 responses to “Paw and Kitty”

  1. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Normally I stay off interstates like the plague and would drive twice around America to avoid them. I also swore the last time I was here I would only return as far as Appalachicola and definitely not beyond Blount or Chipley probably, in other words NOT down here. Never say never. Deja vu all over again.

    Minion impressed by food, her husband from Florida was originally from the Hamptons? Via Eufaula. Sounds right, via Palm Beach, via coke sales.

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Treetop flyer.

  3. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Going a little way down road with a reservation.

  4. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Good night all. I am happy that Jackie has found a place to stay tonight!

  5. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    You must have been those blinking lights I saw flying over a few hours ago. Drive safe and be careful where you stop too.

  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I have been HERE before. I am wondering if there are dog friendly hotels I haven’t been in and no comments on dog. It is heading into spring break and the highways are worse than ever.

  7. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    All of the Choice Hotels in Tampa allow pets. None in St.Pete.

  8. sideburns Avatar

    That one I wouldn’t know, Sandcastler. I was strictly off-shore and never had boots on the ground.

  9. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Yes, GR 😉 , I agree…..like a bat out of hell. And that is one bright light for $1300. it better defeather and fry for that price.

    We’ve been bring in George the rooster, and setting him on top of a skid of egg flats…facing the morning sun through the window. He basks in the sun’s rays….

    On the Williams tell tale….I feel he should resign.

    You go Jackie, be safe.

    ya’ll have a blessed Caterday

    oh, GR, thanks for explaining that cheezeburger pic, but then, I don’t watch Dr. Who.

    today’s grin: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8442202368/h26C058C2/

  10. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Morning . Experiencing IFR driving along the Gulf Coast this AM, be alert.

  11. John in Richmond Texas Avatar
    John in Richmond Texas

    watching Jackie’s trip, I kept telling myself after wife passed, I’m going to get on US59 and just go “straight” (it’s just two lanes and twisty turny through the heartland) up to Canada
    … … NBC and/or NBC people have been making up stuff for years, remember the fake car test they did, where the cars caught fire before they even touched?

  12. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    John, in Texas most of US 59 has transformed into four lanes. Parts are now labeled as I69 / US59. Others as US59 / Future I69 Corridor. Similar is happening to US90 south out of New Orleans. We keep losing scenic roads to interstate. I still love traveling the Blue Hiways. Brother in law and I try to do one backroad drive each spring, next one is in March.

    Mentioning Blue Hiways. It was the title of William Leastheat Moon’s 1980’s book of his backroad drive around America. He has published several wonderful books on traveling the byways of America and the people that populate these areas.

  13. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Good a.m. all, going to shower and head south after I tell y’all hello. I am a backroads driver all my life but John in Richmond, do it. Hy59 goes thru some nice places and I have driven most of it. Some people drive back roads out of fear of interstates and life in the fast lanes. I like meandering through our country up closer than the rear of a big rig and 10,000 sharing the road with me.

    Minion is phobic about being shut in by big rigs on road, not a bad way to be, claustrophobic on interstate.

    Someday I may tell you about a Route 66 moment in my youth involving a red Corvette and a big Ford convertible, also red, crossing the empty roads of Mississippi one night. That doesn’t hapen any more, the empty lonely twisting roads.

    Love, Jackie

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    My hero Sand. He gave my hometown of Monroe, LA one sentence as he went through or was that Steinbeck when he let the dog out to pee?

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    River Horse goes on back waters but I prefer Shanty Boat which another back roads traveler and philosopher.

  16. Denise in Michigan Avatar
    Denise in Michigan

    The downside of my system, sand, is that I sometimes have to think like the store when writing my list. That means grouping some pretty weird things together. And thanks for the mention of William Leastheat Moon. I’ve been looking for authors I haven’t yet read on topics that interest me. American cultural byways is one such topic.

  17. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Re the current TIP quip: The Hindenburg was not a blimp, it was a zeppelin. Peace, emb

  18. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Deniise, not in office/library with books but google Shantyboat which isn’t much about boats and all about life choices, kind of a Walden experience which changed people,Leastheat Moon won Pulitzer I think. I said it was the book Steinbeck wanted to write.

    I started to invite John to come along, he’d end up known as John in Richmond but he already is.

    Love, Jackie

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jimmy mentioned William Least Heat-Moon several years back when discussing travel books. (Can you believe this blog has been around long enough that we can use the phrase “several years back”?) I meant to read him then but never got around to it. I see that a large on-line purveyor of e-books has several of his titles listed. Apparently he even wrote a book about writing a book (Blue Highways), which is the way to do it if you can get away with it, as I’d imagine it cuts down on the amount of research you have to do.

  20. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, I don’t really see that TIP as bad taste. After all, Led Zeppelin used variations on a couple of their album covers.

    Jackie, I know you are in a hurry, but be careful. We want you to be in the Village a long time.

    Good morning everybody. Sunny and high in the upper 60’s today.