A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Paw and Kitty

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Welcome to what I’m calling “Thursday,” for lack of anything better. I’ve told you this before, but it has been a while. I think one of the best comic strips ever was “Polly and Her Pals,” by Cliff Sterrett. It began in 1912, and ran throughout the golden age of newspaper comics. Admittedly, it wasn’t always the funniest or most subtle of strips, but it should be noted that subtly was not a hallmark of the era. It was, however, one of the most graphically arresting, inventive and funnily drawn comic strips ever. The strip began life as a “pretty-girl” strip, featuring young Polly Perkins. Pretty-girl strips were a recognized and common genre of comic strips from the birth of comics through the 1960s. If you’ve ever seen early examples of Sterrett’s strips you would agree that some of Polly’s diaphanous fashions were graphically arresting indeed. However, her father Paw and his cat Kitty eventually took over the strip, as comic sidekicks are wont to do. I mention all this, and show you the above example, because I like to think of Arlo’s relationship with Ludwig as homage to the relationship of Paw and Kitty. Long after the advent of Ludwig, my Karmic reward was my cat “Boot,” who actually follows me all around the house and yard, as silent and as faithful as Kitty.

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123 responses to “Paw and Kitty”

  1. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist
  2. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    sand: Thanks. I’d run into that before, perhaps / someone had posted it here. At zoos, autopsies sometimes yield penguin and seal tummies full of coins, etc. Sad.

    Peace, emb

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Other than for these three reasons, I would recommend one of these flashlights for you…

    1. The $1,300.00 price tag
    2. The fact that illuminating a hen with it for more than a couple of seconds would likely de-feather and roast it
    3. The $1,300.00 price tag


  4. Loon Avatar

    Mr.Ghost, price tag should never be a factor when gift buying for a lady. Think of it as an investment with open ended dividend payments.

  5. domaucan1 Avatar

    My wife and I just ate at the Blue Dog Cafe last Friday night. Good food as was Prejean’s the next night. Lafayette is a favorite visiting place for us. Much better,for me, than that big city on the river to the South. I only go there for cruises.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Loon, while it might be true that “every kiss begins with Kay”, for thirteen hundred bucks I’d be expecting something that begins with a different letter.

    Oh, wait. That was what you meant, wasn’t it?

  7. Loon Avatar

    If the price is right, we could explore the entire Cyrillic alalphabet. From A to that silly R.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6


  9. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    I think that most of us have embellished a story, although I do know some people who would never lie. I have also had “memories” of events that were not quite factual when I did a little research. I have gotten in arguments with people who “swear” something happened until you provide proof of their inaccuracies.
    However, when Aaron Brown, a former CNN anchor and War correspondent was asked for his opinion on the Brian Williams controversy, he said “I have no answer for that. I will tell you that getting shot at is not something you forget.” The fact that he told this story in 2003, then letting grow bigger and more dangerous is alarming. Someone who is paid $10 million to read the facts to America, simply cannot allow this to happen.
    Like many, I have enjoyed Williams’ style over the years and seems like a nice guy. I am afraid if more stories like this whopper show up, he may be force to leave the anchor desk.

  10. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, think Loon is leading you astray, the Cyrillic alphabet is hard enough to just pronounce.

    Everyones getting shot at experience is different , as is every getting shot at time. I can think of three danger close times in Vietnam that in hind sight were scarier than getting shot at.

  11. Denise in Michigan Avatar
    Denise in Michigan

    Arlo, I feel your grocery shopping angst! With the exceptions of bookstores and hardware stores, I intensely dislike shopping. To facilitate grocery shopping, I make my list in the same order in which the aisles are arranged in the store. Not a perfect solution, but it helps.

  12. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Denise, you are lucky. Our grocery has a reshuffle program that they run twice a week.

  13. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Asian foods contain sauces, mixes, and noodle bowls. Wonton wraps are in case with canned biscuits (canned biscuits, really?). Latin foods has everything except torillas, found with bread. The Italian sector has: pasta, sauces, etc.. For pizza sauce and crusts head to the box dinner aisle next to hamburger helper and mac & cheese.

  14. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    “There is currently no prediction for Old Faithful Geyser. The next prediction will be made when it is possible to do so.” Peace, emb


  15. sideburns Avatar

    David, as a bona fide ‘Nam vet, I can tell you an easy way to spot most phonies: if they pronounce the last syllable of Vietnam to rhyme with “ham,” they weren’t there; if it rhymes with “Tom,” there’s a good chance they’re telling the truth.

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “There is currently no prediction for Old Faithful Geyser. The next prediction will be made when it is possible to do so.” = “Don’t call us; we’ll call you.”

    We should start a pool based on where Jackie will stop for the night.

  17. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Lake City.

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I was thinking maybe Gainesville, but she may have gotten a late start this morning, as she said housekeeping was bugging her.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Also,don’t know if she drives like a bat out of hell or a sleepy kitten out of a basket. 🙂

  20. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Might have gotten out early, depending on how bad housekeeping and that late night breakfast was. Or the breakfast’s after-effects may have kept her in the room later than intended. I’ll take somewhere between Tallahassee and Lake City, Alex.

  21. sandcastler™ Avatar

    sideburns and David,

    Another is the city Phan Thiet, stomping grounds for some in the 101st. Vets well pronounce Fan Te Eat. Others will say Fan Teeth. This is what Loon keyed on that our dog walker was the real deal.

  22. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    2/5/15 @8:48 pm

    eMb, I truly pray that your colonoscopy goes well and that your doc won’t order more. I just scheduled my probably-20th or -25th for next month.
    Er, you did mean to type “colonoscopy” and not “colostomy”, right? The latter is far more of a big deal and far less pleasant. An acquaintance of mine lives with one, and it isn’t wonderful – but better than the alternative.

  23. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    c x-p: Colonoscopy. Thanks, emb

    I’m all set. Meds, 64 oz Gatorade, clear apple juice, bowl of lemon “jello” [generic], tea [no milk], decaf [no milk], Sky & Telescope, New Yorkers, x-word puzzles, indoor plumbing. Topnotch general surgeon, nurses I know [I volunteer every Tue. in the lobby outside the OR suite], someone to give me a ride home and baby-sit me for a while afterward. Probably work on my 26 Feb. stargazing column, having just finished perusing the March ’15 S&T.

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Wrong on many counts. In St. Pete at hotel I usually stay at, they are booked this weekend and weekend I have to come back! Spring break and Mardi Gras? Darn! For wont of stronger words because I never travel without some reservation and I knew I had to come first weekend in March. With dog.

    Delicious Cuban pulled pork and chicken with yellow rice and beans, plantains, found them with no trouble in dark. Delicious lunch of barbque, baked sweet potatoes, corn and corn bread, someone will follow this trail. Now if I had just had the stupid motel ap working. Minion likes food, tells me to order for her. Will not like motel choice if none.

    Why am I better at locating food? Like treeing truffles.

    Love, Jackie

  25. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Then I vote for “drives like a bat out of hell”. 🙂