A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Paw and Kitty

By Jimmy Johnson

I ran across this image in my digital files, and, as we in the deep south are anticipating sub-zero wind chills and our second snow of the season, I thought I’d post it again. The genius behind one of the greatest comic strips of all time, Polly and Her Pals, was Cliff Sterrett. At least he was a native Minnesotan! Speaking of influences, as I was in the previous post, it isn’t purely coincidental that the relationship between Paw and his cat Kitty is similar to the relationship between Ludwig and Arlo, though Kitty served more as a silent Greek chorus. I wonder if Sterrett ever caught any grief about the way Kitty walks? I’m always hearing, “Cats don’t really walk that way!”

I wouldn’t bring this up if I hadn’t made such a big deal out of it last week. I did not color the current strips this week. I did send in colorized versions, but apparently there has been some kind of technical miscommunication. It’ll all work out.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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61 responses to “Paw and Kitty”

  1. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, thanks for the advice. I believe as you say, that it is a civic duty. That in itself may get me disqualified. But I can’t think of a case that I would refuse to listen to. It might be unpleasant, but someone’s got to do it or the law breaks down.

    Never watched NCIS. I did just watch the First Avengers episode featuring Emma Peel. Walmart had the complete Emma Peel collection for under $20 so I picked it up.

  2. TruckerRon Avatar

    Does Klinger have the legs for it?

  3. emb Avatar

    Mark: I was called twice, maybe thrice. Once, I’d said little or nothing, maybe responding yes or no to some questions. Cannot remember the charge; nothing horrendous. However, I was known to be guilty of being a prof. at BSU. I was excused.
    Another time, I asked a legit q., [e.g., by xxx, do you mean a or b?]. Excused.
    Different time, case re a young man accused of molesting a younger girl, they excused anyone who had a daughter under 18. Daughter was over 18, but I said I had a private concern. They had to sequester me, along with judge, both attorneys, and the accused, where I divulged that I was a unipolar depressive [America’s most common mental illness?], and that I was concerned re my response, even though daughter was over 18. Excused.

    Learned decades later that daughter had been molested, age 7, by a juvenile delinquent male in our group home. That would certainly have disqualified me. After some thought and little struggle, I have forgiven him. She, psych Master’s, has also. Jerk was probably abused as a kid himself.

    With age, have found it easier to forgive. People jump to conclusions too readily, either on inadequate info, or not having considered other possibilities. Maybe experiences as a hospital volunteer and lay theolog have helped.


  4. TruckerRon Avatar

    Serving as a volunteer chaplain in a state mental hospital has helped me understand and forgive much more of what tormented souls do to and around me. I don’t pretend to have the right to forgive them for what they do to others; that’s above my pay grade.

    My youngest girl is just 19. The 22 year-old has Downs and is also autistic. I’d need to be excused from such a jury if those were the rules.

  5. emb Avatar

    Elaine served on a grand jury once. They visited a murder scene, on the road that runs N from Co. 22, along the west side of the Bemidji Country Club golf course. Jerk had seduced or abducted a girl at the illegal beer party farther east on 22, probably raped her, and left her body there. He was indicted and I think found guilty. Don’t remember names, and not anxious to.

    Drive that road often; cleaning lady and family live well N of the golf course. They’ve adopted me, and feed me there few x/yr. Corned beef and cabbage 17 March. She also brings treats sometimes when she comes to clean.



    What one lawyer we ts us usually exact oppisite of the other. They try to prevent those reaching jury box.

    In a case with personal injury your profession would probably disqualify you Mark.

  7. emb Avatar

    Pred. hi: Th-33F, F-34F, S-39F. Sloppy / snowmelt, but our Jan. thaw w/b in Jan. this yr. Peace,

  8. Debbie from Alabama Avatar
    Debbie from Alabama

    Ducky (David McCollum) in the 1960s played secret agent Illya Kuryakin in the television series The Man from U.N.C.L.E. ..

  9. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Hi, Debbie from Alabama. Welcome to the Village. I loved Man from U.N.C.L.E. And I love NCIS.