A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Paw and Kitty

By Jimmy Johnson

I ran across this image in my digital files, and, as we in the deep south are anticipating sub-zero wind chills and our second snow of the season, I thought I’d post it again. The genius behind one of the greatest comic strips of all time, Polly and Her Pals, was Cliff Sterrett. At least he was a native Minnesotan! Speaking of influences, as I was in the previous post, it isn’t purely coincidental that the relationship between Paw and his cat Kitty is similar to the relationship between Ludwig and Arlo, though Kitty served more as a silent Greek chorus. I wonder if Sterrett ever caught any grief about the way Kitty walks? I’m always hearing, “Cats don’t really walk that way!”

I wouldn’t bring this up if I hadn’t made such a big deal out of it last week. I did not color the current strips this week. I did send in colorized versions, but apparently there has been some kind of technical miscommunication. It’ll all work out.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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61 responses to “Paw and Kitty”

  1. Morphy Avatar

    Late dropping by today. I’m a fan of Hot Dish and other casseroles. You can hide a lot of nutritious stuff under cheese and crackers. I like to think the nutrients stay in, and the cheesy goodness gets reluctant teens to eat it.

    The pineapple dish was new to me. Raised my eyebrows, and I actually :gasp: eat pineapple on pizza. I would take a small amount to try it out. Found a lot of interesting things that way.

    Casablanca became one of my go to movies on sick days back in my twenties. La Marseilles always stirs a feeling. And I think Yvonne and Sacha the bartender deserved more screentime. ‘yes, boss’ Another light spot in the midst of darkness.

    Mark, you gave a laugh. Here I was trying to get a close look at the teeth. Woops! Too close.

    Ta! Off to look into Sterrett.

  2. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    “Read all about it” everything you wanted to know and more about any comic strip


  3. Stu Donaldson Avatar
    Stu Donaldson

    Amazing how much that critter looks like Krazy Kat.


    Is the Village snowed In? Ghost and I are going to Tulsa today for a breast inflation. It is 11 out there right now.

    I guess breasts are not like Mylar or latex balloons that are affected by atmospheric pressures and air temperatures.

  5. Mark From Maine Avatar
    Mark From Maine

    Yes, I agree with Bob: Steve from Royal Oak should’ve gone to school in NY State. I did and not only did I miss both the 77 and 78 blizzards because of being upstate, I was buying supplies after turning 18 in 1976 . . .

  6. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    No, because they use saline solution to fill them, not air.

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    I’ve posted a new blog entry that should result in a few comments. Please comment there, not here, to keep peace in this much-too-quiet Village.

  8. emb Avatar

    Trucker: What blog? Peace,


    The Village lately seems almost moribund. As a florist I have spent much time in cemeteries and funeral homes. I am comfortable with the dead but they incite one way conversations.

  10. Morphy Avatar

    I’ve been pleased to see many posts by new and returning names. Domaucan1 would use a phrase he described talking past others. That observation is part of what causes me to respond mostly to specific items by name posted. Dialog cannot always flow, because many of us may not respond until much later. When another voice picks up a thread, new viewpoints can go in fun directions. Like the cocktail party where everyone mingles.

    This comment is unusual for me in that I did not address Jackie directly. I enjoy Jackie’s voice here, but she was not the only one making observations on these lines, so I left the message undirected.

    I’m always interested in what Jimmy has to offer. But I also read comments wondering what new voice may appear today. If you have posted here for the first time, or the first time in a long time, I have been glad to read you.


    I too have been overjoyed to see returning and new voices. I loved the pop ups from several years ago. You never quite knew what to expect .

    Ghost concurs. He misses the old days and never knowing what to expect. We are pretty predictable now.

  12. Llee Avatar

    Last week I cooked: roast, carrots, baked potatoes. After taking out enough for me the rest went to my sister’s family. This week she brought back potato soup, with chunks of ham. 🙂 Now I’m full of potato soup and canned-crescent-roll-baked as a cinnamon-roll-filled-with mince/fruitcake- filling.

    And the art is working the way I want. (mostly)

    Life is good.


  13. Blinky the Wonder Wombat Avatar
    Blinky the Wonder Wombat

    I was a freshman in college in the Lehigh Valley during the great blizzard of ’78. Since 99% f the students, faculty and staff lived within walking distance of campus, classes continues as usual. We were royally ticked when we discovered that our rival up the river closed down.

    Mark n TTown, Leia was adopted by a king so she was addressed as Princess although she (and Luke) were not Royal by blood. Although their mother had the title “Queen”, it appears that this was a ceremonial title and she did not retain it after leaving office.

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, click on TruckerRon above the comment. It will take you to his blog.

  15. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I’ve got a totally new experience coming up. Got a notice in the mail yesterday that Tulsa is calling me up for jury duty in February. All the years I lived in Alabama and Tennessee and never got such a notice. Here in Tulsa less than a year and they want me. Whether I will actually be impaneled or not, who knows?


    Answer questions honestly. You will probably not be selected.

    No one wants me for many reasons.

  17. Sideburns Avatar

    Jackie, speaking with the dead may create one-way conversations, but that’s never stopped Dr. Mallard.

  18. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Good point Sideburns, but given Jackie’s limited TV watching she probably won’t get it. Now I need to look up the name of the character on China Beach with a similar habit as I recall. (Nice, thoughtful kid who worked in the morgue)


    Dr. Mallard was Ducky on NCIS as the coroner doing autopsies. David McCullom.

    Used to watch and loved him.


    Ghost says actor was Michael Boatman as grave registrant who processed bodies for shipment home.

  21. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Jackie and Ghost: Yes, that’s who I was thinking of and would have posted about but was interrupted by dinner 🙂 I looked it up on IMDB, a great resource for movies and TV shows. I remembered that the character’s name was Beckett, did not know or recall that his first name was Samuel. I love the inside jokes that get slipped in!

  22. emb Avatar

    1. Thanks.
    2. Jury duty. You may believe this is an opportunity for you to do your civic duty. It is. Or you may feel otherwise, especially if the nature of the case is a problem for you. If you have what you consider a legit reason to want not to serve, there may be a way you can honestly make it likely the prosecution or defense will want you out.
    If so, during the period where attorneys question the jury, act intelligent. Perhaps you can ask an intelligent question. Both sides have a number of preemptive challenges available, and either or both may want you excused.
    3. I’m not recommending that you not do your civic duty, just letting you know my experience.

  23. Sideburns Avatar

    Jackie, Dr. Mallard is still a regular on NCIS.


    Happy to hear Ducky is alive. They almost killed him off once.