I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. I did! I stayed home. One of the best things about my job is flexibility of schedule. If I want to go, say, to the beach, I am not obligated to work my trip into the same three-day span as millions of other working souls. I can go anytime, as long as my work is done. In a worst-case scenario, I can take my work with me, as I have done on many occasions. I know: you hate me for it. However, did I not say it’s one of the best things about my job? On holiday weekends, I try not to abuse my position by sitting in my garden with a cold drink, smirking at the thought of all those fun-seeking families packed into cars, but, lord, it’s not easy.

Photo Finish
By Jimmy Johnson
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67 responses to “Photo Finish”
I, too, am able to set my own schedule, but only after 30-some years of being where someone else wanted me to be. Retirement is well worth it, and now I am never in a hurry – I even offer others the space in front of me at the supermarket.
We choose stay home on the holiday week ends and enjoy the peace of quiet of having everyone else gone. The music of the birds chirping is much louder without the sounds of motor vehicles and lawn mowers in the background. Plus, the folks driving during those week ends are usually rude and in too much of a hurry.
I live in a vacation and weekend site. We call them The Lake People and the Weekenders. Th=y churn my peace into loud chaos. The reward is they leave, I can stay. I enjoy it until they return.
Have set my own schedule forever, even when I answered to someone else at times. I am tougher on myself than they.
On way home. Next time I will lock myself away somewhere!
Ok, I am too trusting, I know. Left my backup phone for house sitter, my rock and contract helps young and only daughter and grandchild who he loves.
She is searching stuff like how to tell if your husband is cheating on you. Uhh oh.
Hi Debbie, we are still feet down. Unlike our leader, work has had me traveling for business. The holiday weekend was yet another trip to visit family. Looking forward to June, I’ll be off the road while Loon commences her summer travels; freedom!
So glad you two are alive and mobile. You missed all my earlier concern.
I have to agree that retirement is great! I didn’t think so the first year due to circumstances. I have evolved and enjoy the grand kids and health club, etc. Will be off to the health club shortly. Hey, Jimmy, How about those Lady Tigers?
God bless us every one.
Ghost Sweetie, there is much truth in the tshirt! It’s all a huge trap. I prefer Doctor Who’s way of looking at life: What’s the use of being grown up if you can’t act childish once in a while?
This was the week-end for the annual Mudbug Madness Festival in Shreveport. I went on Sunday, saw some great groups, ate some crawfish, and drank a few beers. Yesterday was a relaxing day by the pool with the grand kids. Other than that, all was quiet.
The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.
Good poem/song for Jackie
Oops, forgot the attribution.
J.R.R. Tolkien, from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
Also able to set my own schedule, as long as I put in at least 80 hours per week at my various jobs… 🙂
When I was on the road, my family celebrated holidays twice, once without me and again when I made it home. Our family travel was rarely during the holiday travel time.
As for hours worked, in the trucking world the saying is “Work 100, log 70, get paid for 40.” However, I was paid by the mile (plus fees and bonuses) so that last bit didn’t apply.
That was lovely, Mark. It. Kind of made me think of Robert Frost when I first read it, before you told me Tolkien.
Me too. Lovely Mark.
With the move, last year, I have all of our video tapes cataloged, but now need to find time to digitize them. I hope to do that this summer for a week and at least make a dent on the most precious memories that we want to keep.
There was a meme on Facebook that said “No person who can read is ever successful at cleaning out an attic.” True words.
Yesterday was the trip to two cemeteries, one to visit her family, one only coincidentally related to her family. When we visited there first 10 years ago we discovered her great grandparents there. That second cemetery is very, very old and is one of our favorite places to visit. We had extra flowers so left some on the grave of a serviceman from WWI and some children who died very, very young and no one remembers at all. Also some flowers for those poor family graves where they could only afford a rock for a tombstone. No one cares, no one remembers. We remember and care if only for a little while.
Nancy Kirk and Jackie, glad you liked it. The first set of verses comes from The Hobbit, when Bilbo is an adventurous 30-something. The second comes from The Lord of the Rings, when he is now past 111 years old and worn out from years of carrying the One Ring.
It is a great travel poem, though. Because no matter how enjoyable the trip was, eventually you look forward to the return home.
Steve from Royal Oak, to that sentence should be added the words,…or a bookshelf or a desk drawer.
Yes, I have visited a lot of those old cemeteries with a rock or no marker at all. The wood rots.
Last trip to North Carolina I found my uncle, dead as a small child, and discovered I have cemetery plots in three cemeteries I have no intention of using. We scrubbed his little gravestone and put flowers. Perhaps all he has received because my grandmother had taken me to the Moravian cemetary, not this one. Did she forget? She is buried in another with sister and cousin who might have actually been my fathers brother.
Cemeteries are peaceful places. I learned this first doing cemetary cleanings with grandmother. Really learned it in second major career as a florist. The older the better and usually least visited.
Sitting out bad weather hitting south Oklahoma.
Re cheating husbands, I was once told by a woman that when a man suddenly becomes unusually kind, caring, and attentive, it’s probably time for his wife to start worrying. I cannot speak to that statement’s accuracy.
Oddly, considering today’s real-time cartoon about videos, I started to post something over the weekend about the then current topic of “paths not taken”, which also involved videos. Perhaps I’ll post it tonight.
Absolutely, the holidays are when I stay home. and my late wife and I never went anywhere in the Summer
ditto -stay home – enjoy what you have !
NK/AZ: Were you in Lawrence in 1963 at the time of the city directory interviews by the Polk Company? What was your address then?
Apropos of nothing herein: My MBH and I received two of those fake IRS-is-filing-suit-against-you calls last Friday. Have other villagers been similarly blessed? Ours were robocalls and the number we were supposed to phone was one near Tampa. Of course we didn’t.