Some people solve this problem by writing their initials on the pillow tag with a laundry marker. Or so I’ve heard. Don’t dare remove that tag!

Pillow Squawk
By Jimmy Johnson
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69 responses to “Pillow Squawk”
I’m back from the wilds of Lower Alabama, where the local InterWebNet provider seems to believe that a hundred thousand or so visitors don’t really need good, reliable WiFi access.
Many happy returns to you and your BH, c ex-p.
Oh, and Gal, really? Ornery? God’s gonna getcha for that. 🙂
Or joshing, if you prefer, Dearest Virgin. Also, I was not aware that Charlton Heston had brothers named Siegfried and Roy.
Mention of Siegfried & Roy always reminds me of the joke, “What’s the difference between a tiger and a small kitten”? (Make up you own punchline…I can’t post it here.)
Jackie, I suspect your name is still mentioned at a certain moving company In Houston…and not necessarily in reverent tones. 🙂
Lily, I’ll see your seven guns and raise you seven more. (Do you have a pet handgun?)
At any rate, I don’t have a garden so no homegrown tomatoes. But my next door neighbor is making some homemade bread and butter pickles and has promised us some. I hope the reality is as good as my imagination!
This chicken farm is near where I grew up:
Debbe 😉 Great slow dance tune. Missed you, hon.
This is my Mom’s recipe. Does it look familiar? (I call them “Zucchini Burgers”.)
6 oz. grated zucchini (weigh before grating)
3 oz grated onion
2 oz. grated cheddar cheese
1 egg
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
2/3 cup SR flour
Combine zucchini, onion and cheese. Add egg, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Mix well, then add flour and stir until all is well mixed. Make into patties and drop into hot vegetable oil, turning once to obtain proper browning on both sides.
Ghost: Yeah, my Glock .40. I carry it everywhere. If the bad guys want another shot at me, they are gonna have to pay. Not that I don’t love my SIG Sauer P226 X-Five nine mm, but it is too pretty to carry everywhere.
Debbe, I wouldn’t lie to you. Joke, be sarcastic, exaggerate sure. But never lie. As for guns I don’t have a single one, I swear.
Debbe, I wouldn’t lie to you. Joke, be sarcastic, exaggerate sure. But never lie. As for guns I don’t have a single one, I swear.
Lilyblack on 28 Jul 2014 at 5:44 pm #xx: emb: what you say is perfectly possible (congrats on 52, btw).
Lily: It’s cx-p and HBH who just celebrated 52. Our 58th was 26 Apr. 2010, but wife died 28 Dec. ’10. I hope cx-p and HBH get further > that. It’s ok, you’re not the only Villager who has mixed us two up. I believe he is a bit > conservative > I, both politically and theologically, but we overlap broadly, I think. I’m glad he’s here.
I’m also a whiz with computers.
Whoops, sorry, emb
Lily, I carried my gun around for a long, long time in case I was attacked again. But Mike took it away from me after I slammed his arm in a metal door when he came home unexpectedly. He figured he’d be shot instead of a “bad guy.” Seriously, I quit putting a gun in my pocket somewhere along the way.
The police always told me that had my attackers had my gun instead of the Saturday Night Special they used at my daughter’s head, we would be dead because they’d have had a more reliable gun. So, two view points.
This is not to start a discussion on whether we should carry guns or not. I may have mentioned the time my mama’s purse whacked my husband in the back on Space Mountain at Disney World and he found out she had a 44 inside! We had to take it away from her. My daughter was a small child then.
After that my husband made me frisk mama whenever we went to Disney World and she always had a gun we had to hide in car and take away from her! There are probably as many viewpoints on guns as there are people on this group.
I bought the Janis gardening strip where she runs and gets the paper cartoon gun when the rabbit attacks her garden. That is how I am, of confused viewpoint!
Love, Jackie Monies
Well, Jackie, all I can say if I was back on that parking lot on that moonless night and a van rolled up to me, stopped, and opened the sliding door, whoever grabbed for me would be three-tapped by the time he or I took a breath. That is never going to happen to me again. The only time I don’t carry that gun is when I am running with my dog, and I hide a .25 in her vest right behind the folding dog dish.
Many, many thanks to all the kind folks here who wished us well on our 52nd. There have been quite a few more nice comments on this site than in person and by mail, together!
I had an aunt/uncle who made it to 67 years of marriage, and they did not marry young: both were 26 at the wedding. Had they wed at, say, 18, they would have made it to their 75th….
eMb, those were really nice words. Let me return the compliment by stating that I feel honored to be confused with such a scholar as you. Yep, I am a bit more conservative, but that doesn’t mean we cannot communicate in a friendly manner.
Yesterday was a good day. Aside from the WA dinner out, I managed to win an eBay lot over which I’d been salivating for the past week. It wasn’t exactly a bargain, but I had never seen one of these collector items offered ever since I began to use eBay 8 or 10 years ago.
Perhaps more importantly, I managed to “find” an old friend from HS days after 15 years of looking! That search included all the genealogy sites I have, but no fruit of my labor had resulted. Just by chance – and you can imagine the odds – one of the “old newspaper” sites showed me a sample part of a sample page when I entered the name. The fragment shown gave me proof of her identity and, importantly, her husband’s name!! Amazing coincidence, no?
No other classmates knew what had happened to this woman, much less her married name. With knowledge of the married name, it was easy to locate her – address, phone number, and email. I will send off a written note tomorrow to see if she is interested in trading bios. While we were not close, we did have a number of classes together and sat on several of the same committees. With a HS whose student body numbered in the many thousands, that’s about as close as two students would be. I remember her as a very good scholar and as a take-charge person. I wonder if she will reply, if only out of curiosity.
Don’t know as much as you thought you did, do you, Ghost? The Virgin shall teach you. See you next month.
Love, Edgar Alan Poe, Rachel Weiz & Rufas T. Pettibone XLII
^°^°^°^°^°^ Ruger P85, Ruger SAA .44, and 12 gauge with 3inch double aught buck loads.
Dearest Virgin, have you sneaking sherry from your parents’ liquor cabinet again?
G27 or G23, Lily?
Owing or carrying a firearm for self defense is a personal decision that must be made by each individual based on pertinent personal factors. I would not presume to influence anyone’s decision about that, one way or another. The one thing I would recommend is that if you do decide to own or carry, get some training. A firearm is not a magic wand that one waves to make a goblin disappear. And as Jackie pointed out, there is even the possibility your firearm could be used against you.
I carry (concealed), but I have invested a considerable amount of time and expense in equipment, practice and training. My instructor is an experienced SWAT ninja who also happens to be the training officer for his agency. At the end of my last refresher training with him (handgun), I fired the same qualification course as his officers (B-27 silhouette target) and scored 99 out of 100. The one round that cut the line and cost me a point was a one-handed snap shot from 10 yards. I can live with that. And one day, I may live because of that.
I view learning the skills necessary for safe and efficient firearms use in the same light as those for first aid and survival training…I hope I never need them, but if I wait until I do need them to learn them, I have waited way too late. And I suspect Lily feels much the same way.
Glock G27 4 40 fixed sight, Ghost 😛
Interestingly, I owned guns and had permits in Texas for hand guns and carrying concealed weapons. I did not happen to have my personal gun on me or car when we were kidnapped. And, it would have done no good, as they pointed gun at daughter and grabbed her while I was approaching car.
And just in case anyone thinks it takes a dark, dead of night for evil to take place, we were kidnapped in board open daylight on a Sunday afternoon from a national amusement park. Just where you would think you were safe.
I can imagine most of you would guess my stand on carrying weapons for self defense. The bad guys have no trouble getting hold of them apparently. But I no longer carry a gun although I do have one in bedroom. Would I use it? Yes.
Which may be why Mike prefers I not have one handy! Used to sleep with one under my pillow. Noisy dogs help better than anything.
This is not something I talk about much, as like Lily I prefer to forget. But I did make changes and that counts for something.
Love, Jackie Monies
Hey Ghost, am glad to see you survived Southern Alabama! I feel the same way in the swamps of Louisiana with no service. But we don’t have the population, now if alligators used cell phones maybe?
Love, Jackie Monies
Jackie, your mom would not get in the park with that item now. These days, Disney security looks in all bags, etc carried into the park before you ever get in the gate. Now if you want to declare a business gun-free, that is what you should be doing. If you want to tell all law-abiding folks they can’t bring a gun, even if the authorities have given them a license to do so, you should make sure Nobody brings one in. But I don’t see Target, et al, doing that, do you?
Mark, I certainly wish that the two men who grabbed us had been checked and arrested before they got us. Who expects to be snatched like that?
But I spent eight years of my life and a lot of money to try and change that, to say that a business, hotel, park or any other place seeking the public to utilize their facility are also responsible for just that, the safety of those who come.
And if Target doesn’t want to enforce that, well then, now you can sue the heck out of them for their failure to keep out the bad guys. It is now a liability issue that can and should cost them millions.
Love, Jackie Monies
Great choice, Lily. Like you, what I carry varies by circumstance (and wardrobe), but what I favor is a Glock 23 as primary, and a Glock 27 as secondary.
Why, one may ask, would I need to carry TWO hand guns? Well, even before the SWAT ninja expressed it in these words, I had already figured it out: “One is none; two is one.” Meaning that if your firearm/knife/flashlight/any-other-tool-you-really-really-need gets lost or broken, and you only started out with one, you then have “none”; if you started out with two, you still have “one”. Makes as much sense to me as having access to a spare set of car keys or house keys.
There is no perfect defense, of course. I’m fully aware I could be taken down tomorrow by a kid on roller skates with a two-by-four or a baseball bat. But there are still many potentially bad situations in which the odds would be tilted in my favor by the fact I am armed and alert to my surroundings.
And yes, I do totally agree that businesses should be held reasonably responsible for the safety of their customers while on their premises. But no, I do not think that simply putting up a sign at the entrance to their property stating that firearms are prohibited is the way to go about it. I can’t see how that would deter criminals or other dangerous people.
CXP, what did you get on eBay? Inquiring minds want to know….