By 2009, when this Sunday A&J first appeared, video games had advanced well beyond what Ludwig is playing, but yours truly still was stuck in Atariland. But after all, he is a cat, and I’m an old man, so cut us some slack. I actually owned an early Atari game console and enjoyed it very much. My glory days, though, coincided with the dawn of computerized arcade games, such as “Space Invaders.” I remember a buddy and I were playing Space Invaders at a two-man, sit-down game console in an establishment called “The Cherokee Inn” in Jackson, Mississippi, one evening in the early ’80s. The Cherokee Inn was, well… they would call in a “pub” in England. Someone who had gotten a head start elsewhere pulled into the parking lot and failed to stop quite in time. There was a loud “wham,” and the plywood wall next to our gaming table buckled inward. If the driver had been going much faster, you might not be reading this, but, unperturbed, we kept playing.

Playful as a Kitten
By Jimmy Johnson
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273 responses to “Playful as a Kitten”
Well, for those who did write and ask I come back, here is a brief return, my column from today’s Duckworks Magazine on the internet. Please skip it if you are not interested, of course. I have approximately 30,000 readers worldwide who do and write fan letters. There is a book deal pending on the autobiography, should I decide to write it. Not bad for a troll, in my opinion.
I won’t be back for awhile and will be busy having a life, not too subtle a one I might add!
“Sometimes When We Leave the Shore”
Love, Jackie Monies
Good morning Villagers….
Depression hit me hard yesterday…stayed in bed all day. BUT today is new day. Need to shake it off. Had a terrible anxiety attack yesterday. All because of Mother’s Day. I never called my mother…she and I are not getting along right now. Need to reach out to her.
Jackie, I wish you well in your travels, and please don’t be a stranger here. You are an inspiration to me. I admire your determination and willfulness….and your zest for life. Maybe sometime we can meet in real life.
Ya’ll have a blessed day
GR 😉
I will be gone for a couple of days. Have fun.
Thee times, they’re a changing,
Debbe, I’m sorry yesterday was a rough one for you, and glad you have ideas on why it was so. Hugs and prayers for you. Someone once told me, “If you can’t do something, do the next best thing.” Sometimes keeping that thought in mind has helped me.
So true, sand, so true.
May our travelers enjoy their sojourns and return home safely!
OF, no predictions yet, many people on benches, rain spattered webcam window, but not raining there now. Here, yes. Moisture may lessen grass fire danger. Peace, emb
Much needed rain here. Best kind – nice and slow.
Also did the “walk across the Mississippi without getting feet wet.”
Did NOT get feet wet.
Safe trip Jackie
How are the Texas Villagers? You folks all okay?
Boy, it’s lonely here today. Hope you all are alright. Goodnight and happy dreams, everyone.
42. Each night before you go to bed, pray to God and be thankful for what you accomplished today .
I just got home from my orchestra’s performance of a children’s concert. We had a nice program, over 300 people in the audience, over half of them kids. I got to narrate Peter & the Wolf, which was a hoot since we didn’t get the narrator’s copy until last Tuesday’s rehearsal. But it all went over well and the kids obviously loved it.
Dear emb, yes, I was very pleased to see the new little princess with my name. Also, I have a granddaughter named Elizabeth Charlotte. I was pleased with this choice, as well!
Dear Debbe, sending hugs and wishes for you to feel better. Happy dreams to you especially!
Trucker Ron, the concert sounds terrific. Wish I could have heard you doing Peter and the Wolf! Please tell me about your orchestra — how many players, are they experts at their instruments, how often are rehearsals?
The Nebo Philharmonic is a volunteer orchestra in the southern half of Utah County. We practice in the Salem (Utah) Civic Center on Tuesday nights. We’re doing OK on strings except for the bass viols; the woodwinds have the full complement of players (plus me on 3rd clarinet and bass clarinet, I also transpose and cover the 2nd bassoon on bass clarinet when needed); we’re a bit short on brass and percussion right now. We currently total 40 players.
Our players range in age from junior high to long past retirement. We older players vary a bit in our expertise… some of us need just a run-through before playing in concert, others need to practice much more… I’ve found that doing all those arpeggios in high school has really paid off!
Up in Provo they have a paid orchestra supported by the city, up in Alpine they have an all-volunteer orchestra supported by a nonprofit group. We’ve just received our nonprofit status and are organizing a board and seeking funding from the state’s arts council and local businesses.
It takes about $8,000 a year to run an orchestra like ours (only the conductor is paid a stipend, the rest goes for music, venues, advertising, and insurance).
Debbe 😉 I’m sorry you had a bad day yesterday, hon. Having had more of them in the past year and a half than I’d had in my previous life, I can understand how you felt. Prayers and hugs.
Good morning Villagers…
Thank you all for the prayers and hugs.
Going to call my doctor today.
Ya’ll have a blessed day
today’s grin:
Ghost and Debbe, depression is always a crooked path; when you’re walking it, you can never see the end. It’s been a part of my life since childhood. Sometimes, I think those of us who have dealt with it for decades are the lucky ones. We have a chance to develop and learn a lot of coping skills. My thoughts are with you on the path you’re walking.
Denise in Michigan, you’ve got that right.
Denise and Mark: Amen!