By 2009, when this Sunday A&J first appeared, video games had advanced well beyond what Ludwig is playing, but yours truly still was stuck in Atariland. But after all, he is a cat, and I’m an old man, so cut us some slack. I actually owned an early Atari game console and enjoyed it very much. My glory days, though, coincided with the dawn of computerized arcade games, such as “Space Invaders.” I remember a buddy and I were playing Space Invaders at a two-man, sit-down game console in an establishment called “The Cherokee Inn” in Jackson, Mississippi, one evening in the early ’80s. The Cherokee Inn was, well… they would call in a “pub” in England. Someone who had gotten a head start elsewhere pulled into the parking lot and failed to stop quite in time. There was a loud “wham,” and the plywood wall next to our gaming table buckled inward. If the driver had been going much faster, you might not be reading this, but, unperturbed, we kept playing.

Playful as a Kitten
By Jimmy Johnson
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273 responses to “Playful as a Kitten”
@GR6 11:33 cheapest possible Samsung flip phone, — -the rings are in the phone, you just have to pick one, like you could assign the same ring to everybody
Jackie: Another reason to be careful wading in flood waters – lots of nasty germs contained therein. A colleague got a nasty case of MRSA that way.
Mindy, that was wonderful of you to do that. A lot of us who were never in the service can’t understand the need our vets have to share their experiences. Even if we can repeat their stories right along with them, we owe it to them to listen.
Jerry, your Charles Schulz quote is a classic! I know I’ll be working that one into conversations for awhile.
If those rocks are from rivers, Mark, I hope the banks and bottoms aren’t eroding with them gone!
That is some massive rain out there, Jackie. Aren’t there some feral cats around you? How are they handling this?
Happy Mom’s Day to all Moms and (as Debbe pointed out) to all those who have been single parents! Bless you all!
Happy mother’s day to all. One person doesn’t get the joke and I can live with that. The neighborhood is washing away and “there goes the neighborhood”. Ok? Not a comment on the neighborhood. Take a chill pill.
Jerry, I snorted (with a grin) when I read it. The comment was truly one Hawkeye Pierce would have made.
That’s pretty good company. Thanks.
And you too Denise.
Jerry in FL, I got it, and thought it was too good to add anything to it.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers in the Village! My brother sent our mother a vase full of tulips via one of the online services. The cats are having a great time with them. I had told him once before that getting her flowers was not the best gift as we had no cat-proof place to put them and they were just a hassle if we put them on the coffee table in the living room. Because the cats continually turned the vase over, leaving me with a big mess to clean up.
Brother is out of town with his wife, visiting her mother and stepdad. This is the 4th weekend in a row they have done that, I think. The stepdad is terminal. on home hospice, likely to depart at any minute. Mother-in-law is having a very hard time coping with this, so they spend what time they can in Knoxville with them.
Married daughter (with hubby and 2 grandkids (ages 5 months and 26 months) in tow) showed up in our church this a.m. instead of theirs for Mothers’ Day. Wife was thrilled! Little ones were passed around and admired amongst the neighbors who’d watched Stef grow up.
All I got my wife was a card…
I got the joke and didn’t think it needed anything else (explanations or otherwise). I chuckled quietly to myself. Any louder and my better half wonders what I am up to.
Jerry, I’ve been there, done that. I was in a flood in college that flash flooded where I lived twice in about 12 hours. The first time was direct rain–we had about 10 inches in a couple of hours and the drainage couldn’t handle it. It cleared after a couple of hours. We spent most of the night sweeping water, mopping, and wet-vacuuming carpet. All the ground level windows were open to let air in and help dry everything… early the next morning, the water rose again across the entire campus. The valley was flooded from the drainage in the overall area. This time the water was dirty, muddy, and full of trash. And of course, because of the open windows everything was inside as well. I almost fell in a manhole that had water pressure pushing up on the lid. It flipped when I touched the edge and I dropped in all the way up one leg. Fortunately, the other leg was still on solid ground.
For those who will be interested:
A website devoted to those historical markers you often see, but rarely get to read, when traveling.
Jerry in FL, the best comment I can think of on your “there goes the neighborhood” would be to post the A&J Sunday strip that showed all Janis’ flowers blooming where the rain carried them.
OF due soon, 1731-1751 CDT. emb
OF due 1853-1913 CDT. emb
Mark. Maybe JJ will run that again. It’s seasonal. Peace, emb
emb, I like it because of what it says to me, too. That even if things don’t go as you plan, good things can come of your actions, and even more widely spread than you intended. “it’s a Wonderful Life” in a few panels. That’s excellently done, Jimmy!
I just got home and I’m overwhelmed. I try to add a little subtle and thoughtful humor and I sometimes wonder if I’m doing the right thing. I appreciate your comments. Please ignore it if I occasionally get too serious and I will try to ignore the occasional foray into the briar patch.
BTW, I think that I need not apply to be the editor of volume 1 of the autobiography. What do you think?
Have lost track; which autobiography?
Peace, emb
Too subtle?
Jerry, I laughed at your clever remark “there goes the neighborhood” and have appreciated all the responses. We’re a funny bunch here in the Village.
David in Austin, what an awful experience you and the others had in the flash flood! I’m so glad you weren’t hurt by the manhole cover coming off. No flooding stories from my quiet life in NH … I’ve seen rushing high waters but never got mixed up with them, and my house is high up.
Enjoyed a pleasant Mothers Day, hot and sunny. Some of the seven children phoned, sent cards, posted nice messages and photos on Facebook. Two of my grandsons phoned from Prospect Park in Brooklyn — a nice surprise! A birthday for another grandson sent me driving over for family gathering — cake and ice cream. Driving home after dark, on the Interstate, not so much fun. I made it OK.
Probably. I’m sometimes kinda slow. emb
Charlotte. You’ve had a princess named after you. Neat. Prospect Park is a good place.
Your phone calls remind me of a Mothers’ Day New Yorker cover, probably more than 4YA, since I seem to remember wife enjoying it. At first looks like a decent copy of Whistler’s Mother, but she’s glaring at the phone on the small table beside her. I kept it, and might even find it some day. Our kids sometimes called.
I understand Fathers’ Day used to hold the record for the day when the most collect calls were made.
Peace, emb
You’re not slow. I try to put something in half a line while others have a problem doing that. Consider it sarcasm, although I like to think of it as a gentle hint.