I had a little weekend away, and it was great. I can report, there are significantly fewer oysters in Apalachicola, Florida, than were last Friday. I have returned, though, refreshed and prepared to carry on. There is big news coming in the cartoon world, but I am sworn to secrecy. Admittedly, it is news of an “inside” nature that will interest and affect many cartoonists but probably not so much you, the readers. You might hear about it elsewhere first, but I’ll give you my two cents worth when I can.

Plus Chez Arlo
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
63 responses to “Plus Chez Arlo”
For those who like music videos I have a couple of requests-Neil Diamond, “Coming to America” and Cheech Marin, “Born in East L.A.”
Here you go Jerry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc-v8CFJzu4
I like Neil too.
And your other request: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFUFw1GH6ic
I had these guys albums when I was in the Navy.
c e-p
I always hears it was 11 days – The article was cut and paste – “and since it was on the internet
it must be true.”
The 2 dates are cut in stone as it were – thinking of it – can’t remember if they were
they were in that 11 day window, or change from March to Jan. as the start of the New Year.
Search Results
December 31, 1751 was followed by January 1, 1752 (the switch from March 25 to January 1 as the first day of the year) September 2, 1752 was followed by September 14, 1752 (drop of 11 days to conform to the Gregorian calendar)
1752 Calendar Change – Colonial Records & Topics – LibGuides at …
Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) are terms sometimes used with dates to indicate that the calendar convention used at the time described is different from that in use at the time the document was being written. There were two calendar changes in Great Britain and its colonies, which may sometimes complicate matters: the first change was to change the start of the year from Lady Day (25 March) to 1 January; the second was to discard the Julian Calendar in favour of the Gregorian Calendar.[1][2][3] Closely related is the custom of dual dating, where writers gave two consecutive years because of differences in the starting date of the year, or included both the Julian and Gregorian dates.
Beginning in 1582, the Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian in Roman Catholic countries. This change was implemented subsequently in Protestant and Orthodox countries, usually at much later dates. In England and Wales, Ireland, and the British colonies, the change of the start of the year and the changeover from the Julian calendar occurred in 1752 under the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750. In Scotland, the legal start of the year had already been moved to 1 January (in 1600), but Scotland otherwise continued to use the Julian calendar until 1752.[4][5]
I am familiar with N.E. but I am fairly certain that other English colonies have similar.
Please tell us “Calvin & Hobbes” is coming back. Or “The Far Side”!
Mark in Boston, I don’t know about the cartoons, but I did see a story last week that Playboy will be reinstating nude photos.
And Mark in TTown, thanks for the coffee link! I know I can order Luzianne from Amazon, but they don’t always have it in stock.
Report: I am alive and really enjoying my vacation.
Good for you and thanks Mark.
Jimmy, my husband figures the first oyster got eaten when one man dared another to do it. (The one who was dared probably said the prehistoric equivalent of “Hold my beer.”) Looking forward to your news!
Steve, have you been on one of the Bullet Trains yet?
Jackie, is Dickens the Adventure Dog with you, or is this a solo flight?
Smigz, that probably explains why they are considered aphrodisiacs . . . after having done so and survived he was full of feelings of invulnerability, awesomeness, Potency . . . Yeah, Baby!!
Jackie, Dickens and Black Jack, along with a friend are having a fantastic and restful vacation.
I don’t know why everybody is getting upset about the deportations. We declared war on poverty in the ’60’s. It just took us a while to get troops in the field.
Jerry in Fl, for those who complain of the lengthy war on terror, the war on poverty has been going on far longer and with less results to show for it.
Thanks for that “News I Can Use”, Jean Dear. I am sure the nude photos one gets by purchasing PB will be much better than the ones to be found on the InterWebNet for free. 🙂
I think I’ll try this again and see what happens if I break it up into multiple parts.
The list of news sources that I posted yesterday reminded me of an assignment that was given by a social studies teacher that I worked with many years ago. This was back in the days when the high school library where I worked still subscribed to many print magazines.
That worked but the next part didn’t. Maybe my sentences were too long.
Assignment: read 3-5 articles all on the same event or person
Sources: select at least one and no more than 2 from each of the columns/lists of titles
Column A = traditionally left-leaning *
Column B = traditionally right-leaning *
Column C = traditionally center or non-biased *
* information on bias was not shared
The rest of the assignment: Analyze the differences in coverage.
It was an eye-opening experience for most of his students. I suspect it might still be a worthwhile experience for all of us.
If I switch over to Faux “News” for more than 30 seconds I start talking like Elvis and I tell Cilla to bring me my gun.
Enjoying a fun soda pop wine from Chile and having a totally A and J moment on my vacation. I will be in a big tub of fluffy bubbles soon if I get it filled.
Jerry & Mark. Politics. Peace,
Sorry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YrNQaXdOxU
Thank you all for the kind birthday wishes yesterday. Such a fine day I had, it was amazing! Son Steve and Daughter Amy are here visiting from the Finger Lakes region in NY. Amy planned a “mystery tour” for my birthday. I couldn’t imagine what she had in mind but knew it would be something nice. It was a warm sunny day and we set off in her car. She drove by secondary roads south into Massachusetts, through the old mill city of Haverhill and on through old towns where the first settlers lived, headed toward the ocean. I haven’t gone anywhere all winter so was happily sightseeing; old houses, well kept up (there’s money in those old towns). Colonial white churches, small paned windows, handsome old trees. Stone walls, outcroppings of ledges; not much touristy stuff until our destination — Gloucester, Mass. It’s on Cape Ann and Amy had found a Cape Ann Museum where we spent a delightful couple of hours, or more. Paintings of ships and the sea; lighthouses; fishermen and their boats and ships; sculptures; real artifacts of seafaring; antique furniture too. We enjoyed it ever so much; it was a real treat for me, I love museums.
The sun was setting as we got back in the car, and had to drive back to NH in the dark; we could see the Evening Star anyway. Lots of highway traffic heading out of Boston — that’s normal. Home at last we met the rest of the family, who’d all been working — at a drive-in restaurant and seafood place — fried clams for some people — burgers etc. for some. We were hungry and happy to socialize with family. A day to treasure in memory!
I have always enjoyed Groucho’s brother meeting Lucy:
‘. . . we could see the Evening Star anyway.” Venus is now our Abendstern, has just passed greatest brilliancy, and is rapidly heading into the sunset. It will pass around behind Sol in early March, and soon be visible as our Morgenstern, which it will be for the rest of 2017, though too close this side of Sol for easy viewing by late Nov.
Just checked all this from Sky & Telescope’s 2017 Skygazer’s Almanac, 40 degrees N. version, on the office door. Only pinup in my office, though there are 4 framed prints of well known paintings, one of them an apparently besotted, unattractive matron at a French affair / Toulouse-Lautrec, and an original Madonna & Child wood carving by a faculty wife who abruptly deserted her husband and son decades ago. Still a good carving. ‘Life is so full of a number of things.’ Where is that from?