A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Post Labor Day

By Jimmy Johnson

I’ve been so busy catching up after the New England foray, that I haven’t had a chance to update for days. When I said things would get back to normal around here, that isn’t exactly what I meant. And then there was the holiday, etc. Anyway, Tuesday always is a good reset day at arloandjanis.com. Here’s a late Labor Day-weekend cartoon from 2009. It accurately reflects how Labor Day was around here. I did get out Monday evening on a local lake after the craziness had subsided, and I saw a bald eagle. Was I ever angry! I’d just spent a lot of money and trouble to get to Maine, where I saw eagles, and here was one in my own county. I felt cheated.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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103 responses to “Post Labor Day”

  1. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Up at 6 a.m. and getting dressed for show and boat cleaning. Barely dawn.

    You are right of course Ghost. I am Da Queen of Da Nile.

    It’s not just a river in Egypt. I try to grab life and embrace it like there will be no other chance.

    Going to clean boat and let Dickens run around in cabin.

  2. Smigz Avatar

    Chuckling over today’s real-time A&J. That’s why men and kids never have to use the facilities at the beach. Practical women don’t, either. 😉

    Jackie, The Adventure Dog must be having a ball with you. Is he a people pup?


    Yes to all questions.