I’ve been so busy catching up after the New England foray, that I haven’t had a chance to update for days. When I said things would get back to normal around here, that isn’t exactly what I meant. And then there was the holiday, etc. Anyway, Tuesday always is a good reset day at arloandjanis.com. Here’s a late Labor Day-weekend cartoon from 2009. It accurately reflects how Labor Day was around here. I did get out Monday evening on a local lake after the craziness had subsided, and I saw a bald eagle. Was I ever angry! I’d just spent a lot of money and trouble to get to Maine, where I saw eagles, and here was one in my own county. I felt cheated.
Post Labor Day
By Jimmy Johnson
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103 responses to “Post Labor Day”
use to have to clean the cat slobbers off the bottom of the sliding glass patio doors while they were bird watching….
Trucker Ron: I was even more troubled by the idiotic comments on the article (although I rarely read them after articles because they are usually pretty dumb)
If someone had just googled $2 bills, they would have found the answer. Of course a 1953 $2 bill may in fact be worth more that $2!
With seven kids, my parents, on occasion, did not have the money for school lunches until Friday when they were paid. I would go the office and get a voucher and I certainly would not go hungry. Back then the school lunches were pretty cheap and bringing my lunch may or may not have been more economical. They part of this story that bothered me most was that the kid did not get a lunch that day.
Just read that the 1953 $2 probably would NOT be worth more. I guess that it is a common misconception.
Ouch, JJ! I hope that was a sandy bottom, not a sea shell strewn, rocky one.
Up with clothes on. It is in 50s here and suitcase I dragged up is one I packed to build boats in Port Aransas, TX where it was in 90s to 100s at the time, full of sacrificial clothing to sand, epoxy and paint in.
God, I hope that second suitcase from New York contains a few things I’d wear here! I may freeze but I grabbed some jeans at Walmart while having glasses fixed. That and a long sleeve tee are it today. Will look for socks and shoes in truck.
Gulls are screaming outside balcony.
This was supposed to be a warning, not a blueprint.
Headline: “North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un Bans Sarcasm”
“Well, so much for my lifelong dream of visiting North Korea,” Ghost said sarcastically.
Did GR’s last comment get the Village in trouble? Or am I just the first to get back from work?
Yeah, I was starting to wonder if the Norks had hacked the blog due to my comment involving Baby Huey, I mean, Dear Leader.
Thanks to Gary and to Ghost and all who helped. I let the system update be installed on my iPad and it all seems fine, no problems. Gary, what’s the meaning of “bricking” the iPad?
Jackie, so relieved that you got there safely. You drove awfully well to go that far — just you and Dickens — you are a very tough woman.
The word here in ReHab is that I can go home on Tuesday Sept. 13. The family and I are very excited and we are making plans for Nancy to drive me (one mile!) and for her and Marge to shop for groceries I will need.
That’s really good news, Charlotte! Don’t fall again, y’hear?
Yay, Sweet Charlotte!
And no, don’t make a habit of that. 🙂
I will take your advice very seriously, guys!
Back in room, boat in water, she didn’t sink, I have a great position in show so high visibility, going to get up early 6 a,m. Again and go try and clean 4000 miles of dirt off her and make her look presentable. Going in with work clothes and old towels, cleaner, sponge, then change to clean clothes.
Right now have to shower for dinner with friends. Later.
Charlotte, you don’t want to “brick” your device. Judging by this article, it means to freeze it up, make it unable to restart, or otherwise make you cry:
Charlotte, that’s really wonderful news.
Charlotte, if you brick a device, it becomes no better than a brick. It maybe useful to prop open a door but not much good as anything else. I have managed to brick various devices over the decades. Some could be recovered and made useful again. Some not so much. I have managed to recover various iPhones and iPads but I could not recover my son’s iPhone when he bricked it. We had to recycle it and get him a new one.
Good luck at the show Jackie! That really is a beautiful boat!
Thanks we are right on first row opposite the maritime center and first thing they see centered, opposite restored boat Ebb Tide big power cruiser belonging to friends. I was at its relaunch last year. I must get flowers for Helen for her boat.
Cleaning up email files, ran into a poem by Jeffrey Harrison, “The shoulders of women.” Have been similarly gratified myself twice lately, first at a wedding and the following bash, and 4 days later at an outdoor gala for contributors to the hospital fdn. Neither of those events was a fundraiser, and there was no lengthy speech. Various shawls and such emerged as the outdoor event cooled. Since the poem was printed in The Writers’ Almanac w/ publishers perm., I’ll let you use the URL.
As Elaine said often, ‘All men are prancing, leering billy goats.’ She didn’t really mind. Not sure what she’s up to, now.
Shoulders? Yeah, OK, I guess. To me, as I believe I have said previously, the most underappreciated erotic feature of a woman is often her bare back.
Jackie, I know you’re having fun, but pace yourself and remember what I said about not trying to pack too much living into life at one time.
Debbe 😉 From the soundtrack of the 2016 Promise Fest (aka Election Campaign)…
Used to body surf “down at the shore”
Maybe that is why there is no hair on my chest.
Yes, I am happy and having a great time but tired too. Just had the most wonderful Thai meal, a prawn cold stir fry with asparagus on mixed greens, garlic green beans and strange fritter appetizer. I love the food on this town, healthy and creative. My designer friend is English, one of presenters, his wife from Kentucky. So fun.
Wish I had you all here. It is amazing town