By the early 1990s, just before the advent of digital archiving for A&J, The strip largely had taken on its present appearance, although the evolution of Janis’ appearance still had a way to go, and I would continue to improve as a cartoon artist. The first strip above hangs in the home of a friend of mine. No, I won’t tell you what friend. Obviously, the “Summer of 35” stretches on, that observance of the 35th anniversary of the premier of A&J. In fact, I’m thinking of institutionalizing it somehow, making older material available on a permanent basis either here or on You know, sort of like “Nightline” grew out of the Iranian hostage crisis.

Post-Nuptial Agreement
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
61 responses to “Post-Nuptial Agreement”
Yes Nightline did grow out of the Iranian Hostage Crisis. And Saturday Night Live grew from a funny skit show to….Uh well whatever it is.
We had a scare here as a teacher tested positive for Covid and two of her students play on my 4 year old’s soccer team. One of the students is my grandson’s neighbor and best friend. Fortunately he test and is negative. They will isolate and test again later.
My son and wife have been careful, especially around us, even though we are very healthy for people of our age. I respect that. My wife misses the hugs and was upset that our grandson was wrestling around with his cousin. Like Janis she has a few insecurities and between my daughter and myself we were able to convince her that they are only trying to protect us. Then came the news about the teacher….
It feels like we are tiptoeing around a mine field right now and everyone has their own “opinion” I feel like my opinion is reasonable, not too scared but not throwing caution to the wind. I just want people to respect my opinion.
My opinion is, Better safe than sorry.
But first be sure that “safe” is actually better.
To paraphrase Alice in Dilbert: SMART people know my opinion is correct.
Having problems – you may have to cut and paste
Dilbert for 09/29/2020.
Here’s a different sort of use of animatronics:
If you like bright, flashing Halloween decorations with your Metallica:
Steve, well put. My feelings exactly. Some of my wife’s family find it amusing that I wear a mask when they visit. I told my wife’s daughter during the last visit that I didn’t find the virus funny. I’m 71 and would like to live a couple more years at least. I don’t drive any more and we are down to two cars. My wife really misses the Cadillac that we sold so I’ve ordered a new one. I don’t know how much longer she will be driving but she deserves for putting up with me. For myself I’ve ordered a walker as I am no longer a fall risk but a fall guarantee. It’s extremely difficult to type. You remember typing. For soJerryme reason I took typing in high school and was very good. Dinner calls.
Also 71, with brittle bones. I don’t need a walker, yet, but I’m careful about where I go and watch my step. I’m diabetic and underweight because of lymphoma but hanging in there. At the end of August, I spent three days in the hospital because of blood sugar issues and digestive problems and part of my admission, I was tested for COVID, along with my sister. Neither of us has heard anything about it since then, so we presume we were negative, and we both wear masks in public.
Living totally isolated by choice. I would love to see my daughter and grandson. My SIL is an essential care medical person. Their family just did two week quarantine because one of his patients in nursing home was ill with COVID-19 but home didn’t classify him as positive so he was repeatedly exposed. I am grateful my children/family ended up negative.
I pity anyone in medical field in today’s world. Talking about it with my oncologist who runs a tight ship he said they have had a couple of positive patients. I doubt they admitted them to clinic again once identified. As a very high risk I am for all the enforcement being enforced.
Honestly I would welcome no one who did not comply with what I requested. My SIL suits up in full COVID-19 medical protective gear. I am glad to hear he said it worked, all his tests have come back negative.
Renewing my love of Smithsonian, reading wonderful articles, finding out they appeared in the magazine.
Just finished several articles on Lincoln assasination. It has been probably forty years since I read books by the same author on assasination and manhunt. My curiosity was piqued by the Lost Lincoln Photograph.
Learned or revisited fascinating information.
To Jimmy Johnson: I would absolutely love seeing more of the older Arlo & Janis on a regular basis. As I’ve said before, I’m pretty sure I saw these the first time around, but these days I find I’m an hour into reading a book or watching a movie before I realize, “Hey, this seems familiar . . . ” The good part of that is it means I get to enjoy things all over again. And Arlo & Janis is very high on the list of things I’d love to have the chance to appreciate this way!
To those talking about taking precautions: Don’t let anyone shame you out of protecting yourself.
Agreed! I’m just a youthful 67 with diabetes and heart issues (arrhythmias, no blockages), so I’m still very capable the normal activities of life. Having said that, I do wear protective gear when exposed to others. OTOH, while only a few of the hundreds of people I know only 10 have contracted the disease, 2 of those were hospitalized, both elected to be ventilated, and both have recovered. The only death among that population came back in April when that young adult committed suicide because her life was falling apart financially (lost job at museum that closed). There have been whispers concerning others that have passed, but she was the only one I’d known very well… since she was about 2 years old, and the parents did eventually talk about her story.
65 with diabetes and quad bypass 4 years ago. Glad I work from home in another state. Hospital I work for is having highest positive Covid inpatient rate yet. Over 400 since this started, and mortality rate about 10 percent, although much of that is due to comorbid conditions, such as COPD, Diabetes and Heart disease of one kind or another. So, I mask and use hand sanitizer. Your life is your own, and how you protect or risk it is your business. And what the rest of us do to protect ourselves is ours, so if you don’t want to be careful, leave the rest of us alone.
Jimmy, Please put the archives out on the GoComics website. I only found Arlo and Janis a few years ago and have tried diligently to find all the past strips. I have Beaucoup Arlo and Janis and am eagerly awaiting the Arlo and Janis After Dark that was promised from the KickStarter campaign. I would love to see the whole gambit easily accessible. Although it has been fun to treasure hunt through all of your blogs to find a 1980s strip that I haven’t seen before.
Hey gang, regarding COVID-19 and masking: Remember that masking is intended to protects others, not necessarily oneself, although there is some protection for the wearer. So whenever I see someone with a mask, I feel that person is concerned about my well-being and doing what they can. And shouldn’t we all be caring about each other as much as ourselves?
Blinky, I concur wholeheartedly!
Regarding the purpose and effectiveness of masks: A recent study of those testing positive for the virus revealed over 80% of them had faithfully worn masks… but the researchers had no way to know which individuals, by not wearing masks, had infected them. Proving such things is impossible… and some of the things we’ve been doing, like contact tracing, aren’t proving effective because of how and when this disease spreads. Its long incubation period means that unless we totally shut down everything for several WEEKS so it couldn’t transmit to others we can only slow its spread. And that hasn’t been possible given human nature, the need for human interaction, the disruption of the supply chains for necessities…
Jackie, since you mention Lincoln I think that I know where there is hanging an unidentified and unknown photo of Booth. I have asked casually whether it could be purchased and got a negative answer. The owner doesn’t know they have it and someday I may tell them after I have exhausted efforts to buy it. I have examined all photos that I can find of Booth and I am convinced that it’s him. Someday I’m going to quickly take a casual picture and send it t.o some authority. Remember the virus is all about politics so please vote like my life depends on it, and yours.
As my daughter would say, this is awesomely good!
Ghost bought me a lovely lavendar walker today, a deluxe heavy duty model. I am trying to accept concept I am handicapped i know a fall and fracture can kill me
We bought two, a simple small one for house and yard and a fancier one for real walking. Now to get house paths stripped down and accessible .
Note to so many of us. If we stop walking we will end up in wheelchairs. Use the walkers to keep mobile and don’t be ashamed
Glad to hear that you are keeping as active as you can, and that between you and Ghost, you are getting the mobility aids you need to do that. You are fortunate that your home entries don’t have steps and you are right that you need to clear walking paths in the house so things won’t trip you up or stall your walker. The two of you are very fortunate to have each other. Stay safe.
I was busy working yesterday and didn’t look at the blog since I posted. I cringed when I read what I wrote as on other social media sites, the person gets crucified for stating what I did
Thank you very much for your civility. I’m sure that there are some who might have a different opinion. Thank you too. I suppose that it should not have been a major surprise considering the demographics of this group, but I want to let all of you to know that I am praying for all of you to stay healthy. I need to hear my daily dose of craziness!
Looking again at daily current strip all I could think of was snakes crawling out of the firewood. I don’t think Arlo is armed well enough!
Off to cook Southern fried cabbage with bacon and sausage with a side of cornbread. Poor little Dickens is terrified when I cook now and shakes and trembles in fear smoke alarms will go off as house burns down.
I had best wait for Ghost to return home to comfort him.
Steve from Royal Oak – While I tend toward the same opinion as you (I am now 70 and I have an auto-immune condition which leaves me feeling vulnerable) I also know others whose opinions are very different. In my own family, my daughter takes a lot more risks with her kids than I think I would. She doesn’t enforce masks for the kids when they are playing with neighbors, but on the other hand they play hard and need the extra air. Plus everyone in the neighborhood is good about keeping kids home if they seem at all sick and so far no one has come down with Covid. So I have adopted the policy that I make decisions about what affects me and allow other adults to use their brains to make decisions for their lives. We will all deal with the consequences of our decisions, without making ourselves more miserable by trying to force our decisions on others, since no one can really predict the eventual outcome. My daughter and her family respect my feelings and I respect theirs. I really miss hugs with my “grands” but we spend time on the phone or computer instead.
I very much enjoy hearing from the folks in this Village and sharing their stories. I am grateful that people here feel welcome to express their opinions and share information without being put down. I’ve shared many a smile with y’all and even learned a thing or two along the way. I hope to continue to do so! Thanks for sharing.
Jackie – You are so inspiring in your attitude! I, too, have had to accept that things I used to be able to do are no longer possible. I guess I could be depressed, but with the help of my sweet husband, I choose to focus on the many things that are still possible and give thanks for what I am still able to accomplish. I have good days and then other days when everything seems harder. But like you with your pretty walker, there are a lot of ways to help improve those “other days”, so I look forward to the good days and do what I can to increase their frequency. Enjoy your Southern fried cabbage while we enjoy our sandwiches made with leftover brisket!
Being greeted at the door when I return from being gone awhile is like being assaulted by The Insane Puppy Posse. Which, by the way, will be the name of my next rock band.
Greeted by Dickens, I meant, Not Jackie. 😀
I’ve been fortunate (so far) to have not been subject to falls. However, realizing that my luck cannot hold out forever, I found, as I mentioned previously, a personal trainer. Not to do the high-impact aerobics I did in my forties, or the iron-pumping I did in my fifties, but to work on my strength, balance, and flexibility. Turns out she knew exactly what I needed, as she had worked with some older/disabled folks before she moved to Eufaula. I was lucky to find her, and I have seen positive results already.
Who knew that at some point in one’s life, just getting up off the floor would be considered part of a workout? All joking aside, as my PT told me, falling can be fatal for older folks, not just from impact or injury, but simply from being unable to stand up for an extended period of time while alone.
You’re right about the effects of a fall on an older person. Even if they don’t break a bone the fall can cause a muscle weakness that prevents them from getting up on their own. If they are down long enough they can become dehydrated or develop other issues, become disoriented, cause internal bleeding (especially if they are on blood thinners). And it doesn’t take that long for these things to set in. Glad you are looking out for yourself proactively.
Steve from RO: I’m in the “better safe than sorry” camp too so I saw nothing cringe-worthy in your post, unless you’re referring to a couple of uncharacteristic typos 🙂
What Ruth Anne said.
Is today’s (Sunday) strip supposed to be titled “Vivaldi….” rather than “Livaldi….”? Composer of “Four Seasons” was the V-guy.
I believe there’s a pun in that title, but I’m failing to get it!
Live + Vivaldi = Livaldi, perhaps?
And that’s some spiffy art work in that there final panel. Happily, there’s still a light in the window.
Livaldi = Live all the days you are given. Gentle pun on Vivaldi The Four Seasons.