A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Profit of Doom!

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
We’re more than 20 years down the road since this 1993 A&J appeared, and a lot of people still are waiting to find out what they’re going to be doing. Now, I’m going to waste a large portion of your day. We’ve been talking about Web sites. Search “wayback machine archives” and type “arloandjanis.com” in the search field. Find your way back to dozens upon dozens of old A&J Web sites, including the old FrontPage sites, some of which were pretty awesome if I say so myself. So, let’s not worry today about the future.

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109 responses to “Profit of Doom!”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    My exposure to ND was mostly through running loads of La-Z-Boy furniture from an assembly plant in north Utah to a furniture distributor in Bismarck. From there I’d almost always get a load of mixed furniture to deliver to a chain of furniture stores in ND and MT.

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Thanks to “Brigid” on her mausersandmuffins blog…

    Murphy’s Laws (updated):

    If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished.

    If it happens, it must be possible.

    If it jams – force it.

    If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

    If no one uses it, there’s a reason.

    If things appear to be going well, you have overlooked something.

    When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.

  3. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Wayne: Neat. Actually know some of those places. Son is a member of the Dakota Conf. of the UMC, though he now has a church in Deerwood, MN. He’s been at churches in Williston [before the current boom], Lisbon, Page + 2 more, Ada + Beltrami [MN]. MN and Dakota ACs now share a bishop. His wife still works part-time by cptr. as a architect for Sanford Health Fargo. Peace, emb

  4. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    To which I would add, “The Unspoken Law”:

    If you mention something good, it stops; if you mention something bad, it happens.

  5. sandcastler™ Avatar

    North Dakota. NDU, “The Fighting Sioux,” has given the NHL a fair number of players. And NASA one fine astronaut, Karen Nyberg.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Pretty scenery, pretty song.


  7. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    We’re watching Peter Pan. I have only vague memories of watching the Mary Martin version as a child, but I’m pretty sure it did not involve staying up until 11 pm.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Ruth Anne, according to the ever-reliable Wikipedia, the first television broadcast of Peter Pan ran live on NBC from 8:00 – 9:30 PM EST on March 7, 1955. It was broadcast in “compatible color”.

  9. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    I must have watched one of the later ones. I don’t think we had a TV then, didn’t have color until I was in high school. Pretty sure Orlando only had one local channel in 1955 and it was CBS.

  10. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Yep, our local NBC station didn’t sign on until 1956. In the early years their signal was pretty weak, a challenge to pick up without a big antenna. Thanks to my father’s ingenuity we managed with rabbit ears and a t-shaped wire configuration on the side of the house.

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Peter Pan was restaged in January of 1956 and then again as a Christmas Special in 1960. “Compatible color”, which I had forgotten about, just meant the same broadcast could be watched on either a color or B&W set. I guess that was a big deal in the mid-fifties.

  12. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost and Debbe, here’s a little Christmas music for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMxgttJpbZE

  13. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Before I forget, I grew up with WJDM, which went off the air so often that it became known as Wait Just a Damm Minute. I’m back and the search for the cause of his pain, nausea and weakness continues but, as I write, a solution is hopefully around the corner. Thanks for your concern. Not having seen any news for a couple of days I was all ready to describe the pleasures of the drive home, the fall colors and the enjoyment of my eclectic mix of tunes on my ipod, but I made the mistake of coming home and turning on the news. What the H. E. double hockey sticks. Speaking of fruitcakes, I love a good fruitcake and I know that my mother baked one and also made what she called an ice box fruit cake every year for a long time. My stepson’s fiancé makes a fantastic rum cake and I get one for my birthday and one for Christmas. I was beginning to figure out free range chickens but what is a free range fruitcake? Debbe, do you remember Lewis Grizzard’s line about those poor boneless chickens?

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    If I stop at the Payday Loan store on the way to the market, I might just be able to buy all the ingredients to make Alton’s fruitcake.

  15. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    To paraphrase my airplane joke, don’t forget the brandy. BTW, I hear that if the Noles win another game they’re going to drop them out of the top 10 altogether.

  16. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Running slow this morning…..and so is my computer.

    Jerry, good to see your report, and no I do not know about the boneless chicken.

    GR and Mark…..thanks for the Christmas links….will listen later.

    AND where is Jackie????? I am concerned.


    Steve, sorry for the confusion, sometimes I get in a hurry and read not so well.

  17. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Ugh! A long day ahead for me. An attempted robbery at the store about 2:30 this morning. Very sad attempt. Would-be thief purchased a cheap cigarillo, and when my (6’4″, 240 lb) clerk cashed out the sale, the moron reached to grab the cash in the drawer. My clerk smashed the guy’s hand in the drawer. The guy not only came away from the deal with sore fingers and no extra cash, he also didn’t get his change from his purchase. Serves him right. Time to head back, just wish I could have got a nap in before I had to be back. Hello caffeine!

  18. billinbossier Avatar

    Re: Friday’s Strip.
    I agree, and do that often. I do about the same thing when IRe see something that says ‘Must Read’. It usually turns out to be either bogus, or nothing to get excited about.

  19. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jerry in FL, don’t remember Lewis Grizzard’s story, but do remember this from Gary Larson: https://crayfisher.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/boneless-chicken-ranch-far-side-247×300.png

  20. sandcastler™ Avatar

    JJ, the Friday strip gets _^ ^_ = [two thumbs up]

  21. John in Richmond Texas Avatar
    John in Richmond Texas

    about store robbery four comments above – when I was 18 , working at a gas station/tiny convenience store with the hole in the window to pass stuff through, I handed the guy his two packs of cigs before getting the money and of course he just ran off. and coincidentally my boss and area supervisor were in the lot and the guy ran right by him. I hollered that the guy just ripped us off and the guy slowed down ! to look around before running again

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “Snatch and runners” are sort of the bottom feeders of the criminal world. About all you can say for them is that they are usually more likely to hurt themselves than their victims.

  23. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    I *love* Bob Rivers and Twisted Christmas! It’s one of my favorite Yuletide cds! Another song from it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlIs27Z5Hrk

    I will admit that while Alton’s fruit cake is good, it is expensive. As I recall, the only time I’ve made one was for the Groom’s Cake. I do remember one memorable fruitcake an aunt baked one time. She doused it in blackberry brandy. Now THAT was a good cake!