Today’s classic A&J comes from less than a year ago, but I’m showing it to you again, because it relates to our conversation about subtlety. To wit, sometimes I am to blame! I admit it. The above cartoon probably would have worked better for most of us if I had used the word “mundane” instead of “quotidian.” The words are virtually synonymous, and more people probably are familiar wit the former. However, I’m human! I learn a great new word like “quotidian” and I have to use it. My old journalism professors warned us about that, but I wouldn’t listen.

Quotidian Marks
By Jimmy Johnson
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135 responses to “Quotidian Marks”
emb, I didn’t get it either. When I searched the words I got the song YMCA by the Village People.
No beard here either. Tried to grow one once. Just couldn’t get enough to be acceptable. Looked like I belonged in a homeless camp. I couldn’t even grow a decent mustache.
To make the beard less feel better I almost married a Native American when I was in college, young. And yes, he had no need to shave.
I am sitting down at NASA at badging center. Where is a flying man when you need one? Warbird museum behind me. I have friends who live out here.
The Sir Frederic Leighton painting is “Invocation”, which doesn’t help much.
Was it Quayle [from the town in Indiana where my half-brother and his wife are buried; my wife did her graveside inurnment service] who thought he’d have to learn Latin to converse with Latin Americans?
Peace, emb
No, turns out that was a joke about him told by a sister Republican. But the Snopes site does list several of his gaffes:
Peace, emb
I knew Dan before he was a Congressman. I lived about 10 miles from his home in Huntington. He was (and still is) a very bright man. While I am sure that a few of you here might not agree with his political viewpoints, we was always willing to listen and counter much better than you could imagine. I have my theories as to why he was characterized the way he was, but that is counter-productive. He did say some strange things at times, but I’ve been told that I do as well!
Who of us doesn’t? We are all mere mortals.
And if not, our Smart phone will put our foot in our mouth.
Denise: For you…
Near Ghost’s selected comic…without further comment:
We have had some great Aurora Borealis in Northern Michigan the last couple of days. Too far north and too late at night for me to see. I think I will write a letter to the editor and complain that “They” need to move the Aurora Borealis to the Detroit area and at a time when more people can see them! (Please note saracasm)
Jackie said: “And if not, our Smart phone will put our foot in our mouth.”
There are entire memes of nothing but smartphone fopauxs. Leading the list is the innocent word, “duck.” It has the capability to go astray in so many wrong ways.
And going by what I see on many of these are caused by the learning ability of the spell check. If you use an expression the phone will remember and try to substitute it. As Allen Funt used to say, “Somehow, when you least expect it”, that’s when the phone strikes.
Hey, I just sent an entire email to the wrong person and was answering again when I saw I was now writing to first person. I am giving up. I hate Florida beaches at spring break.
Have fun all, we are in lock down; some ID10T cit a gas main
What’s wrong, Jackie? You have an aversion to wall-to-wall drunken college students? (See also: “Youth is wasted on the young.”)
Speaking of which, in a waiting room yesterday I saw a TV report of a Penn State fraternity being suspended for posting nude and semi-nude pictures of young women who were apparently sleeping or passed out in their house. Geez, if young women can’t trust a bunch of drunken frat boys, who can they trust?
What those men did was totally reprehensible and indefensible. At the same time, do some young women check their brains at the door when they enter college?
sand, recommend you and Loon forgo the candles with your afternoon wine and cheese.
GR6, you sound just like the fire department. This is only the 3rd gas line they have severed. Two water lines, two electric, and one cable. Not too bad, they’re trying to bring fiber optic cable to 152 homes. Clearly explains the reason I don’t use AT&T.
sandcastler ™, look at the bright side. Since we are on DST, it is daylight later, allowing you to see without needing candles, flashlights, etc.
You could almost sing their track record to the 12 Days of Christmas. 3 gas lines, 2 water lines, 2 power lines and one cable tv.
Here’s a late bit of music for St. Patrick’s Day:
Debbe, Jackie, Charlotte, John in Richmond, TX and David in Austin, this ones for you:
I s this because we are Irish or in need of a wake soon, Mark?
We get the print version of the Funny Times; I often want to share things that I read there so I go looking for them online. This frequently results in the discovery of other fun stuff, like this:
How could I NOT like the author – she’s described as “the world’s funniest librarian” and has a new book of library humor coming out called Our Bodies, Our Shelves.
“Highway To Hell” at end of the service. “Dust In The Wind” as my ashes are let free.
Denise, until now I had not been a plannin’ my departure. Thanks!
Neither, Jackie. i just enjoy the audience response to the song as it goes along. As for the other, listen to it and you’ll get the message. I forgot to add Mindy from Indy to the suggested audience for that second song.
Please be nice, Ghost, you’ve no idea how bad the rest of my day’s gone! I am taking a direct route out of here through AL MS to avoid any more teenagers.
As we say in the South, be sweet. You are as Southern as I am, possibly more so. And if I was rude, I apologize. If you were, consider it because you are a charming man under most circumstanes.
And you can lecture me for idiocy as well. I am often wrong.