You probably won’t believe me, but I could not find any more prototypical strips featuring Skeeter and Nat. That project, by the way, went under the working title of “Perdido.” I’ll keep looking, but don’t get your hopes up. Today I am going to show you a strip from 1995, featuring Gene and his first “real” girlfriend, Susan, on a movie date. My favorite thing about Susan was her feisty little sister Emma. I’ll try to post some material featuring her when we’re done at the movies. Speaking of the strip in the previous post, there was a mention of “Tallahassee,” which obviously would be the city in northern Florida. This led to a discussion of whether Arlo & Janis is a “southern” strip. I think I’m qualified to opine on this one. While there might be occasional geographical or meteorological references owed to my own long life in the southeastern U.S., I have never regarded A&J as a “southern” strip. In fact, I strive to make it universal. I do not believe by doing so I am erasing potential color and charm. On the contrary, I don’t think throwing around words like “cornpone” and “pot likker” would add much. Personally, I don’t know what cornpone is, but I do know pot likker is delicious!

Red-Carpet Treatment
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

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What’s old is old, again
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63 responses to “Red-Carpet Treatment”
sand, is it true that Claymore mines had the warning printed on their backs “Do Not Eat”?
Obviously, Arlo and Janis live in Anytown, USA.
My dad has used “Pot Likker” since I was a little kid, and we’re from Michigan…
In honor of one of my favorite all time award winning theatrical scripts, Arlo and Janis obviously live in “Our Town”.
Love, Jackie
Indy Mindy, you are indeed a good kid! {and that’s all I’m saying.;-)}
Ruth Anne, I have a Furminator that I would love to use on my dog, but every time I start combing him he sits down. He doesn’t seem to mind my combing his upper back and shoulders, but for some reason doesn’t want his hind quarters combed.
When I was in high school a friend of ours had several Newfies that she shaved in the summer. North Georgia is not the ideal place for such dogs in the summer, folks. Just sayin’. They were sweet, gentle giants, but in the winter when you drove up to the house if you didn’t know better it looked like several medium-sized bears running towards your car. 🙂
And pot likker over cornpone is another reason I miss having someone else around who would eat the collards or turnip greens. sigh…
So here I am a few minutes ago over on Watertribe Forum reading about challenge and boats when Amazon offered me a shedding dog tool for $4.80! How do they know we need that lederhosen?
Trapper, I know you are tall I think and are from south. You are not the statuesque, slim and elegant and funny Jeannie Robertson whose comedy I so enjoy are you?
Newfies in hot places like Oklahoma have to have “hot spot” treatments, allergy shots and steroids and kept in A/C in hot months, shave the hot spot areas and keep them “thinned” of excess hair. High maintenance but he could have lived to be 100 and I would have done it all.
Mindy from Indy, her guardian angel must have poked your guardian angel and said, “Hey, need a little help here.”
Ruth Anne, I read of a knitter who made a sweater from her dog’s combings. Beautiful sweater, all went well till she got caught in the rain while wearing it…then she discovered that wet dog yarn smells like wet dog. How does a wet cat smell?
Rick in Shermantown, if everyone did that, the pickers would be over the moon! I tend to be a “recycle/give stuff away” person (but have saved way too many books and craft project supplies), while my husband is a “hang onto it/we’ve got room in the basement” person. But the last couple of years, he has started to give away rather than save, too, and seems kind of relieved by it. I think it may be due to experience with elderly relatives or just feeling overwhelmed by possessions. We reach a point at which we feel possessed by them.
Bill, my Dad (a child of Polish immigrants and a Michigander all 43 years of his life) used to call me “Pot Likker”. I’m curious; does your Dad use it to refer to the cooked substance or as a nickname for someone?
“Our Town” Village Great name Jackie!
As opposed to North, East, South,West,Valley,Hill,Spucedale,Center and others that were in the
town where I grew up.
Sorry guys I’m leaving it to someone else to clean up. “Its mine! All mine”! 3 barns and 2
Denise, my dad, and consequently myself as well, use the phrase as an expletive instead of something worse, of course about someone we don’t think so highly of…