You probably won’t believe me, but I could not find any more prototypical strips featuring Skeeter and Nat. That project, by the way, went under the working title of “Perdido.” I’ll keep looking, but don’t get your hopes up. Today I am going to show you a strip from 1995, featuring Gene and his first “real” girlfriend, Susan, on a movie date. My favorite thing about Susan was her feisty little sister Emma. I’ll try to post some material featuring her when we’re done at the movies. Speaking of the strip in the previous post, there was a mention of “Tallahassee,” which obviously would be the city in northern Florida. This led to a discussion of whether Arlo & Janis is a “southern” strip. I think I’m qualified to opine on this one. While there might be occasional geographical or meteorological references owed to my own long life in the southeastern U.S., I have never regarded A&J as a “southern” strip. In fact, I strive to make it universal. I do not believe by doing so I am erasing potential color and charm. On the contrary, I don’t think throwing around words like “cornpone” and “pot likker” would add much. Personally, I don’t know what cornpone is, but I do know pot likker is delicious!

Red-Carpet Treatment
By Jimmy Johnson
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63 responses to “Red-Carpet Treatment”
South Texas has three mountain ranges that surround Marfa, the largest are the Davis Mountains. Marfa is just north of the US Mexican border in the Chihuahuan Desert. All roads in the region skirt around the mountains.
As to the location of the South China Sea. The Communist government had a five year plan that relocated the sea in the late seventies. The Yankee Imperialist has never recognized the change.
One is true fact, the other is open for debate. 😉
Yes, Sand I have been to Marfa many times, local of the National Movie of Texas, right behind the Alamo, the movie Giant with Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean. I know we have mountains there and I have even hiked them. But this John Wayne movie was supposed to be set in southeast Texas in the Beaumont area and there are surely no mountains anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico!
Love, Jackie
Mindy, thank you for helping that poor lady. About Jeanne Robertson, I love her, have a friend who sends me her “Don’t Leave Home Without A Baptist” speeches, as he is Southern Baptist.
Funniest woman comedian I have ever heard and totally clean.
I cannot link anything correctly, so dear Mark or someone, please link the “Don’t Give Auburn A Second Chance” routine by Jeanne Robertson. I did not know she was an Auburn grad. Another great thing from Alabama.
Her don’t go to Vegas without a Baptist, hilarious. Instant conversion at the slots to becoming an Episcopalian.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, we live a nose bleed 89′ above sea level. The road behind our house is a good fifteen feet lower, gives the illusion of elevation. 😉
Jackie – Done. Jeanne Robertson – Don’t Give Auburn a “Second” C…:
Never had to learn to shear sheep, but did learn how to grade cattle for FFA competitions when we lived in Hale County, AL. Don’t remember any of it now as we moved away in 1971. My favorite part of a real fair is still the livestock display. We no longer have any real fairs in this area. Now all we get are carnivals calling themselves fairs. For the real thing, go to Lebanon, TN.
Mark, I had to help teach FFA boys meat judging and live stock judging when I was on our collegiate judging team. The FFA teachers would spit tobacco juice toward my feet. Since the university dean of women would not let us wear jeans or pants, this was a doubly entertaining event for the FFA kids, maybe counting the tobacco spitting a tri fecta.
In those days, no FFA girls allowed in cattle judging nor any other form of livestock or butchering. It was a great embarrassment to my inlaws when I was seen splattered in blood and out in public looking like a walking police report of mayhew. We are talking mid 60’s and early 60’s. Never took any poultry classes as I just hated all the horror stories or any dairy cattle courses.
I was still a legend in South Louisiana butcher shops when I was in my 50’s as that cute little girl who taught the FFA meat judging courses. Still comes in handy at the meat cases to pick out meat but honestly, the quality of meat in grocery stores is indeed a crime and shame.
I can shampoo and brush and polish show cattle and horses I imagine yet.
Love, Jackie
Have been laughing at Jeanne Robertson and could sit here all night laughing with her. Not only did I not know she went to Auburn, I did not know she had been Miss North Carolina. Wow!
Over six feet tall, still beautiful and elegant and so funny and so clean with the jokes. What a gift! Don’t Line Dance in the Ladies Room is another laugh out loud routine, I swear I was in a ladies room the other day with one of those automatic paper towel dispensers and I was seeing if it really worked. If there were cameras watching, who knows what they thought?
How did you know I really needed to laugh? I was afraid to say we had another tragedy today in my immediate family, since we are such a small family to begin with. I told my daughter that what did not kill us made us stronger and she said thank you but I think I am strong as I want to be already. Were this a soap opera and not real life, I would be going, go on, that is a lousey plot.
Love, Jackie
“when you used shedders on them.” Is a shedder a chemical depilatory that causes them to shed? Never heard the term. I’ve seen shearing once or twice, with electric shears, back in the ’40s and ’50s.
Bedtime; I woke up at 0415, an hr. and 15 min. earlier than alarm was set for, for weekly hospital volunteer stint. Good day there. Napped 75 min. or so this afternoon, but have to get up earlier than I’d like Wed., to pick up a bit more before my wonderful fortnightly cleaning lady comes. Nighty bunch. emb
Not sure that is correct term but when combing dogs with undercoats like Newfoundlands and Keishounds you use this grooming instrument that is same as the metal combs we used to use on show animals when I groomed them back in college. It is a single piece with a handle on each end, the metal part is stainless steel that looks not unlike a saw. You bend the two ends together and there are holes and latches that lock it together.
When grooming horses and cows it removes dead or unattractive hair. I have heard them called slickers too. Anyway, on dogs with deep hair coats it miraculously pulls all the thick under coat out leaving the top hair. On big Newfies you can pull out amounts that look like hay bales or large hairy tumbleweeds. Can be used on long haired cats and other dogs but if their hair isn’t thick you have to watch the too heavy brushing.
It works wonders on Blue Heelers and Red Heeler who if left ungroomed begin to look like shedding camels.
Since I never had to groom a show sheep or goat I am not certain would work on them but after FINALLY getting a groomer to show me what they used on matted and thick haired dog I went to the feed store and bought some from the horse and cow department!
Once my mom was visiting when I had groomed the Newfie and she looked across yard and asked what the strange thing was rolling around in yard? It was his hair which the wind had made into a perfect round orb.
Love, Jackie
emb, this is what Jackie is talking about:
Look familiar, Jackie?
Indeed, that is the exact instrument of torture for dogs and cats. And look at that price! I would tell you all how much I paid but you might still own some property out in the swamp you’d like to sell me or a bridge of my own!
In the case of Big Dog, we had him neutered before we found out what kind of dog I had stolen. He turned out to be a white and black European Landseer, as in paintings by Sir Edwin Landseer but we didn’t know that, although we knew he looked like Big Dog on the Big Dog shirt, hence his name. It took my daughter’s friend from Russia who was attending agricultural vet school at Texas A and M to identify what he was, which was much later and very round about way.
She was looking at photos and said, “How did you get a European Landseer in Oklahoma as they are not bred in America and very few are brought over from Europe?”
Michele said, “Well, my mother stole him from a drug dealers trailer in the middle of a thunder and lightening ice storm and cut him off the chains with my dad’s bolt cutters.” Which was true and we never gave him back. He had almost drowned in the same river that runs through my front and side yard and had three inches of ice on him which melted into the twelve Boston ferns he chewed up to make a bed in my breezeway.
He lived another fourteen years with us and I wished I had him cloned but it was too late by then. So, I love Newfies and would steal or rescue another given the opportunity.
Newfies are loyal and loving and will defend their owners to the death but make lousy dogs to attach to drug distribution centers. And yes, I have drug dealers in more than one location in my neighborhood.
Love, Jackie
Lady Mindy: Good move, helping that lady. Of course, that was no surprise to me; I’d expect nothing less from you. You’re a good kid. (And yes, I am old enough to call you a kid.)
Now is when you are supposed to say that stealing dogs and horses was no less than you’d expect of me, Ghost.
I swore I was going to stop even looking at #9 CL but Brooke has reached a new height or low in his pseudo-porn.
Stealing? I prefer “rescue”.
Well, Martine is, after all, French. 😉
Look on the bright side…if Bill ends up married to Eddy, it mostly likely means that either 1) Bert killed her, 2) the Germans killed her, or 3) Bill killed her. Good outcome, no matter what.
Good morning Villagers….
Thank you Indy Mindy for helping that lady, sad that this was the first time anyone offered her assistance…’ve added another rung on that ladder to heaven. And yikes, it is cold up there in N IN….it’s 18 degrees here.
Have to take Hampton the cat to vet today….Vet gave us some medicine to put inbetween her shoulder blades, but it’s not helping. She still is constantly licking this area clean off of hair. Bought one of those cones yesterday…..she did not like it. Unfortunately, my husband also has to babysit Kyler today….he’ll have to take him with him. I don’t think so, the other hen house where Andrew works is only about 7 mile drive from here, I am going to have him come here and sit with Ky while my husband takes Hampton to the vet.
Took the boots back, bought some new insoles, and I’m going to use Gorillo glue on the sole…just not in the mood to break in new boots.
ya’ll have a blessed day
Thanks for the ‘kudos’, Denise…..this is even better…..she showed up, again, later that night around 9ish….I was asleep in recliner, and BIL was sleeping in the chair. Ian saw lights coming down the driveway, and turned the porch lites on. When she got to the porch, Ian saw who it was, turned the lights off on her and locked the door. She left.
And I love Kenny the dog…….
Crowded House strip of 01.14.15:
Basement. Don’t forget the basement.
By the way, has anyone else ever wondered what would happen to America’s landfill space if everyone threw away all the junk that is currently stored in houses, garages, and storage centers?
For smaller animals there’s a product called the Furminator that does an amazing job of getting rid of excess hair. I can picture Jackie’s rolling ball – I considered learning to spin yarn out of what I used to get from our late long-haired cat.
location of Arlo and family? – as a transplanted European now living in central NY, I’ve always had the feeling that Arlo ‘n Janis were somewhere near the Gulf of Mexico – but the kids and their restaurant were much further away – maybe San Diego? Not sure where I got that idea …
If they were ‘up north’ there would be a lot more talk and drawings of snow! – It’s hard to draw cold – and this morning, it was a toasty minus 9 F here – but the sun will shine so all is good.
The TIP comic is not hilarious but it brings up a beef. With something simple as a rake, you’re apt to get warnings: NOT A TOY, DO NOT USE TO PICK YOUR TEETH, etc. With a new clock radio from Target, made in China, with only some buttons labeled, nothing.
Jackie, I am even older enough to call you a kid, and Ghost is right. An angel is a messenger from Y—h, and you are one.
Peace, emb
I have never assumed A&J to be too southern because there have always been plenty of mentions of cold weather and snow during the winter, and there isn’t too much of that near the Gulf Coast.
Debbe, I’d have sworn I sent this to you last night, but either the InterWebNet ate it or the senility has set in sooner than I expected. I’ll try again…
Debbe 😉 But you already knew that, don’t you, hon?