As promised, here’s the earlier version of the Sunday A&J comic from last November, that reran here yesterday. It wasn’t quite as old as I remembered; it was from 1993. I included the two bonus panels at the top, which are designed to be disposable, because I wanted you to see the store shopping bag. In the recent version of the strip, you’ll notice a cardboard box. In the strip from 2014, most of us would conclude Janis purchased the skirt online, and it had been delivered. I think that’s probably the single biggest difference in the strips, drawn 21 years apart. There’s something else that sticks out, something that bedeviled me for many years. In the older strip, Arlo and Janis are roughly the same height. By most reckoning, this would put Janis on the tall side or Arlo on the short side or a little of both. It just seemed to be that way. For no particular reason other than creating visual contrast (think “Mutt & Jeff”), I consciously reminded myself for years to make Arlo a little taller than Janis. Now, it comes kind of naturally, but it took awhile. I now think of Arlo as average in height and Janis perhaps a little taller than average. But not much. There, have I written enough for today?

Redoing the Redux
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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182 responses to “Redoing the Redux”
Don’t know how you guys deal with all that ice and snow almost every year. You should move down here, where the only weather you have to worry about is a hurricane blowing and/or washing away everything you own once every decade or two. ๐
Well, and tornadoes, but just about anyone can have one of those in their area, sooner or later.
Thought of the Day: Would there be tornadoes if there were no mobile home parks?
Ghost, better thought is : would there be tornadoes if there were no Jim Cantores to report them?
Our big one in 2011 did not discriminate. It leveled everything it hit, from the city’s emergency management office, apartments, upscale homes, railroad trestles and a public housing project.
Glad you liked the video, emb. I enjoyed that show when it was running on a national station. Now that I have found it on Youtube I will be looking up more. A good laugh beats the nightly news any day.
Jackie, where are you and how are you doing? Inquiring minds want to know!
OF due soon, 1155-1215 CST. emb
Mark in TT
Where ever you are you have to put up with something
Tornadoes, Hurricanes, The ground falling off the Continent, Black Flies.
Mosquitoes, Heat, Cold, Floods, Wet, Dry. Some more than others.
It just goes to show “Wherever you are – there you are”
Old Bear: The site is now in my favorites, but I will seldom have occasion to use it. The rest of the Village now has it, below. At home I usually have classical MPR on when I’m at this cptr. In the car, I listen to Great Courses CDs. I’ll have one to recommend here after two more lectures.
Peace, emb
Just read all today’s messages and enjoyed them. Have to agree with Old Bear, totally! Debbe, I sure hope your day goes well — you deserve some peacefulness. I’m wondering about Jackie also, we all want to hear from her — she perks us all up.
More later, I have to go put my foot up. And eat some lunch. Can’t do both at once! Foot comes first.
OF due 1327-1347 CST. emb
eMb et al. : So far, the most enjoyable Great Courses item seen is “Writing and Civilization: From Ancient Worlds to Modernity”. I do believe this requires viewing, as I cannot fathom a good experience merely by listening.
I have a few more, from favorite classical music to mental mathematics (what else?). Even their catalogues – which they send rather often with discounted prices – are interesting. If memory serves, the website is . No doubt you can get on their mailing list fairly easily.
Yesterday’s National Geographic Photo of the Day led me to this video –
It boggles my mind to see the extremes to which some people will go. I would not recommend watching this to anyone who is uncomfortable with heights.
Ruth Anne, I saw a guy on tv doing this and he zigged when he should have zagged. He did survive, surprisingly.
I’d call this “The Fight for Balance!”
“hit me with your best shot”….
…and the bounty went up on the bird in the hen house…The Boss mentioned $100. That’s how serious it is, and with Corp coming in on Tuesday….well, prayers would help.
Jordan, another high schooler, and he’s a Senior, showed up with a pellet gun with a scope…I told him the bird is more brazen in the early morning hours and to parkh is butt in the back deck when the lights come on at 5 a.m. Jordan is an avid hunter, and only kills what can be used for food, not for the enjoyment of just ‘killing’ something…..he is going to college to be a pharmacist.
Miss Charlotte, you are so kind…thank you….keep that foot elevated, can your renter help you out with meals? Are your daughters coming around too. I worry about you, you have to be on the borderline of going nuts with the weather conditions there….
Jackie…you had better check in this evening or we will have to send out an APB on you….and I am serious about the ABP…
Ruth Anne in Winter Park: Here is another video with great views. I’ll never see this view in person, I couldn’t climb the stairs. Physical and mental challenges. From what I’ve read, this was a US Navy radio/radar installation in Oahu. The stairs were put in to help the folks who had to maintain the installation. If you want to look it up, search for the Stairway to Heaven in Oahu.
Oh yeah. Go ahead and skip to the 5 minute mark. That is when the interesting part begins. And feel free to mute it and play your own favorite music. I don’t share this guy’s musical tastes.
Mark in TTown: even without the physical challenges I don’t think many in this village would make that climb since it’s essentially illegal now (and was when the video was made – see Closed sign at the beginning). From what I just read, it seems there was a good deal of damage done by a storm last fall, making it even more hazardous. Some local groups are trying to find a way to establish an entity to be responsible for repairing, maintaining, and providing access to the area with safety and respect for nearby residents as priorities.
I could probably ride a bicycle like that, too…if I had steel springs instead of muscles in my legs. ๐
Rather more impressed by this than the bike rider, I am.
I could climb that. Of course it’d take an hour or two… and I’d be monitoring my HR the whole way. At least the altitude (about 2000 ft) wouldn’t affect me since I live at 4500 feet.
In a desert with a middle eastern driver who might know English. Say a prayer!
Debbe ๐ If I were closer, I’d dust off my 12-gauge and some #8 shot shells and at least make the bird want to be elsewhere. Of course, it might start a hen stampede, too.
Here’s more info on the Navy installation. Turns out they used a cable lift rather than climbing the ladders all the time. Go Navy!!i=92031892&k=bwBNgT5
Debbe, why do birds find it so easy to get into a building and so hard to get out? That has always puzzled me. You folks are in my prayers, as are Loon, Jackie, and Charlotte.
Prayers from me also. And we can’t forget David!
Denise: Depends on what goes on in the bird’s brain, and on what the space it has entered is like. If something startled a bird near an open doorway, it might fly in to “escape.” This is more likely if it can see lots of light inside, or if it sees a light [e.g., a window] in the distance. Once it’s inside, it will typically fly up toward any lighted area. It may be unable to conceive of flying down into a darker area to get out.
Local gym room is two stories high, with celestory [speelczech says that’s wrong, but I cannot find the correct spelling] windows around the top. Just glass; they don’t open. Lovely, light, airy room. If someone in summer left a main floor door open to let air on, dickey birds might fly in. No practical way to get them down. That door no longer exists / add-on and renovation. I expect construction workers found mummies up there. Hankie?
Peace, emb
Dear Debbe, you are so sweet to think of me, when you are having a hard time with the cold weather yourself. My house is warm and I don’t have to go anywhere — except a doctor’s appt. on Monday. Tenant does not cook, but I can manage easy meals myself. Daughters are doing all they are able to. Twins drove me to the doctor last week, shoveled snow so minivan could turn around in back yard, helped me to X-ray and ultrasound; next day same thing to see orthopedist. Amy has now returned to upstate NY and Alice to Vermont. Youngest, Marge, flew back today from a Florida vacation — husband to Daytona 500, Marge and three children skipped that. She’s coming over tomorrow, Sunday — lives about thirteen miles from my house. Nancy’s goat farm (two females, hopefully pregnant) and chicken ranch (only two left) is a few miles farther on. She’s coming on Monday to take me to the orthopedist again. More snow is predicted; I can postpone the appt. if the snow is bad.
Thank you, Denise!