As promised, here’s the earlier version of the Sunday A&J comic from last November, that reran here yesterday. It wasn’t quite as old as I remembered; it was from 1993. I included the two bonus panels at the top, which are designed to be disposable, because I wanted you to see the store shopping bag. In the recent version of the strip, you’ll notice a cardboard box. In the strip from 2014, most of us would conclude Janis purchased the skirt online, and it had been delivered. I think that’s probably the single biggest difference in the strips, drawn 21 years apart. There’s something else that sticks out, something that bedeviled me for many years. In the older strip, Arlo and Janis are roughly the same height. By most reckoning, this would put Janis on the tall side or Arlo on the short side or a little of both. It just seemed to be that way. For no particular reason other than creating visual contrast (think “Mutt & Jeff”), I consciously reminded myself for years to make Arlo a little taller than Janis. Now, it comes kind of naturally, but it took awhile. I now think of Arlo as average in height and Janis perhaps a little taller than average. But not much. There, have I written enough for today?

Redoing the Redux
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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182 responses to “Redoing the Redux”
Our two cats “know” several words, but their two favorites are “chow” and “treat!” Here in eastern NC we have had a cold, icy, snowy past couple of weeks, and the cold has been extra cold all winter. I overheard a couple of shoppers in Lowes discussing this with another shopper. Apparently they had relocated here a few years ago from “up north” to escape the harsh winters. I heard one say, “Last winter everybody said ‘this is the coldest winter we’ve had in years.’ Now, this winter everybody is saying ‘this is the coldest winter we’ve had in years.’ What’s up with that?!” Yes, we do get cold “down here” and, maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but it does seem colder than when I was growing up! I continue to keep David in my thoughts and pray he is having good success with his kidney. Prayers for Jackie too; flu is not to be taken lightly when you have autoimmune conditions.
OF due CST 1018-1038. emb
One does lose hardiness over the decades. A few years back I posted that I keep the house at 65F days and 60 nights. It’s now 67 and 63. Starting F, we’re supposed to get 5 days of highs in the 30s. Hope that holds.
Peace, emb
Perhaps someone will be interested in this one:
News Flash: “North Korean launches two Fishkiller ballistic missiles into the sea. Speculators immediately drive futures prices for sushi to record highs.”
Well, it works with crude oil prices.
If I set my heating thermostat to 60, I’m not sure my central unit would ever kick on.
Mindy from Indy, Debbe, emb, I guess everything is relative:
I’ve been looking for Jackie’s Facebook page, but I keep getting “link broken or page removed”, and I couldn’t find her on the Duckworks page. Hopefully it’s just a momentary glith.
Jerry, good luck with your teenager.
I, too, am keeping David in my thoughts and prayers.
I like our little Village as it is, and prefer that all the denizens therein are well and health.
OF due 1141-1201 CST. emb
I was on Jackie’s page yesterday and the link I posted worked then. Today I’m getting the content not available on it. I sent a message to LLee via Facebook asking if she knows anything. I did see that Dallas had a major ice event this weekend and Longview is about an hour east of Dallas (lived there on two separate occasions so I have experienced their winter weather). Wonder if the weather has created any extra problems.
I can’t say what happened to Jackie’s page. Strange, though!
Loon, hope you made it safely to your destination. 🙂
Everyone- be well (or as well as you can)
Carol, When I have trouble understanding Cilla (she does have that Tortie accent) I just tell her to show me and she usually does. If I’m not paying attention she will pull on my shoelaces until I do. Jackie is probably just out in the glades aggravating the gators.
Jerry – Blacklight has that Tortie accent too. Just heard it as I sat writing out checks; she wanted in my lap for a nap. Now that I am done, I have obliged her. Happy kitty. She won’t be when I go out to shovel.
Thought for the Day: “If you can’t be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.”
Putting that one in my commonplace book, Ghost.
Wanted to check in and see if there were any updates on Loon, Jackie, David…..all were on my mind today.
GR 😉 I like your thoughts for the day…..
Another day of “no bird” in the hen house….do I hear an Amen?
Indy Mindy, got to thinking about that lady in the satin pants and heels…do ya think she just got off work????
clearstory or
back later
From the Department of Why Didn’t I think of That:,43411,43417,32215&p=32215
I’ll bet even sandcastler™ doesn’t have one of these in his pocket. This company seems to offer several neat things. Do you need lights in your drawers? (No, I don’t mean your underwear.)
Ghost, your question gives a whole new meaning to the term “flashlights”.
Yes, we do have too many Villagers who are currently out of touch, which is not good for our peace of mind.
Debbe 😉 If that “lady” was “working” in that outfit and expected it to protect her from the elements, she’s probably too dumb to protect herself from, ah, other things.
OF due 1751-1811 CST. emb
OB: Thank you. But we have no flying buttresses. Off to shop: “$$ Days” at the supermkt.
Peace, emb
An unusual way to pay tribute to Leonard Nimoy:
Ghost Sweetie, cute gadget, but it wouldn’t work on philips head screws. 🙂
I am now Friends with Llee on FB. Would be happy to connect with anyone else here who would like to let me know how to look you up. Also cannot find a way to get to Jackie there. Nancy Kirk
Yeah, Jean dear, what was wrong with that Phillips guy, anyway, that he had to come up with a different way to screw? Wait; that didn’t come out right.
Yeah, I know; phillips-head screws are better for power screwdrivers, but slot-head works OK for hand drivers.