Here’s an old Gene-centric cartoon from 1998. I’m traveling today on cartoon business (Yes, there is such a thing!), but I’ll be back here as soon as I can. If you’re in Tishomingo County and you see a beat-up bright blue Ford pickup truck, wave!

RIP, Rufus Thomas
By Jimmy Johnson
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130 responses to “RIP, Rufus Thomas”
CXP, I am another who recognized the name Learned Hand and knew that it was “Judge Learned Hand.” I never researched him and couldn’t tell you anything else about him but that he was a judge (and a famous one, since I did know his name). I’ve only been in New York two or three days in my life. (Well, maybe a few more than that–two separate “tourist” trips, one while in high school.) Born in Kansas, lived in Arizona since 1968. I read a LOT, though, and my mind tends to be a fount of (mostly) useless knowledge. Hooray for trivia.
Indeed it was the Miranda saying “If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to represent you.” The case was Clarence Earl Gideon vs. Wainwright. I also knew Mr. Wainwright but we won’t go there. Fred was Gideon’s attorney in his second trial. Gideon’s Trumpet was the book about the case. What is not mentioned in the book is that Gideon admitted stealing the money but said that he just walked in the unlocked back door. He felt that he was unfairly accused of breaking in. I know this because I have a copy of the notes of his presentence interview. Re the new baby in our house, she is Tippy although she is definitely precious. She can stand flatfooted, put her head down and do a flip. She insisted on being friendly to the cats which hissed at her and they have accepted her. What else are you going to do when you weigh 19 lbs (Elvis) and a 4 lb kitty (Tippy) leaps on your back. We do need to teach her not to swat him on the nose and I’m working on it.
Small aftershocks in the area of 4.1 to 5.4 continue in Chile, have occurred in Columbia and small quakes have occurred in Kansas and Idaho, which shows how little I know. I was expecting another major Indonesian quake about now.
One more: the NHC needs to get on the ball. What used to be a patch of rain over Florida could be a hurricane in the Atlantic by tomorrow. Initial movement would be to the east, but that could change.
Good morning Villagers….
Jerry, I don’t quite understand your comment ” I donโt twig harvest. Donโt you harvest every day?” And I am happy to hear Tippy is being a playful kitten, maybe she will bring out the “kitten” in your other cats.
Saw the headline on the earthquake on, and pulled up Drudge Report…nothing there. But there was a headline on cooking salmon with pot called “Half Baked” ๐ Then I read there are more cats in Niagara Falls than people…..haven’t they heard of neutering?
GR ๐ thought of you the other morning when I saw a headline on… read that a lady surfed in stilettos….I don’t click on videos, takes too long to down load them off there…see, I do get all my news from the weather report.
Aw, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”….best scene…Jack Nickelson’s interview with the psychiatrist upon entering the mental institution.
gotta go…
ya’ll have a blessed day
….got milk ๐
GR ๐ ready to leave yet?
Debbe ๐ To go someplace where there are beaches, booze and bikinis? Sure!
I didn’t see the video about surfing in stilettos, but I still have fond memories of the TV commercial of some years back featuring young ladies playing basketball in high heels. “Looks like a pump; feels like a sneaker”…what’s not to like about that? ๐
Anyone know why a particular style of lady’s shoe is called a “pump”? The first thing that comes to my mind doesn’t actually seem too likely.
This TV commercial is pretty cool, for a different reason.
OF due 0936-0956 CDT. emb
As we’ve all learned, you cannot put 2 URLs in 1 post. Here is the largest selection I’ve found of paintings by Christian Rolfs. He lived 89 years, and his art evolved/varied over that time. I may have seen some of his woodcuts before. His realistic/impressionistic works look pretty good to me, as do some of his later stuff. TIP follows. Peace, emb
Peace, emb
Here’s the TIP BlogSpot. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find this 1880 painting on any site. It’s early: Rolf died in 1938 at age 89. Many museums have just 1-2 Rolf works. I don’t what supposed event in Moses’ life this might portray, and of course, it may not be Moses. emb
emb, the painting is titled “The Supplicant”, making it unlikely, by my lights, that the bearded figure is Moses. Perhaps more likely an emperor, king or some type of viceroy?
I’ve stayed at Holiday Inn Expresses, but I’ve never seen staff there quite as comely as the female on the right.
I like today’s A&J, it reminds me so much of the struggles my better half and I are going through with our life style change to lose weight and keep it off. We are both of a generation, and from poor families where you don’t waste, you “clean your plate”, and all leftovers are saved and used for something. We are learning we don’t need to, or really should, “clean our plate” all the time. In addition we are trying to stick to a new leftover rule. Three days in refrigerator and it’s dead and goes. Very hard changes to make. Arlo looks like a member of the “Waste not Want not” club too.
Good luck with your struggle, Ursen, and as I well know, it is a struggle, even (or especially) to lose and keep off relatively “small” amounts of weight. Before I got organized and started with WW, I used a technique I believe someone here mentioned, that of not changing what you eat but to only eat half your normal portions. Even if you only do that every other day, you will probably see positive results. I did.
And yes, I’ve notice many of the younger generation (30 to 40 yo) seem to have no taste for “leftovers” at all.
Yup GR I am using a VA program called MOVE! in connection with Telehealth which requires me to call in my weight and vital signs every day, and blood sugar levels every other day. The key being, like I said, realizing it is more than a diet, it is a life style change. I can have biscuits and gravy just not every other day.
Thanks for the introduction to Judge Learned Hand. My DAR chapter puts a display about Constitution Week (Sept 17-23) in the Conroe Library (or one of the Woodlands libraries) during the month of September. Included in the display are quotes about the Constitution, and I have added one from Judge Hand. Others include Patrick Henry “โThe Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” and George Washington โThe Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon.โ and even Thomas Edison โThe strength of the Constitution, lies in the will of the people to defend it.”
End of history lesson.
My reference to the page where Jimmy publishes the A&J cartoon threw me into moderation h*** All I wanted to know was whether anyone else has had an eruption of irritating ads inserted into the page. I am wondering if there is a cookie on my computer or if this is a new marketing tool, since there is another site where I am having the same experience.
It was not the reference to the cartoon page, it was the reference to the low sodium diet my husband and I are now trying out. We haven’t noticed big changes in our blood pressure, but then at my eye doctor appointment yesterday my pressure was slightly lower and my vision was crisper. I had thought the slight blurriness six months ago was due to developing cataracts, but apparently not. (Perhaps the moderation was triggered by the backslashes in the vision readings – we will see soon)
Another side effect is a slow weight loss. Maybe due to less water weight, maybe to eating less of food that is not so tasty so the temptation to overeat is lessened.
As for leftovers – I find it very difficult to waste food (as in throwing it away) – and now that the kids are long gone we often have leftovers. My solution is to use the freezer after the second day, labeling the containers with the date. The next month, there are several days I won’t have to cook.
Today was a good day to visit the Village. I needed that. Thank you.
For Judge Learned Hand, for life changes, for courage, the Constitution, and left overs.
As a teen cooking on the farm, my thrifty nature rebelled at the vast amount of waste going to the dogs, literally, so I began to cook soups and stews. When the men folks began to notice and complain about the strange vegetables they found, I discovered an antique moulin in a cabinet and began to turn suspect vegs into a precursor of Jack Lelayne. Or maybe I got idea from him?
Still do that of course, only now it’s trendy. Love.
I did not mean to imply, in my last post, that it does not matter *what* you eat, because obviously some foods are better choices than others. As an example, last evening I was in line at my neighborhood market, and the lady checking out in front of me was, as my sister used to say, “One mama high and two mamas wide.” Then I noticed she was purchasing “mass quantities” of potatoes, mac and cheese, sugary soft drinks and pork chops. I don’t presume that I’m anyone’s nanny and tell then what they should or should not eat (unlike certain New York City mayors), so I figure that is her choice, but what bothered me was that her young daughter was with her, and she is undoubtedly eating from the same table.
And yes, every successful weight loss program involves life-style changes, not just some fad diet of the month.
I meant to mention yesterday that the actual signing of the Constitution in Philadelphia took place on September 17, 1787, but I got busy and failed to do so.
Oh, and Anonymous, I’m looking pretty good naked now. ๐
I did not mean to imply we throw away huge amount of food. We practice portion control. If we are out and get served more than we need, we either to go box it, or if it is too little for that forget it. Ordering smaller amounts can be a challenge, but many restaurants will work with you, although there may be a slight monetary penalty. At home it is healthy foods in smaller amounts. The other night we had brown rice and black eyed peas with leftovers for two days. Perfect. It is just relearning eating, from what is accepted. And some restaurants are naturally off limits. A local restaurant everyone is telling us to go to has it’s small steak of a 16oz sirloin. That is 4 times too much, hence off limits restaurant. It’s regular steak is 32oz. Crazyness.
Judy: I’m with you on leftovers (except for the part about kids, which we don’t have). Before I retired, I might plan leftovers to go to work with me for lunch. I try to rearrange parts of a couple of meals so that we don’t have exactly the same thing – although Bob doesn’t mind that as much as I do. Last week we got three dinners out of one rotisserie chicken, which was on sale. It helps to have been raised by parents who had gone through the Depression and war-time rationing ๐
My thrifty soul rebels at throwing out any leftovers, too! Just don’t cook any new food until they are gone. Use common sense, of course — they can be combined, disguised — all sorts of things any housewife figures out. Or as Judy in Conroe says, put them in the freezer.
Jackie as Anon., good for you. You’ve got the right idea.
Dearest Ghost, what a sad story, about the woman and her daughter at the check-out.
Debbe, when Jerry says he doesn’t “twig” your meaning, he’s using British slang, pretty old too, saying he doesn’t understand. Jerry, Debbe’s boss, she’s mentioned, has mills for some kind of grain; in addition to the egg business; guess that’s what’s being harvested.