I’m going to be trying something different next year. I’m going to attend a few carefully chosen “comic cons,” or comics conventions. I’m already booked into the Vermont Comic Con in Burlington, Vermont, next August. I might be in Boston a couple of weeks before that. That’s right. I’m finally going to make it to New England. It’s been a long long time since I was there last, and I’m looking forward to it. I hope to make a half dozen or so such events in 2016, so check back on that. There was a time when a cartoonist such as myself could lock himself in the spare room and make a decent living. That day is coming to an end. Marketing and promotion will be the new reality. I’ve never been strong in those areas, but I’m willing, even eager, to learn. I am looking forward to embracing my readers in person. Well, handshakes all around, at least.

Safety in Slumbers
By Jimmy Johnson
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98 responses to “Safety in Slumbers”
OF due 1527-1547 CST. Peace, emb
Jackie – too bad your hospital isn’t like one of our local chains. It’s run by 7th Day Adventists and their food is primarily vegetarian. (It used to be they served no meat at all.)
Home now and on bed with The Adventure Dog who was so excited I came back that he bit some of my hair off. I ended up not having to wear the sports bras but yes, I was given instructions to bring them if over DD to keep incisions from pulling. I think they changed mind from when Instructions were written
. They said carotid surgery was excluded.
Wearing black crepe pajamas and a python printed handkerchief tunic for inquiring minds.
My aunt’s mom is in the hospital. She broke her skin around her ankle last week, and the fear of another battle with MRSA has earned her a couple rounds of IV antibiotics. Awaiting results of bloodwork. If all looks good, she should be home tomorrow evening.
Boss is annoyed my employees called me and ratted out my replacement. Told her I was more annoyed things were going so poorly, and I would be returning Sunday. She attempted to protest, but as she had just fired someone a bit earlier in the day (which I already knew – not that she knows that), she conceded it helped her out. She swears this won’t happen next year. It will, but who knows where any of us will be by then.
Jackie, I know what a python is (and what a Python is), but I have no earthly clue what a “python printed handkerchief tunic” is. Of course, I make it a practice to avoid reptilian or reptilian-pattern clothing items.
I carried a friend to an office visit with a neurosurgeon (one of the 10% who does actual brain surgery, as opposed to backs and necks) and noticed he was wearing python-skin cowboy boots…with yellow snake eyes on either sides of the boots’ toes. Someone told me years ago that most skull crackers are a bit crazy, from having to deal with the majority of their patients not surviving. Makes sense, I guess…if you need the services of one, you’re probably in lousy shape to begin with.
Good to hear you made it home so quickly.
You’d not like a favorite sweatshirt, bought in late ’50s @ Am. Soc. Mammalogists [now in dictionary] mtg. Light yellow, green tree python on front, M, still fits.
Peace, emb
GR6, I have stood in an OR suite during an open skull procedure, creepy. The surgeon was probing the brain with electrodes and you could see the patients’ facial expressions changing. Left a lasting impression.
Ok, a handkerchief tunic is one with multiple points on bottom edge that looks like edges of fabric folding down gracefully. In pajamas they would be sleeveless with a scoop neckline. The python print is quite realistic I was wearing it as a nightgown in hospital to annoy them and because of all the wires left off bottoms.
Seem to have come home with cold?
OK, Jackie, now I understand perfectly. 🙂 And, unfortunately, a hospital is a place where you can also get ill.
sand, even creepier is when the patient is awake with the top of her cranium sawed off, so she can describe the sensations as the surgeon probes different areas of the brain. Shades of Hannibal Lecter.
emb, green tree python and emerald tree boa are two of the most attractively colored and patterned snakes I have seen. I like the sound of that shirt. But I would not wear anything made of real reptile skin. I’ve had reptiles as pets and would no more wear anything made from them than I would any other companion animal.
For those who don’t know what one looks like: http://rivista-cdn.reptilesmagazine.com/images/cache/cache_5/cache_6/cache_c/25870-green-tree-pythonchondro-15-5ba34c65.jpeg?ver=1441353608&aspectratio=1.3100436681223
The markings can also be yellow or white, stripes or spots.
Here’s the emerald tree boa: http://www.zoomiami.org/sites/default/files/tree-boa.jpg
They look alike, don’t they? Both fill the same ecological niche, being tree-dwelling predators. The python is an Old World snake and the tree boa is a New World species.
Both pretty snakes. Sweatshirt = painting that matches your python nicely. Painting shows the surface upper lip heat receptors more clearly, which is how I’ve long known it is the python, not the boa. Other marking details differ also.
Boas’ heat receptors are covered by scales, but apparently work as well. Hope fellow Villagers enjoyed the photos and details as much as we do. Also, green = a seasonal color. Ho, Ho, Ho! Need an illustration of a red-tailed boa, or West Coast red-headed garter snake.
Merry Christmas, emb
Red-tailed boa; not a Christmasy red. These can grow big enough to be dangerous, and there are too many available for zoos to take off people’s hands. Same even more true for Indian and Burmese pythons. People release them in the wild; S. Florida has a resident population. No records of any killing kids yet, but it seems inevitable. Peace, emb
Red-headed garter snake. Common from coastal N. CA-coastal WA. These were the guys that were at the Hebo Lake NF campground, sunning selves on the free firewood pile, which I had all to myself. People are funny. Peace, emb
Debbe 😉 For some reason, I always found this one touching when I was young. Not this version of it, of course…I’m not *that* young.
Sand and Ghost, being one of those patients (twice) was not that bad except when they first stick needles in your skull. After that it is strange because you can tell what they’re doing although it doesn’t hurt. It is funny when they do it on a tv show like ER because it is nothing like what they show.
It is creepy that someone with a remote control can make your body do things beyond your control. I can sympathize with someone who has had a stroke.
Thanks for the pictures
Keep washing your hands if you have a cold – don’t spread them around your
body, since you have invasion points in your body’s armor.
Gentle Hugs
Good morning Villagers….
To quote Indiana Jones “I hate snakes.” 🙂 Love the emerald green one though, the color that is.
Jackie’s home, and Old Bear has given good advice…..and be careful, remember you just had major surgery and it’ll take a while for the old Jackie to bounce back. Don’t over due anything. That’s what you are paying your minions for.
I was on my insurance web site, on my account, noticed a little envelope in the upper right hand corner…ah ha, I thought….so I pounded out an email, got one back….are you ready…they said they would be in touch with me. hahahahahahaha, I’m going nuts over this bs.
Mark, thanks for looking up the lip balm, there is a Rural King on the south side of Jasper, but we will be making our usual trek into True Value today….on paydays we go shopping and spend the Boss’s $….maybe, just maybe we’ll venture outside our routine and go to Rural King….I sure do want to get that balm for the Boss…..
ya’ll have a blessed day…..
GR 😉 loved the claymation….and of course Mr. Seger……and no, it’s not another TSO…..
I wonder what key she is singing in…….
Been there, done that…
You should come out to Salt Lake City! We have a Comic Con and a FanX.
If you’re in New England, I need to know it. I remember that you thought you would get here in the Book Tour. Now you’re coming, and, wisely, in the summer. Let us know and we’ll put you up and give you many strip possibilities!