A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Safety in Slumbers

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I’m going to be trying something different next year. I’m going to attend a few carefully chosen “comic cons,” or comics conventions. I’m already booked into the Vermont Comic Con in Burlington, Vermont, next August. I might be in Boston a couple of weeks before that. That’s right. I’m finally going to make it to New England. It’s been a long long time since I was there last, and I’m looking forward to it. I hope to make a half dozen or so such events in 2016, so check back on that. There was a time when a cartoonist such as myself could lock himself in the spare room and make a decent living. That day is coming to an end. Marketing and promotion will be the new reality. I’ve never been strong in those areas, but I’m willing, even eager, to learn. I am looking forward to embracing my readers in person. Well, handshakes all around, at least.

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Thursday’s Child

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98 responses to “Safety in Slumbers”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Mark, I get the reasoning (patient safety), but it still puzzles me that, if there are documented serious problems, some hospitals strictly prohibit what others don’t seem to blink an eye at. And as far as cell phone cameras and HIPAA, I don’t think most hospitals apply that to visitors. Not that I blame them…I certainly wouldn’t want to be the one to tell a new grandparent he or she couldn’t take photos of their progeny’s progeny.

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 I guess I need some of this guy’s enthusiasm. And doncha just know he was the biggest nerd in high school, and now he’s rich and semi-famous.


  3. TruckerRon Avatar

    Hey, all us high school band/orchestra players were a close-knit group in Memphis in 1971. Most of us quit playing long ago, a few made it big (university posts and professional orchestras), and I’m among those who play with community groups that’ll have us. None of us were jocks, a few went into the military (and a few even played in military bands), and some are doctors. We even can claim (reluctantly) a lawyer or two.

    The one thing none of us were in high school was popular with the nonmusical folk. But we had more fun on our tours than they’d ever guess!

  4. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Just realized today is my husband’s 63rd birthday….I’ll leave him a note as I leave the house. So much going on now, prepping the hen house for the new ‘chicks’, and I’m going in Saturday to clean my packing room…so much for a couple of days off.

    And it’s going to rain the first of next week…arrrgghhhh. The hen house looks sterile, and will be when the ‘bomb’ is dropped Sunday…nothing lives or leaves when that is done. Then by the time they get all the chicks in, the place is trashed, mud, poop, feathers everywhere.

    Then I’m still trying to get in touch with the ACA’s Marketplace….arrgghhhh!!!!!

    Glad to read that Jackie is using profanity……good sign she is going into full recovery 🙂

    ya’ll have a blessed day

  5. Debbe Avatar

    Old Bear…..going to call Rachael at TV and see if she can order it…if not I’ll give you Regal Mills address, we don’t have a mail box at the hen house and all mail goes to The Boss’s Mill. I want to get that lip balm for him….hehehehe. Thanks, you’re a jewel.

  6. Debbe Avatar

    Oh, and The Boss did hand out a compliment to Marleen (she’s 67) and me….he called to check on us, find out production (192 cases)…..told him we’re fine, just us two old ladies here…..he added “and the ones I faith in”. 🙂

  7. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 the cello was different, looked cold, and he was still smiling!!! You may enjoy this version……


  8. Jeff from Shelby Twp MI Avatar
    Jeff from Shelby Twp MI

    I didn’t know comic cons had daily strip artists too. I thought they were all DC/Marvel type comix and movie fans. I always enjoy the pictures from these events. Some of the costumes are excellent.

  9. billinbossier Avatar

    JJ, if you aren’t big in Texas, you are probably unheard of, except for me, in Louisiana. However, we did actually have a comic con here, in Bossier City, a couple of years ago that was hugely successful. People were waiting in lines for hours to get in. What better way to market than to go where the people are? The local paper, Shreveport Times, did take notice of the crowd and ran a big story on it the next day.

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Debbe, I ran a Google search for that lip balm. Got one result that said Tractor Supply carried it. If you have one close by, check them.

  11. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    My step-sister designs and engineers medical equipment and for the most part, cell phones and other electronic devices no longer have any issues with their equipment. The main reason many hospitals ban them is that the people using them can be obnoxious and inattentive.

    When my sister-in-law received her Liver/Kidney transplant, the family really tried to keep the extended family informed. What they ended up using was a private Facebook page. My brother or niece only needed to post once a day and everyone could send up prayers. They did send immediate family a text the day before she died, but basically announced her death via the site. That did not sit well with some extended, extended family, but I tried to explain that this was the easiest thing for the family.

  12. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    The Thursday daily offering is the latest example of the keen Jimmy Johnson powers of observation.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    So many boxes, so little time.

  14. emb Avatar

    TIP BlogSpot: http://thatispriceless.blogspot.com/ 1. Gruesome. 2. Note the ribcages on those dogs. 3. That’s not a reindeer, Rangifer something, but a European red deer, Cervus elaphus. Peace, emb

  15. emb Avatar

    Rangifer tarandus.

  16. Ursen Avatar

    The shirts came yesterday late. Huzzah!!! I was worried about size being too small, but I have lost a whole size in the past 8 months. Even by better half likes them. Luddie to volunteer in at the Salvation Army last night, sports car today. STYLING!!! What looked like a hand written thanks on the receipt. You’re welcome.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Thought for the Day: Bureaucracy expands to meet the needs of the bureaucracy.

  18.  Avatar

    Well, I am going home a full day sooner than the earliest even suggested. The power of annoying behavior and nudity. I refused to wear the hospital gown that did nothing but rub my incisions and tangle all the wires and lines. I agreed they could put it over me like a sheet, I was not who was offended. I could walk down a street.

    So, I am still fighting the issue of healthy foods. There doesn’t seem to be a cardiac meal plan. I got a vegetarian omelette for breakfast with a half cup of cheese running out, I scraped as much cheese out as possible. A bottle of water and a green banana. I asked for a cup of vegetarian chowder and a basil chicken dish with aside of Brussel sprouts. The concept that I don’t eat potatoes and bread is foreign.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, I was told some years ago that many surgeons don’t give post-op orders for cardiac or other “special” diets unless absolutely necessary, the theory being that the body needs nutrients and energy to heal in the days immediately following surgery. I’m not sure if that was true, but if so, it may explain your difficulty in getting the foods you want.

    They making you wear your sports bra so your boobs don’t pull your incisions open? 😉 Or is that just for when you get up?

  20. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Watching yulethe big screen log burning on big screen. Eating a plate of: cheese, sausage, and crackers. All while working.

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Don’t over do it, sand.

  22. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    It is strain GR6, but I am willing to go the extra distance for the future of the little children.

  23. sandcastlerâ„¢ Avatar

    Reality intrudes, cat heaving a lovely hairball. Nothing like a crackling fire, Christmas music, and a kitty hacking to say late December joy.

  24. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “You know, for the kids.”


    … and for the kettehs.