The beach forays without question are one of the more enduring shticks within Arlo & Janis, and they have made a huge impact on the strip itself as even the casual reader can recognize. As you see in this strip from 2006, talk of relocating to the shore is nothing new. It began very early with Arlo childishly whining to an unmoved Janis about living at the beach. The discussion became much more real after their son Gene located there and began to put down serious roots. It actually, sorta, kinda is their plan, but nothing has happened yet.

Sand Castles
By Jimmy Johnson
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9 responses to “Sand Castles”
We’ve always loved visiting the Gulf Coast. But, as Arlo says– prices are high to live there. Worse, there are hurricanes. Being philosophical, I can see how some accept that risk. It seems similar to the idea that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. We have people that still live in central Texas after fleeing Katrina and her damage, though. Lots of towns along the Texas coast, like Port Aransas, are still trying to recover from Harvey. It’s a nice place to visit, but I don’t think I could live there. I’m a fair-weather tourist, I guess.
Today’s strip reminded me of the end of my Freshman year of college and my roommate’s Dad rented a trailer. He tried to back it into our driveway and then my roommate tried. No success. My Mom came out and asked if she could try. Having grown up on a farm and lived on a farm in the early years of marriage, she backed it in like a professional truck driver. I told the guys,
“Don’t feel bad she’s had more experience.
I’ve done many things in my life, but my trailer pulling/maneuvering experience is rather limited. (Think “none”.) That may change drastically, as Jackie has plans to sell and deliver some sailboats.
Totally Awesome Truck seems to have come with some type of trailer-backing assistance option. I should probably investigate that. It couldn’t be any harder than shooting an instrument approach down to meteorological minimums, could it? Could it?
It’s worth noting that Arlo’s sailboat obsession was always one of those “nice to think about, but not seriously” dreams, until they were given Gus’s old sailboat and had to deal with it in reality.
As the saying goes, the two happiest days in a boat owner’s life is when the buy the boat, and when they sell the boat. Or as Spock one said, “After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but is often true.”
It was also a lot easier to tell jokes about Arlo daydreaming about sailing, compared to actually doing it!
Here, if the link works, are the little owlets from owlceanside. There were five this year, but the youngest died 2 days ago from causes unknown to me. At the behest of the owner/operator, the parents are called Mel & Syd, no matter which pair shows up each year. There have been several different pairs in the ca. 7 years I have watched. Most young raised to adulthood was 6; the current 4 ought to make it easily, given the plethora of food animals apparently available. One assumes that a marauder does not get in and maul a youngster or two, as happened a few years back.
Neat! Thanks, cxp!
Old Bear, how is Mama? Ghost, how is Jackie?
TR have you been able to see the universe, lately?
We still have rain. Add Arlo being sensible… baking cookies pushed chores to the curb. (At least for now )Fresh chocolate chip cookies are ready for the taking, if anyone is close by. 🙂
take care of each other, folks!
My wife and I went to the Great Basin NP star party last Friday night and returned to the site on Saturday with our own telescope. The sky, what we could see of it between the clouds, was magnificent (60% covered Friday, 70% Saturday). As for the site itself, it was in the parking lot of the Lehman Caves Visitor Center, which they prep for the event by putting red lenses on all the outdoor lights and putting amber ones in the bathrooms which are open every night. It’s hard to imagine a better place to go… except we didn’t plan far enough ahead and ended up staying in Ely NV, some 60+ miles away from the park entrance. The commute was long.
We already have a reservation for their big event, the Great Basin Astronomy Festival in September (26 – 28), at a motel in Baker NV (town at the park entrance) so we’ll just be about 5 miles from it.
The young barn owls are Hermione, Harry, Myrtle, & Hedwig, ages 27, 25, 23, & 21 days, resp. How one tells them apart is beyond me. I marvel at how their presently-ugly faces become such nice visages with age!
We did it! Fourteen years ago we sort of retired, moved south to the Isle of Wight and started to relax. Just a little. The beach is a five-minute walk away, or half an hour if you go to the other beach. It was good enough for Lord Tennyson, and it’s certainly good enough for us!