(Cartoonist’s note: Just a quick update for Sunday morning. Several still are asking about making multiple pledges to receive multiple rewards. Such a nice problem, but a problem is a problem. I have sent a query to Kickstarter support (takes a day or so via email) for a definitive answer. I’ll pass it on. Meanwhile, there are a couple of ways around this. Open multiple Kickstarter accounts. That one would me more convenient for me but less so for you. Or, total up the rewards you want and send at least that much for one reward, and send me a message via Kickstarter telling me what you would like to receive. More convenient for you, less for me, but I don’t mind. I have, by the way, addressed a few other remarks in comments below. Thank you to all. We’re closing in on the goal!)
I keep saying I’ll stop by and emcee this shindig, sort of talk you through it, but it appears you’ve figured it out for yourselves! Only three full days in, and we’re at 85% of the goal. Thank you! So many have contributed already, but we’re going to keep beating the bushes. This is as good a time as any to point out the $10,000 goal is a threshold, the minimum needed for a successful campaign. It also represents the minimum we estimate will be needed to push the parsonage restoration toward a conclusion. Any of you who’ve restored an old house won’t have any problem believing that. The point, of course, is that we keep going when and if the goal is reached. It will be, in a sense, the beginning, since no money will be collected should we fall short. That’s how Kickstarter works.
As for those rewards. Technically, you’re not buying anything. You’re choosing a proffered reward for donating to our project. But you already know that. Let me tell you some things you don’t. The most popular reward by far is the new A&J book, “Arlo & Janis after Dark.” (Title subject to change.) As I write, this reward represents 44% of money pledged. Wow. Guess I have to finish it now, huh? Next is the grab-bag of original strips, representing 26% of funds raised. I can understand the T shirts and the book not being fast movers. Many of you have one of those already. I am surprised that the smaller things, like the signed “thank-you” note, aren’t doing better. You guys are big spenders! One of the frustrations of designing our Kickstarter page was the inability to show an image with each reward entered. For example, we’re offering a special-edition T shirt of this campaign that I think would move rather briskly, but I haven’t been able to show you the art yet. I’m going to figure out a good way to do this in the coming week. And there will be more and different rewards before we’re done! We’ll talk more about this tomorrow.
It’s been an astounding success so far. I’m humbled. Thanks so much for your interest. Go here: Work with Arlo & Janis
47 responses to “Sunday Morning Update”
First Post!
Seriously, JJ, keep up the good work. I wish I could contribute, but I’m on a very limited income at the wrong end of the country.
Jimmy of all.of us would share we will reach more.
I’m still hoping for some additional rewards that combine some of the current choices. For instance, I would happily sign up for an A&J sketch PLUS the new book! Either way i wish you much success with the restoration.
I heard a rumor that, for a fee, there are people on the net that will offer to do anything. I just heard a rumor. Promise. Seriously, is a Turkish civil war going to break out in Pennsylvania?
Missed my name again.
I just read that AT&T has invented a flying cow. Look it up.
Osprey nest in ME, 3 young. Both adults were on the nest, one calling, but that one just flew. expl ore again. Peace,
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/osprey-nest
Savannah [‘owls’] osprey and fish, if you hurry.
The pair of ospreys who have redecorated [and perhaps made unusable by the g. h. owls in ’17] that owl nest [which the owls stole from some other large bird], are apparently doing what ospreys who have lost a nest often do: redo nesting behavior, including copulation, but don’t lay eggs. Maybe helps to reinforce the pair bond for next year, maybe just useless behavior. Evolution often produces useless tag-alongs, as long as the system works overall. E.g., some eastern flycatcher commonly adds a shed snakeskin to its nest. I saw one of those on a Cornell Ornithology field trip in ’49 or ’50. One of the worst college courses I ever took. Invert Zo at U. Mich. was even worse. Also had some great teachers, esp. at Cornell, and at two NSF summer programs.
Suppertime: deli wrap and a Goose Island pils. Skoal. [neither word in site dictionary; they w/b.] Peace.
Calling over the goal by 10AM Sunday.
Goose Island Pils [5.1% abv (added to dict.)] is hoppier [a.t.d.] than many, just right. Peace,
I am trying to pledge again with more money so I can get the book and cartoon. Tried another $75 tonight and it would not accept. Will try in morning or tonight after I finish this glass of wine. Niagra grapes and the wine is named Don’t Give Up A Sip.
Doesn’t that sound like our noble leader named it?
Jimmy I think I have pledged an additional $120 to you, same amount I did before for total of $240. Check if you can, don’t want refund, want the strip, the book and whatever else $55 earns. Kickstarter makes it hard because it didn’t want to take more than maximum for cartoon strip.
Bear with us, we are trying to help.
Trace Adkins, one of the good guys, is having a rough time. My step-granddaughter is going to rehab, again, and still doesn’t appear to be taking it seriously. How long will it be before they start saying “Well, it’s no worse than marijuana”?
As Dan Jenkins said, “the place you have to go when you learn how to drink whiskey too good.”
Just looked at Trace Adkins schedule. My heavens, he is all over zigzagging across America and parts of Canada. It’s no wonder he drinks. I am sitting here having wine and I just went from Cicero, NY to Mansfield, Ohio.
Nice fruity estate wine. New York and Pennsylvania do nice desert whites. Lots of grape vines today. They had grapes.
Hi Jimmy,
I would also like to figure out a way to make multiple pledges to receive more that one award. It appears as though once you’ve pledged once, you can only change a pledge not make a new one. I had thought of creating a whole new profile and pretending to be someone else but that seems somehow dishonest. I would gladly increase the pledge amount.
Debbe 😉 Finally decided who Susan Tedeschi reminds me of…
Just Jay, and the others, copied from Kickstarter question page: On Kickstarter, it is only possible to pledge to each project once from a single account. Accordingly, backers can only choose one reward tier per pledge. However, you can change your pledge amount and reward selection for as long as a project is live.
Good morning Villagers….
Jimmy, praying your reach your goal today, like Sideburns, limited sources and I’m still trying to resurrect my Isuzu.
Ya’ll have a blessed Lord’s day.
gotta fold ‘scrubs’ for work today……
GR 😉 almost as good as Linda…..
those eyes……
Village I know that I donated more than once to a other friend who managed to get his book published by using Kickstarter. But it must be I used more than one account like my husband and me each separately? We used email accounts not Facebook as we were not on Facebook and we had several each.
I kept trying to raise amount last night Jimmy so either you have $120 or $240 or $360 or lord knows because I don’t. Love, Jackie Monies
I imagine that the autographed thank-you card would more popular if you had the time to personalize them a bit.
Nothing extraordinary. Writing something as simple as “Sue/Joe, thanks for your support! Jimmy” would make it even more meaningful and more of a keepsake.