I hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day weekend always means the annual meeting of the National Cartoonists Society and the bestowal of NCS awards, highlighted by the “Reuben,” given to the outstanding cartoonist of the year. At the convention in Washington, DC, this year, that supreme accolade went to Roz Chast, magazine cartoonist and humorous illustrator. The award for Best Comic Strip went to Stephan Pastis, creator of Pearls before Swine. No, I did not attend this year’s meeting, but the Reuben weekend will be in Memphis next May (Remember where you heard it first!), and I plan to be on hand for that one.

Scratching Post
By Jimmy Johnson
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This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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261 responses to “Scratching Post”
Debbe: It seems to me that the “boss man” should be investing in some new and/or better equipment. And depends on his employees to pull his irons out of the fire!
Thank you all for your birthday wishes. They are very much appreciated! But I don’t feel another year older… just another day older…
Gal, a belated Happy Birthday to you!
Thanks for the greetings, all, and Rick-it’s nice to be thought of! 🙂
Jerry, maybe there is different parking and inventory space not visible from public areas? As recently as last week the Montgomery plant seemed to be an ongoing concern. From Google:
With all the fuss about Ludwig’s destruction of furniture and his chasing of birds, one must bear in mind that he is actually a Yorkshire terrier:
Of course, this was also during the same general time that Our Humble Author conducted the infamous Hair Poll, which did result in the eventual demise of The Saucepan hairdo, but did NOT exactly usher in the era of The Retro, even though it had won the poll…
So who knows if Pogey is a flight of fancy or the actual actor behind Ludwig?
Bad news on the farm: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/05/28/post-holdings-says-35-percent-egg-supply-now-affected-by-bird-flu/?intcmp=latestnews
David, we hope that you’re keeping your head above water. The video of the flooding looks bad.
At current time Houston is under a river flood warning until 7 AM Monday.
Meg’s Eggs may be able to expand their market share. 😉
Debbe 😉 That reminds me…I’m still thinking about learning to skydive. (No wing suits, though.)
Before you can skydive, you have to do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKgKX_pQlvw
Of course, you already have Ghost.
And just for you Debbe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PENJxl-THS8
Start the day with a good laugh, and get it over with.
Good morning Villagers…
GR 😉 and Mark 🙂 thanks for the links, enjoyed all three.
Denise and Ga….it got worse. Another stinking auger came out once they put a section in on the one that was out.
My Miss Prissies will probably be going into a slight molt, they’ve missed several feedings in the past couple of days. When the feed fill system was left on that meant gear boxes were working over time. So, gears were replaced on the bad ones yesterday, but there were two factors involved here….someone left the feed system on, and someone did not check on the hen house that night like they were supposed to. Ian and Andrew. Talked with Davey about the egg production going down, and it will….he said he would take the blame…remember he’s the Boss’s ex-son-in-law. I don’t want fingers pointed just pull your heads out of your a$$, and stay with the job and get it done. My girls are hungry, even water consumption goes down when they don’t eat.
With this avian virus going around, I don’t need The Corp. coming into my hen house. I have to phone in the mortality every day before noon. I average less than 10 per day. This just started since the virus hit the poultry business. I read your line you posted too, Mark.
Glad school is out, got extra help coming in this morning. I’ve got two days’ worth of eggs laying on a bottom belt that is not pulling. Have to transfer those eggs to other moving belts.
Thank you all for letting me share the trials and tribulations of managing a hen house 🙂
Ya’ll have a blessed day
today’s grin:
Gal…you’re right about the harmony giving one chills…..sang it yesterday at work, just listened to it again, and will sing it again at work….drives Ian crazy, yesterday he quoted Jeff Bridges’ comment to the taxi driver who had the radio on in the movie “The Great Lubowski”…something about “is that the Eagles? I hate the ^%$# Eagles.”….got to watch that movie again sometime.
Debbe, that means keep the cat off Barbie cars and Roomba vacuum cleaners! 😀
We miss you, emb, and hope your computer is soon repaired.
Today’s real-time strip made me think of roadsides in rural Michigan. If something is next to an “honor” box, put money in box and take thing. If something has a sign with a number on it, walk up to door, give owner money, and take thing. If something is within six feet of the road, it’s free to whoever wants it; take thing.
GR6, we have two of the wing suit diving places in Houston, come on over.
“The award for Best Comic Strip went to Stephan Pastis, creator of Pearls before Swine.”
eh…? *yawn* I’d sooner read “Garfield.”
Debbe 😉 I’m sure most people think the hens feed themselves; the eggs pack themselves; and the poop scoops itself…if they think about it at all. We all know better.
Thanks, sand, but as the wing suit jumper probably thought to himself during the ill-fated Yosemite jump, “What’s the worst that could go wrong?” *SPLAT*
I’m thinking about asking out a deputy sheriff I met recently. She’s always armed; trained in hand-to-hand combat; and has a K-9 partner that worships the ground she walks on. What’s the worst that could go wrong?
Well, after all, Ghost Sweetie, eggs and milk both come from the supermarket, so why worry about anything else? 😉
Somehow, whenever I think of wing suit jumping this is the image that comes to mind:
Jean: Perhaps the wing suit creators got their idea from coyote!
Oh, that’s right, Jean dear. And steers are born in the meat department, sliced and packed neatly in plastic covered trays.
I once had a boss who opined that he wanted nothing to do with any “sport” that didn’t give him a second chance if something went wrong, such as skydiving, bungee jumping or SCUBA diving. He said he would happily stick with fishing…if worst came to worst, and your lure got hung up on a snag, break the line, attach another lure, and keep on fishing.
Five year old’s written response to what he will remember about his kindergarten year. “We did meth.” Progessive schooling.
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