I’m not much of a sketcher. I don’t have a lot of doodles or rough drafts lying around my office. So, what is all this junk lying around? But that’s another topic. I attribute this mainly to being a writer first and a graphic artist second. All my life I’ve had a knack for drawing, but it turned out to be a secondary talent. I marvel at the manic impulse to doodle that possesses so many of my cartooning peers. I wish I were more like that. However, every now and then, I turn out a sketch for the sake of warming up, or improving my chops, or—rarest of all—because I feel like drawing something. Anyway, I drew this one last week; I think it was a subliminal desire to be at the beach. I thought I would share it with you.

Sea Fever
By Jimmy Johnson
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290 responses to “Sea Fever”
Assuming Window OS here, Chrome is easily removed by going to to the Control Panel > Programs and Features > Google Chrome. Right click and chose Uninstall. These steps are for Windows 7 but older and newer versions have similar syntax.
I tried posting earlier today and I came to the realization that a smart phone is not the best tool for me to post from.
JJ, two phrases from your post resonated with me: “writer” and “graphic artist”. I finally realized why I enjoy Arlo & Janis so much- its literary quality. As a writer, your develop deep characters which we can connect with and empathize with; as a artist, you masterfully use a lines and shading to bring your ideas to life. Quite a far cry from the gag-a-day strips that recycle the same backgrounds. Bravo!
Don’t know if anyone saw it, since it was one of the last posts before JJ changed the retro. Composer James Horner died in the crash of his private plane today. If the name does not ring a bell, think of Titanic, Braveheart, and others.
Test. emb
I really like the retro today, too. It reminds me of time spent at Santa Rosa Beach in Pensacola when I was in Navy A-school there. And of the two years Uncle Sam gave me on Oahu. Great times. I’m with Arlo, got to watch where I’m going sometimes. Woman-watching is fun, but tripping and falling in front of a crowd is embarrassing!
Welcome back, eMb! Hope your laptop stays with the program for a long time.
Mark in TT – sad news about James Horner. He may be gone, but his music will live in our hearts.
Welcome back eMb – I enjoy your posts!
JJ- l have always enjoyed Arlo & Janis, but I have to say your art on this website (the red sports car, the cover of the book, the beach scene today) says so much without any words at all. Thank you so much for sharing.
I don’t know if you’ve ever tried congee, Ghost, but it can be pretty good. Basically it’s just rice, broth and a little bit of meat cooked slowly until the rice breaks down. Easy to make in a crock pot, and good at the end of a long, hard, cold day. Back when I worked the polls on Election Day, I generally had a pot cooking for when I got home because it’s filling, satisfying and simple. It’s a tad bland on its own, but a bit of onion and/or steak sauce picks it up very well. Mostly I used chicken broth and ground turkey, but broken up bits of breakfast sausage work well too. Frankly, the article gave me the impression that this is the Chinese version of Hooters except that it gives just as good a show to women as it does to men.
Sideburns: Yes, I noticed the English translation of the name of restaurant was “Fresh Rice”. Doesn’t have quite the same impact or conjure the same image as “Hooters”, does it? 🙂
Tread lightly White Ghost 6, lots of English double entendre in Chinese English. 😉
Ruth Anne, I had to order the Terry Pratchett book at Barnes and Noble to be shipped, there were none in Tulsa. They said it was a new release last September and would be out in paperback this September but since I was buying it as a gift, I didn’t want to wait until then.
While there I saw a quote on a book bag I loved, from Abraham Lincoln. “A friend is someone who gives me a book I have not read.”
Love, Jackie
Another vote of thanks to all of you who have posted music here for us to follow and enjoy. Because of that, my listening selections for next few months will be largely comprised of musicians, groups, bands, vocalists, all contributed by you all that I loved. I might have not known them or have forgotten about them but now I own a couple hundred CD’s to enjoy as I drive. And yes, I know CD’s are dying and I can load digital music for my van radio speakers. I have that port available. Maybe I will learn how to download music and do that as well but folks, I am just enjoying music again for first time in over twenty years and it is a joy to have back in my life.
Thank you, my friends. Love, Jackie
Jackie, I don’t recall you saying either way, but are you philosophically opposed to e-readers? I get the impression you are dragging an awful lot of printed books with you on your trip. E-readers are made for traveling.
Also, if you haven’t already, you need to look at a Spotify subscription for your smart phone/mobile devices. It will put an incredible amount of music at your fingertips while on the road without having to pack along a single CD, not to mention not needing a dedicated player to listen to it.
JJ- Glad to see you finally updated webpage. Especially with this drawing of Janis; she never filled out a top that way before.
No, I own an e-reader, as does John. I have just never learned to use it, a Nook, or load books into it. I do have some sort of morbid nostalgia for printed paper and “real” books.
Someone is going to have to drag me, a true relic of the last century into modern times. I had thought to get Mark to go shop with me and teach me how to use all this stuff I own and have no idea how to use. Then I have run out of time and Mark is in opposite direction from one I am headed into which is western U.S. for the summer. I doubt I will get far east of Mississippi River this year except when we are up in Michigan looking down on Canada.
So, unless I find a patient person in next month, I am going to try to read and follow the owners manuals and learn to use things. I am stuck in the 80’s no doubt but the joke has always been I can’t operate anything more complicated than a light switch and a wheel barrow.
Sorry Mark, you came to mind as a friendly patient tech person who wouldn’t laugh at me and go faster in explaining like I suspect others might. Not you, Ghost, or Sand, young kids who take it all for granted.
Ghost, I will try to do both, John being an engineer and architect is more erudite than I, I will take the Nook along and see about learning to use it. And the paper books. I own a lot of those already, old habits die hard.
Love, Jackie
Joedon, I just looked at drawing myself a few minutes ago and thought the same thing. My, Janis has blossomed!
Maybe someone is putting on weight. There has been less walking since Robin moved in down the block. 😉
Jackie, it is so miraculous that you are able to reconnct with the music of your heart and let it rebuild and shape your days and goals. Just how do you feel different than nine months ago in relation to the music? How have you changed? I would like very much to know.
Welcome back, emb! I hope all those gremlins, boggles, pookahs, fairies, & etc. have been reduced back to their well-disciplined zeroes and ones so necessary for human communcation.
sand, it is true that Canadians are the most joyful, grateful, practical people in this hemisphere. They can cram more summer into summer than a butcher can cram forcemeat into casings. They start earlier, end later, and include everything from yarn-bombing to beer. All that activity must produce some sighs. ;D
Or perhaps I’ll return to ;), sincee my creative attempt flopped.
If only Denise and I could have the freedom to use the full emoji family rather than the limited offering.
Jackie, I am glad you thought of me for that. As for e-readers, you can download the Nook and Kindle apps to your smartphone and use them if you don’t mind the smaller screen. They really are easy to use and the fact that you can adjust the type size and background color makes reading very pleasurable. But for gifts, you really want print since you can’t trade the e versions.
On another subject, check this page out: http://www.travelonbags.com/waterproof
They have waterproof bags for smartphones here, as well as various travel/gear bags.
Is your Nook the HD? Or one of the other models? I have the HD+, which is the larger one. I don’t know anything about the older models and now they are selling Samsung tablets with Nook installed instead of making their own.
Start here: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/nook-videos/379003523/
Mark I found box, it says Nookcolor. It has a Samsung 7 inch screen . It refers to it as a tablet and says you can send and read emails from it. I had the dang Nook reader thing this weekend and not the box. Now I found the box and cannot find the ereader!