This cartoon is from 20 years ago. I bought one of those warming trays not long ago, and it wasn’t cheap. It would make a nice gift, under the right circumstances. Actually, I wouldn’t mind getting one for Christmas, but sometimes you just have to draw a cartoon, you know? Here’s today’s Old Fogey observation: remember “Shopping Days until Christmas?” Often it would be expressed in a little graphic on the front page of the local newspaper. (Remember newspapers?) Now, what other kind of day is there?

Seasonal Temperatures
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranโs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
80 responses to “Seasonal Temperatures”
OF acting up, cold & hopeful crowd.
Debbe ๐ I’m happy to hear you got a good report from your physician, hon. (And also happy you have such a caring doc.) Seems you are doing pretty well for a “Spent Hen.” ๐
I remember you mentioning in the past you weighed 113 pounds, but I don’t remember you saying how tall you are. I remembered it because one of my all-female staff also weighs 113. She’s 63.5 inches tall, and I call her “my strong and wiry one”. The reason I know her height is that late one afternoon we got kind of silly in the office (no, alcohol was not involved), and I started trying to guess the height of all of my staff. Long story short, it ended up with all of them backing up to a door frame and having me mark their heights and write their names by them, like a bunch of kids. (Well, they are sort of like my kids.) I offered to record their other measurements as well, but they demurred.
For three years, I had summer jobs working as a desk clerk at motels. (But like you, actually as a Jack-of-all-trades.) Then when I left the AF and was getting established in aviation, I worked the registration desk night shift at a hotel; flew in the mornings; worked relief bartender in the afternoons; and partied in the evenings. (I’m sure I must have gotten some sleep sometime, but I don’t recall when.) Like every job I’ve ever had, that is one at which you learn a lot about people and human nature. Sometimes more than you’d wish.
Debbe ๐ I’ve never heard an angel sing, but if I did I’m pretty sure it would sound a lot like Alison Krauss. These folks are good, too.
Bill in P: I saw your Cuba link on FB. Really enjoyed it. Could not find subsequent strips. What am I doing wrong?
Galliglo: I simply clicked on the strip itself and the next one came up. Total of 5 or 6, I think. Peace, emb
We once had a regular visitor to the Village who, as I recall, called herself Book Woman or Book Lady; I’m pretty sure she was from Alabama. Haven’t seen her in quite a while but in case she’s still reading but not posting, here’s something I think she’ll appreciate. I just completed my 44th and LAST library inventory! One more semester to go ๐
Some of you may be familiar with the works of Dr. Jerry Pournelle. He is currently in the hospital, with details here:
“Bookworm”, I believe, Ruth Anne.
Thanks, sideburns; I had not heard about Dr. Pournelle. (I’m a fan.)
Galliglo in Ohio – when Jimmy had the “old style” blog you had to click on the comic strip to advance, this still works in my browser, hopefully yours too! When you click on the last strip of a post (I think there are 17-18 in this particular arc), it takes you back to one of Jimmy’s text pages where he posts other links, makes observations, etc. Fun reads.
Bill, you beat me to it. Was going to explain how to get to next strip.
Thank you, everyone! I wasn’t a visitor in the “old” days. Now I can see more of A & J!
Bryan – YOU keep the snow. I don’t want it. Also, a friend and coworker is currently AWOL. She’s not been seen in over 11 hours. I’ve checked hospitals and jail. Nothing. Keep your fingers crossed.
Gah! Forgot I had to reset this stupid tablet today too. That was me above.
Thanks, Ghost – I think that was the name she used here. I had first “met” her through a library-related blog where she called herself Booklady. A statement she made at the end of an online workshop that we both did has stuck with me: “Although not a web native, I do now feel like I am a naturalized citizen, no longer an alien.”
That’s why I was spreading the word, Ghost. He’s not only an author and computer columnist I enjoy reading, he’s a friend of mine. If you look through the pages of comments, you’ll find me there under my real name.
Gal, Bookworm or Booklady, she had some interesting observations to offer. I miss her comments. I hope we weren’t too raucous or uncouth for her.
Oops! And another lesson learned.
Mark in TTown, interesting and kind of horrifying story on the plumbers’ truck. Never in a million years would I imagine such a thing could happen!
Trapper Jean, Your latest posts are so friendly and interesting — I love your writing and your attitude. Guessing your car is some shade of blue (my favorite color too.) An Excursion is an SUV, isn’t it?
Debbe, I loved reading about your visit to your ever-so-nice doctor. Glad to hear about the good parts of your checkup.
Looks like Jackie may have taken off again in a hurry … hoping so much that all is well.
Jean dear, Excursions didn’t come in all that many colors. Toreador Red Metallic?
If yours were black, you’d probably look like a SWAT team or Secret Service detail coming down the highway. Wouldn’t have to worry much about carjackers.
Ref 12-18-14: If Shrimp has a classmate named “Ladner”, I have a pretty good idea where she goes to school. And I’ll bet Jackie does, too.
โOnly 7 More Shopping Days until Christmasโ
Good morning Villagers….
Yesterday was my husband’s 62nd birthday. And he smoked a roll of pork loin, (smoked, pulled pork) and all the other trimmings. A good friend and nephews were in attendance. A good time was had by all. I practiced “responsible decadence” as I do have to work ๐
Jean…I don’t know, how about silver? My Izuzu is silver…..
…and Indy Mindy I am ready for some snow…got new tires and my Izuzu is 4 wheel drive…bring it on…..
Miss Charlotte, my doctor is also a ‘cat woman’. She is a very caring doctor and listens attentively.
GR ๐ I’m tiny but mighty. I, at one time stood almost 5’7″….but like I said several months ago, I think I’ve lost height, as my favorite sundress needs to be taken up at the shoulders a couple of inches. I figure I’m about 5’51/2′, and yes, I know I’m underweight. They say for every inch you are over 5 ft, you should weigh 5 lbs for each inch….so yes, my doctor does show concern over my weight. I don’t like it when people make remarks about my weight, I tell them “I’m tiny, but mighty….wanna feel my biceps?”
GR, had never heard of the group “Civil War”, but they did an excellent job on one of my favorite Christmas hymns….I noticed also Enya was posted on the right….so here is her version:
And, the stinking auger they worked on all day Monday came out like a serpent yesterday. They FINALLY replaced all 1200 feet… took them until six to get it all replaced, so my hens missed 4 feedings. I don’t know why, but if the first unit’s feeding systems isn’t working, the rest of the units can’t pull in the feed…so all 5 units’ bottom feeding troughs didn’t get feed in them yesterday.
And it’s off to work I go…………………………
ya’ll have a blessed day
Miss Charlotte….I’m like you, Jackie mentioned leaving and she had to pack….hope she remembered her “plug-in’ for her computer. I really admire that woman, taking care of her mother and husband, plus her pets, and her genuine concern for her employees.